President Donald Trump

4 month's ago I went into one of the top rated neurologists office in Northern Virginia. We have top rated physicians here because of our proximity to D.C. Some of my insurance information had changed so I had to fill out a little paper work associated with that. On the paperwork when talking about government healthcare they did not refer to it as the ACA. The ACA was never mentioned in abbreviation nor in its full length. Clearly printed was, "ObamaCare". Please stop with ACA. No one knows what that is. The medical community has no love for ObamaCare. Not a single Republican signed off on it because they knew it was crap out of the gate.

As for getting a taste of something and not wanting to let go. Doesn't require a big explanation. Give me a Ferrari for a while and then tell me I have to give it back and drive a Prius? I'll opt for the Ferrari every time no question. Tell me though I can only keep the Ferrari if I kill the future generations of my family and I opt out. But see, most greedy people still wouldn't opt out. Which is why that side of the aisle loves things they dont have to pay for and is more then willing to let others pay for. Even if it's their own children. Because really, as was predicted Obamacares cost sky rocketed. It was never stable and never was going to be. If it's not repealed by this administration it will fall apart on it's own. Yet again the GOP has to step in to fix things.
It's the Affordable Care Act. That is so odd that they have it listed that way. I don't know what you are talking about--'That side of the aisle loves things they don't have to pay for.' Bullshit, and deep down, you have to know that. I'd rather pay my share in taxes to implement healthcare for EVERYONE than to see it go to the military--the most well-funded in the world, or putting up a wall on the border, or giving more tax breaks to the wealthy and corporations... It's not about getting shit for free. It's about seeing our taxes go toward things that benefit citizens, like education and healthcare.. we may disagree on what our taxes are used for, but no one is asking for anything for free.

Why would anyone opt out of heath coverage that is potentially life saving/sustaining??? That is not greedy.... Healthcare isn't a luxury..
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It's the Affordable Care Act. That is so odd that they have it listed that way. I don't know what you are talking about--'That side of the aisle loves things they don't have to pay for.' Bullshit, and deep down, you have to know that. I'd rather pay my share in taxes to implement healthcare for EVERYONE than to see it go to the military--the most well-funded in the world, or putting up a wall on the border, or giving more tax breaks to the wealthy and corporations... It's not about getting shit for free. It's about seeing our taxes go toward things that benefit citizens, like education and healthcare.. we may disagree on what our taxes are used for, but no one is asking for anything for free.

Why would anyone opt out of heath coverage that is potentially life saving/sustaining??? That is not greedy.... Healthcare isn't a luxury Ferrari..
Say it with me, O B A M A C A R E. And it's not just them. I've been to more docs than I would like. Another place had it listed that way as well but they had "Affordable care act" beside it smaller.
I was referring to legit doctor offices and medical forms referring to it as Obamacare. It's somewhat pejorative. Wasn't talking about your health issues. But I sincerely hope the best for you in that area.
I understood that. I'm quick that way.
But seriously, when is the last time you went to a medical facility where they made you fill out insurance info? Because it seems like the norm to me.
@acd. Apparently I was mistaken. The second medical office I referenced where they used Obamacare was not an office at all. It was actually TurboTax.
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Since wealth and income parity,- and social mobility and opportunity are all interrelated political issues
...I thought I'd post this somewhere here. I just had a job deciding which Trump thread to put it on.

'The American dream is becoming increasingly unobtainable for an increasing majority of us'

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Since wealth and income parity,- and social mobility and opportunity are all interrelated political issues
...I thought I'd post this somewhere here. I just had a job deciding which Trump thread to put it on.

'The American dream is becoming increasingly unobtainable for an increasing majority of us'

Haves and have nots is a necessary part of a functioning world where humans better their ability to survive.
If people did not want things, they would not work for anyone but themselves. If this were true all of our individual time would be spent doing things like farming our own food. Taking care of our own trash, making our own clothes. Society WORKS because people want things and to get things we have designed a detached from of trade called money.
Without this our lives would be very very different and shorter.
This thread is to talk about the things President Donald Trump will need to accomplish to make America great again after he is sworn in. What are the perceived challenges he will face, what should he focus on first and what should be changed to correct the massive damage an 8 year Obama presidency has caused to this nation of ours. Can he do it, what do you feel his motivation is?
I'm embrassed to call myself an American.
Haves and have nots is a necessary part of a functioning world where humans better their ability to survive.
If people did not want things, they would not work for anyone but themselves. If this were true all of our individual time would be spent doing things like farming our own food. Taking care of our own trash, making our own clothes. Society WORKS because people want things and to get things we have designed a detached from of trade called money.
Without this our lives would be very very different and shorter.

Yes but did you watch the video ? The trajectory of wealth distribution in the US and how this has changed over the past 30 years is very marked. If things stay on the same trajectory, society by 2030 will be a very hostile place for the have's as well as the have -not's.

Wealth inequality diminishes;

-Social mobility
-Economic growth
-Community life
-Social trust
-Life expectancy
-Educational Performance
-Physical Health

Wealth inequality increases (for the upwardly mobile as well as the downwardly mobile);

-Drug abuse
-Teenage births
-Rates of violence
-Rates of imprisonment
-Incidence of punishment

Even people at the top experience poor outcomes when society becomes too unfair.
SMH. I'm sorry but really the answer is obvious. For Americans to vote so carelessly without thinking it through is just disappoint, but then again this shouldn't surprise me.

I felt the same way four years ago when Obama got reelected. Looks like it's 8 years of poor judgement.
Without health insurance, my close friend Melanie would have to spend $4100 a month to keep her blood functioning.
The most expensive iPhone is $969 outright.
Go fuck yourself, Chaffetz. I hope a Mr. Potatohead toy gets stuck up your ass so hard that you need a butt-transplant.
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