One of the reasons I came to the INFJ forum, is because my intuition is...well it's getting uncomfortable. For example, as a nurse, I've saved many lives, especially in the last couple of years, of patients, even a family member, because I have felt their physical symptoms, or heard a something, not a voice, but a tap, or shake, or sometimes almost panic like attacks, when they are going into respiratory arrest, or distressed. Often, these are people in different parts of my unit, or when family, in another town even, or patients who I haven't even seen, or met. And I go running when I get the message. Or, try explaining to an anaesthetist, that a young healthy patient who had surgery on her ear is faint, and dizzy, not because of the anaesthetic, or her surgery, but because she is going shoky with a full bladder, that she can't feel, so why in the world would I think that? When he leaves, I catheterize her for 3litres (massive amount), and she's all better. Logic never in a million years could explain that, but it happens all the time with me.
It's a daily, hourly, even minute by minute thing now. I don't even need to think, I just coast. O.k. So I've accepted, that it's just the reality for me. It's a blessing for those who call, but what disturbs me, is how sensitive I am to people's energy, especially when I touch them. I've come to rely on it so much now, I'm sickened when something actually surprises me, and worse, logic could have predicted it, but Thinking is not my primary function, and it frustrates me! It's a "How could I have missed that", moment! The nerve. There's a certain degree of paranoia that goes along with it, because I can feel when I'm a person of interest to someone else, and I can feel their intensity. It frightens me. The only solution I can think of, is accept it, and develop my third and forth functions. How? Maybe hang out with more ISTP's? I don't know.
One of the reasons I came to the INFJ forum, is because my intuition is...well it's getting uncomfortable. For example, as a nurse, I've saved many lives, especially in the last couple of years, of patients, even a family member, because I have felt their physical symptoms, or heard a something, not a voice, but a tap, or shake, or sometimes almost panic like attacks, when they are going into respiratory arrest, or distressed. Often, these are people in different parts of my unit, or when family, in another town even, or patients who I haven't even seen, or met. And I go running when I get the message. Or, try explaining to an anaesthetist, that a young healthy patient who had surgery on her ear is faint, and dizzy, not because of the anaesthetic, or her surgery, but because she is going shoky with a full bladder, that she can't feel, so why in the world would I think that? When he leaves, I catheterize her for 3litres (massive amount), and she's all better. Logic never in a million years could explain that, but it happens all the time with me.
It's a daily, hourly, even minute by minute thing now. I don't even need to think, I just coast. O.k. So I've accepted, that it's just the reality for me. It's a blessing for those who call, but what disturbs me, is how sensitive I am to people's energy, especially when I touch them. I've come to rely on it so much now, I'm sickened when something actually surprises me, and worse, logic could have predicted it, but Thinking is not my primary function, and it frustrates me! It's a "How could I have missed that", moment! The nerve. There's a certain degree of paranoia that goes along with it, because I can feel when I'm a person of interest to someone else, and I can feel their intensity. It frightens me. The only solution I can think of, is accept it, and develop my third and forth functions. How? Maybe hang out with more ISTP's? I don't know.
Perhaps, you might be what one would call a Medical intuitive.
As someone who is also hypersensitive to the energies of others, let me suggest you learn to shield yourself, so that you are not overwhelmed by the energies of others and so your intuitive "pipes" don't get clogged up by the random emotions of others that pass you by. This can be done by visualizing a bubble of bright light surrounding your being and encasing you, protecting your energy from being gobbled up and giving you some peace of mind.
I also get super frustrated when I could've prevented/clarified something by listening to what my intuition was telling me. For instance, when I am doing Reiki on someone, I can get some of the most bizarre, random images/thoughts/and feelings, all of which are correct, but sometimes I start thinking that what I am seeing is too ridiculous to be true...and then I get frustrated when it is.../hate uncertainty. So basically, when I see/hear/feel things, I just tell people if they are open to hearing it.
Generally, in these kind of situations, the best thing you can do is not to lay judgement of any kind on what you are experiencing, for that clouds what you are truly seeing/need to know.
If you want to talk about this more, feel free to PM me.