President Donald Trump

Priebus has the record for shortest term as Chief of Staff and Scaramucci now has the record for shortest term as Communications Director.
Oops lol. Thanks @Wyote for the correction ;)

Ooph, all these changes,
With the recent report of Drumpf's approval rating being 33% by "fake news media outlet CNN," I thought I'd share the fact that no matter how you spin it, his approval is very low. It probably statistically can't get much lower.
Approval rating is low because he's accomplished very little of what he's promised. However he's actually accomplished quite a bit. Something most news stations will never let on to. Never the less I am one in the boat of "get moving or get out".
Both republicans and democrats want to see him fail. I can tell you this. Every chance I get to vote a non career politician into office from now on I am taking. So long of course as they are competent.
Thanks Trump.
Same goes for the real aren’t in some special class of super-minds.
Are you a card carrying member of MENSA?
Did you have to Google that?
Imho you have no social intuition at
Feel free to disagree.

I did an intelligence test a long time ago. :m155:



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Because MAGA! Also, the terrorist who ran down counter protestors and murdered one woman told his mama he was going to a Trump rally
You are beating yourself into a frenzy over something that only exists in your mind.
I'm not in a frenzy. But you have to be willfully ignorant to not see any connection.
People can attach themselves to whatever they fancy. It doesn't mean the thing they've attached to is the same as them. Parasites come to mind.
It's very relevant to Drumpf and his presidency.
Thank you for your well thought out and communicated special thoughts.
The alt-right is Trump. His father associated with the KKK and Steve Bannon is a key player in his office. The ideology Trump spouted on the campaign trail overlaps with the alt-right ideology, and his actions follow suit (muslim ban, ICE raids, limiting LEGAL immigration). They don't see him as a host. They are not parasites. They see him as a familiar because he is one.

His lack of condemnation and David Duke's assertion that the alt-right will fullfill Trump's campaign promise shows who has the upper hand. It also foreshadows further hostility and violence towards those they seek to oppress and anyone in opposition. Again, they are not parasites. They are predators and they are in control.

People may have different reasons for voting for Trump, but to deny this is to rationalize away someone else's suffering at this point. An American was mowed down by a white supremacist yesterday, in cold blood. A few months ago, another white supremacist walked into a bar and shot a group of men who had the misfortune of having brown skin. This will continue and supporting Trump means supporting this kind of violence.

Also, to believe that these were random acts is also denying your role in making it possible for them to have occurred. The Republican party has sought to legalize the manner in which both of these murders were carried out, and lessen the penalty of these types of crimes. They have put guns in the hands of people who should not have guns, and planted the idea that your car is a weapon. And please, use both of you are scared. Your fellow Americans, the real patriots, will understand.