Premonitions, Callings, Intuition, Gut Feelings

HI FILLY!!! :m129:

Come to join your own kind I see. INTJ forum getting a bit boring for yah?
I get this while daydreaming (which I do a lot). More often than not, my daydreams revolve around symbolic words and images that somehow synthesize into a new layer of seamless understanding. It's a very stream-of-consciousness experience, literally a flowing river of symbolisms that is kind of like this, if you look at the center as where everything joins together:

It's like looking at an entire universe from a third-person POV and seeing everything interacting at the same time, understanding how every little piece fits. It's made me question my sanity a few times: "How do I know I'm not just superimposing my perceived reality-model onto the real world and substituting?" These doubts are usually banished when the time comes to test my understanding; although, when it fails, the entire perceptual model breaks apart. I can only assume this is raw, focused Ni. This happens when dreaming regularly as well, but I daydream more than I sleep.

I get premonitions about people sometimes, not very often though. I remember feeling a sudden reality-shift around someone a few years ago that was accompanied by an overwhelming sense of repulsion and disgust. I didn't understand it at the time, but followed the urge; turns out that someone was a sociopath. Very strange, very helpful, and a completely disturbing process.
[MENTION=4108]Radiant Shadow[/MENTION],

"symbolic words and images that somehow synthesize into a new layer of seamless understanding. It's a very stream-of-consciousness experience, literally a flowing river of symbolisms" That is marvelously said, I get a whole host of visual images from that description - wonderful!

I usually see signs on people as soon as they walk in a room. That sounds a little weird, but it's as if they are wearing a sign that says "WATCH OUT" or "no worries here", etc. It's just a feeling but I guess I attach visuals to them. When I can't access those signs then there is usually something out of my awareness that I need to address. Sometimes my inner voice, guide, spirit, whatever you want to call it, will literally scream, "stay away from that person", other times I will hear "be careful around this person". Then even if I'm not getting a clear feeling/picture something is still warning me.

In retrospect, the times that I have not listened to these I have almost always regretted it. This usually happens when I am attached to a particular outcome and blinded by my own desires so to speak - blinded by my own human-ness :embarassed:
I am new to this forum and just found out about types by taking the MBTI, yesterday and that i was INFJ and i am fascinated by this discussion, because i have this inner intuition that gives me wisdomand i had assumed it was a guardian angel sent by God himself to reply to my many prayers to him named Eve. I at first wondered if this was real but i have always loved God and now she sort of seems like a protector that helps even as i gain strength and peace and wisdom from God, but this is the first time i have ever mentioned this to anyone, i am perfectly sane yet my deep spiritual connection to God caused her to reveal herself as my guatdian angel. It is sooo fascinating bur im afraid i would be mocked to publicly mention this.
Glad to hear you find this interesting. I've always felt it was a sort of guardian angel too. Then I was told about spirit guides. I still don't really know what it is but I am learning to trust it more and more. Hmm, yours has a name. Mine was always just the man in the black suit. I can't help but be curious about who he was/is. I may never know though. That's okay, but I still wonder. Welcome to the forum.
Good to meet you, this psychology and philosophy is soo fascinating and i heard INFJ is only a percent of the population so it is fascinating to know that our type is famous for being the dreamers and seers and prophets and heroes like in the stories i always read and histories i loved to study
I've had prophetic dreams on rare occasion, for example months or years later I'd realize "Hey... Didn't I have a dream about this place/person/thing/event before?"
For Callings, over the years I've developed this sort of feeling of being nagged for something, like there's something inside of me that wants to fully awaken, or to tell me something, but I haven't found it or come to realization yet.
One of the reasons I came to the INFJ forum, is because my intuition is...well it's getting uncomfortable. For example, as a nurse, I've saved many lives, especially in the last couple of years, of patients, even a family member, because I have felt their physical symptoms, or heard a something, not a voice, but a tap, or shake, or sometimes almost panic like attacks, when they are going into respiratory arrest, or distressed. Often, these are people in different parts of my unit, or when family, in another town even, or patients who I haven't even seen, or met. And I go running when I get the message. Or, try explaining to an anaesthetist, that a young healthy patient who had surgery on her ear is faint, and dizzy, not because of the anaesthetic, or her surgery, but because she is going shoky with a full bladder, that she can't feel, so why in the world would I think that? When he leaves, I catheterize her for 3litres (massive amount), and she's all better. Logic never in a million years could explain that, but it happens all the time with me.
It's a daily, hourly, even minute by minute thing now. I don't even need to think, I just coast. O.k. So I've accepted, that it's just the reality for me. It's a blessing for those who call, but what disturbs me, is how sensitive I am to people's energy, especially when I touch them. I've come to rely on it so much now, I'm sickened when something actually surprises me, and worse, logic could have predicted it, but Thinking is not my primary function, and it frustrates me! It's a "How could I have missed that", moment! The nerve. There's a certain degree of paranoia that goes along with it, because I can feel when I'm a person of interest to someone else, and I can feel their intensity. It frightens me. The only solution I can think of, is accept it, and develop my third and forth functions. How? Maybe hang out with more ISTP's? I don't know.

I'm not that familiar with MBTI other than being INFJ. I've had to not so much turn my intuition off at times, but make a conscious decision to not utilize it with certain adults. I can certainly understand how this would be really difficult as a nurse cause so much empathy and compassion come into play in your profession, and I'm sure after years of being a nurse you've probably honed the skill you speak of to help you with your job.

I work with kids in a variety of settings. I use my intuition with the kids I work with. It can be very draining after awhile cause all kids need something, no matter how well adjusted. I'm so in tune with them it's hard for me to not pick up on all the subtle cues cause subtle cues to me are like loud screams. But subtle cues from 30 kids can be overloading to my senses. I've made decisions in my profession that revolve around my intuition; for the kids, the parents, and myself. This includes limiting how, when and where I utilize my intuition cause I can burn out and become ill from too much use.

It's like being a well from which people draw water. If too many people draw water from the same well it will eventually dry up. I've had to come to terms with the fact that I can't help every kid, but I can certainly help some of them. It's hard but it's how I maintain my own health. I also take on short term positions as opposed to long term positions. This way I have lots of time in between to refuel and I have more to give when I'm giving. In other words, I've had to adjust my profession around my intuition. It was hard and I didn't really want to do it but it ended up being the best thing for me. If you find something that works please come back and tell me cause I'm open to any kind of suggestions about this.
One of the reasons I came to the INFJ forum, is because my intuition is...well it's getting uncomfortable. For example, as a nurse, I've saved many lives, especially in the last couple of years, of patients, even a family member, because I have felt their physical symptoms, or heard a something, not a voice, but a tap, or shake, or sometimes almost panic like attacks, when they are going into respiratory arrest, or distressed. Often, these are people in different parts of my unit, or when family, in another town even, or patients who I haven't even seen, or met. And I go running when I get the message. Or, try explaining to an anaesthetist, that a young healthy patient who had surgery on her ear is faint, and dizzy, not because of the anaesthetic, or her surgery, but because she is going shoky with a full bladder, that she can't feel, so why in the world would I think that? When he leaves, I catheterize her for 3litres (massive amount), and she's all better. Logic never in a million years could explain that, but it happens all the time with me.
It's a daily, hourly, even minute by minute thing now. I don't even need to think, I just coast. O.k. So I've accepted, that it's just the reality for me. It's a blessing for those who call, but what disturbs me, is how sensitive I am to people's energy, especially when I touch them. I've come to rely on it so much now, I'm sickened when something actually surprises me, and worse, logic could have predicted it, but Thinking is not my primary function, and it frustrates me! It's a "How could I have missed that", moment! The nerve. There's a certain degree of paranoia that goes along with it, because I can feel when I'm a person of interest to someone else, and I can feel their intensity. It frightens me. The only solution I can think of, is accept it, and develop my third and forth functions. How? Maybe hang out with more ISTP's? I don't know.

Don't be frightened of your gift. You are not alone as there are many others out there around the globe that are very familiar with your abilities and do not in any way think you are weird.

For example there is a medicineless hospital in China that combines the knowledge of the body from Western medicine with Eastern philosophies of healing. I saw a video by Greg Braden who showed a healing video at this hospital. I don't doubt it's veracity at all because I have a good understanding of the connective-ness of the Energy that permeates every thing. Another reason their healing rate is so high at the hospital is due to the number of people who were healed and continue to volunteer there. The unconditional love within them was activated from their own healing experience and they pour it through them in the efforts to heal others.

For you personally - I suggest you talk with [MENTION=2873]Serenity[/MENTION] about this. She also has had similar experiences during her recent internship training before she goes to medical school.

I also suggest you learn about and begin to practice Mindfulness. I don't have your particular gift for healing bodies - but I do have the ability to discern people's mental emotional states. I would often find myself overwhelmed by their emotions and my body would start shaking and have other effects. Practicing Mindfulness helped me learn how to take care of myself and it has allowed me to move among people with greater ease. Which has allowed me to love people more freely and help them ease their fears.

For all of you here on this thread:

When you have time - find some videos of Greg Braden, Bruce Lipton, Rupert Sheldrake, and watch the movie "What The Bleep Do We Know". Also there is much information at The Heart Math Institute that provides pieces of the puzzle of our Intuition.
It is way too much for me to try and present all at one time to you.

But I will say this:

Every thing is Energy. Every. Thing. Is. Energy.

Consciousness is Energy.
Your Conscious is Energy
You are Energy
You are Life
Life is Energy

You exist throughout all space and time into infinity...both past and future.

You are me. I am you.

We do not die.

All of us view our world through our own lense - our framework of understanding - our filters - our own paradigm.

For example: If one believes in God and angels - then whenever your veil of illusion drops away and you experience the Divine Consciousness of Energy - your mind will filter that experience through your framework of understanding. You will see the face of God and Angels will come be your guide.
Another may have have been taught to believe in spirit animals and their ancestors. Whenever their veil of illusion drops away their mind will present the experience to them in the form of indigenous animals and Father Sun and Earth Mother.
Others may see Aliens.
Still yet others may see Saints, Shakti, Buddha, or Christ.

All are correct. All are the same.

I tell you this because I don't want you guys to feel strange or weird or be scared of your experiences.

imho - you are incredibly important to the future.

I wish you peace.
[MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION] [MENTION=4956]Asarya[/MENTION] [MENTION=2873]Serenity[/MENTION] [MENTION=2259]Kmal[/MENTION]
One of the reasons I came to the INFJ forum, is because my intuition is...well it's getting uncomfortable. For example, as a nurse, I've saved many lives, especially in the last couple of years, of patients, even a family member, because I have felt their physical symptoms, or heard a something, not a voice, but a tap, or shake, or sometimes almost panic like attacks, when they are going into respiratory arrest, or distressed. Often, these are people in different parts of my unit, or when family, in another town even, or patients who I haven't even seen, or met. And I go running when I get the message. Or, try explaining to an anaesthetist, that a young healthy patient who had surgery on her ear is faint, and dizzy, not because of the anaesthetic, or her surgery, but because she is going shoky with a full bladder, that she can't feel, so why in the world would I think that? When he leaves, I catheterize her for 3litres (massive amount), and she's all better. Logic never in a million years could explain that, but it happens all the time with me.
It's a daily, hourly, even minute by minute thing now. I don't even need to think, I just coast. O.k. So I've accepted, that it's just the reality for me. It's a blessing for those who call, but what disturbs me, is how sensitive I am to people's energy, especially when I touch them. I've come to rely on it so much now, I'm sickened when something actually surprises me, and worse, logic could have predicted it, but Thinking is not my primary function, and it frustrates me! It's a "How could I have missed that", moment! The nerve. There's a certain degree of paranoia that goes along with it, because I can feel when I'm a person of interest to someone else, and I can feel their intensity. It frightens me. The only solution I can think of, is accept it, and develop my third and forth functions. How? Maybe hang out with more ISTP's? I don't know.

Perhaps, you might be what one would call a Medical intuitive.

As someone who is also hypersensitive to the energies of others, let me suggest you learn to shield yourself, so that you are not overwhelmed by the energies of others and so your intuitive "pipes" don't get clogged up by the random emotions of others that pass you by. This can be done by visualizing a bubble of bright light surrounding your being and encasing you, protecting your energy from being gobbled up and giving you some peace of mind.

I also get super frustrated when I could've prevented/clarified something by listening to what my intuition was telling me. For instance, when I am doing Reiki on someone, I can get some of the most bizarre, random images/thoughts/and feelings, all of which are correct, but sometimes I start thinking that what I am seeing is too ridiculous to be true...and then I get frustrated when it is.../hate uncertainty. So basically, when I see/hear/feel things, I just tell people if they are open to hearing it.

Generally, in these kind of situations, the best thing you can do is not to lay judgement of any kind on what you are experiencing, for that clouds what you are truly seeing/need to know.

If you want to talk about this more, feel free to PM me.
Perhaps, you might be what one would call a Medical intuitive.

As someone who is also hypersensitive to the energies of others, let me suggest you learn to shield yourself, so that you are not overwhelmed by the energies of others and so your intuitive "pipes" don't get clogged up by the random emotions of others that pass you by. This can be done by visualizing a bubble of bright light surrounding your being and encasing you, protecting your energy from being gobbled up and giving you some peace of mind.

I also get super frustrated when I could've prevented/clarified something by listening to what my intuition was telling me. For instance, when I am doing Reiki on someone, I can get some of the most bizarre, random images/thoughts/and feelings, all of which are correct, but sometimes I start thinking that what I am seeing is too ridiculous to be true...and then I get frustrated when it is.../hate uncertainty. So basically, when I see/hear/feel things, I just tell people if they are open to hearing it.

Generally, in these kind of situations, the best thing you can do is not to lay judgement of any kind on what you are experiencing, for that clouds what you are truly seeing/need to know.

If you want to talk about this more, feel free to PM me.

Thankyou for writing. That bubble that you speak of. I wish I could do that independently. I've got this thing with willow trees (here's some Jungian stuff). It's an association I have from my grandmothers farm. I would play under the canopy of the willow, and it felt like...home. My willow shielded, and cleansed me. I also spent much of my childhood in trees. Linden's, oaks, maple...Now, the only way I can shield myself is either, touch an old tree (willow in particular, the older the tree, the less the need to touch it,) or a rare person with a soul that feels like my trees. I can focus on their canopy, otherwise I can't help but feel barricaded by a feeling not unlike being in a concert hall, with 15 different concerts going on at once. Too much "sound" from others. I'm fairly advanced at meditation, and so tried to turn myself into the willow tree, and create my own canopy, but it just doesn't work. I need that other soul to feel. I don't need to talk to them, just be near them (like at least within 4-6 feet). My tree people, and my trees, are sacred to me.
I can "shield" myself in one on one situations or in very small groups of people. But in professional situations where I have to be around a lot of people I have a difficult time maintaining that "shield". Hence the professional choices I made. [MENTION=5530]Zebraf301[/MENTION] your tree people sound interesting - I love the metaphor. When I think of trees I think of deep roots, people that are very grounded. I'm imagining myself growing roots deep into the ground like a tree. That one works for me, maybe not as a "shield" but definitely as a grounding tool. Thanks for sharing your tree people story.
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Yeah. I get this all the time. Usually it's like 'Fetch some whisky! Pounce on that cute girl! Go get a sammich! Buy more whissskkky!'

But mostly with the whisky.
Yes i experience this feeling. i become totally overwhelmed, not in the sense of "this is all too much!" but in the sense that my consciousness is consumed with an experience of knowingness.

usually theres a component thats an illusory sensory component. its like this. once i went on a ski holiday to canada and i had the time of my life. years later i took the bag that i took to canada out of my wardrobe, and inside was a particular lip balm. i put it on and the smell of it filled up my mouth and nose and other oral/respiratory cavities. for a second i felt that i was on a ski lift in canada, and i could feel the clothes i was wearing and the cold wind and the weight of my ski boots, all of it came back as though i was there. ive heard that olfactory memories are the strongest, and this is what a strong intuition is like for me. theres an actual transportational sensory component to it, like im in another place at another time. it is a "vision".

in the most powerful instance i ever experienced i was a ballerina and i was dancing in a theatre. i felt everything about it, i felt my muscles, my shoes, my stockings, my costume, my hair, the other dancers, my breath, my toes and feet, and of course the audience. im never going to be able to forget that, because the experience of it was as real as if i actually did experience it. im not going to be able to forget it because in the experience, i felt that being a ballerina was something that i was intended to do, and i was fulfilling my purpose - the real life equivalent would be something that if i did it i would think "my dreams have now come true". obviously the vision doesnt mean that im going to be a ballerina, because im a 30 year old man with no sense of physical movement or bodily grace in any thing i do. but having felt this intuition "vision" does mean something specific to me.

sometimes its a piece of music happening in my head, that i feel as strongly as if i was actually hearing the music.

at other times, its just a sense of sharp knowing, like as if i smelled something unmistakable.

i cant ignore it. i have to follow it. nothing else feels like it. it is bliss! i have to follow it, because it tells me what im meant to do in life. because its an impulse that comes from deep inside me, and it knows me better than anything, and it knows what is right for me, and what directions i have to take. if i dont do those things that it says i have to do, my purpose is wasted.
There are two ideas to this I have. One, I've hyperanalyzed this, and its now defined as deduction. Two, I don't do this. Actually, I did do something quite similar a long time ago. That was during the phase where I tended towards spiritualistic belief based ideas. Now at the time, I postulated that they worked off the basis of placebo, and as such, I stopped using it. It is much more effecient to deal with your problems consciously rather than to deal with them in terms mysticism. For example, don't pray to the math gods that you'd succeed this test, rather go out and do what you need to do to do better. However, faith is important long term. To have no faith is to become the pessimist. Now there are people who are naturally this way, but I rather stay optimistic.

[MENTION=1814]invisible[/MENTION]I do love music for the same reason, but I'd classify that as an intense outburst of feeling.
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