I’m new here and haven’t really read through this thread. Though I’d assume most INFJ’s aren’t trump fans.
While I wouldn’t call myself a fan, I don’t quite hate him as much as the general media/populace seems to. How alone am I in this sentiment?
I think it's fair to say that most of the people here are not Trump fans, self included, however I would also stand with you to an extent in not hating him quite as much as the liberal media does. I won't mince words, I think he's entirely unfit for the job and a liability to our safety, however I am also less and less moved by media outlets who are obviously starved for any significant developments, and making headlines out of things that aren't really news. However, the media is just as polarized as the populace, and I don't find conservative outlets any more trustworthy or free of propaganda. Glimpses of the truth on either side are buried under how political camps want you to view him and his presidency. For example, liberal outlets are way more focused on things like the FBI collusion investigation than conservative outlets. However, while every tiny development has liberal outlets shouting "TREASON!!!" the conservative outlets are like "TOTAL HOAX!!!". I find neither assertion to be taken seriously at face value, and think that the truth is somewhere in between.
My personal thoughts are that if he's a genius at anything, it was manipulating the media into helping him into the oval office (hat's off to that for better or worse) but that he's really just intending to do everything he can to stack the odds in favor of his family business interests to benefit him when he takes up the reigns after he leaves. I think he wants to try to use the same kind of manipulation on the world stage, but that the truth is that countries like China and Russia are not susceptible to in and that he stands to lose ground to them. I think that all policies he's pursuing are either geared towards that (i.e. reducing regulation and oversight), or being sure to throw bones to the base that put him there (Imma bring back tha coal!!!!) until he can squeeze everything he wants for himself out of the presidency.
I think that it's interesting to discuss politics, but as of late, similar threads have not really been about learning from each other and increasing everyone's overall understanding. Rather, you'll likely find that the focus is unfortunately about:
1) Propaganda slinging
2) Labeling aspects of each of your posts as "correct" or "incorrect"
3) Determining the degree of your orientation to reality should you choose to defend a position labeled "incorrect"
I don't want to dissuade you from trying though, and I think it would be interesting to discuss any potential merits that Trump has though I don't have much faith that it will last before you get railroaded into constant attacks on your orientation to reality should you make any negative assertions about Trump's intentions. Try going back 20 pages or so and skim through, and you may get an idea of that.