I seem to have the ability to sift through all the crap and get to the foundation. Others here are easily swept away with the flavor of the day when it fits into their agenda. As for having made up my mind? Yes Ive made up my mind on who.is most likely lying based on past experience and review of factual information released so far.
Then clearly we are living in alternate realities EH.
It happens.
I’m really not here to argue with you anymore...it’s puts a bitter taste in my mouth and I’m trying to eliminate all the unnecessary negativity from my life currently.
You believe what you want....but you really should try and show more proof of what you say.
That has always been severely lacking in claims and posts and disagreements you make.
I’m glad you can admit you are biased...we all are to a certain extent of course...but seriously can you try and be a bit more objective before you jump all over someone when they make factual statements that you don’t like?
I really don’t want to see Mike Pence as POTUS...the best I can hope for now is that Trump becomes a lame duck after the midterms until we can find someone who actually drains said swamp and who isn’t giving Putin a handy under the table at Davos.
Yes, I think the man is a moron...have you taken the assessment test he took to prove his intelligence?
“Can you draw a line to the picture of the Elephant?” - yeah, really putting lots of faith in that guy.
But I dislike Hillary too...something you consistently overlook.
More than Trump, I believe our Congress is full of lobbyist bitches on both sides of the isle.
Clearly many states have been gerrymandered by both parties and that shit needs to stop.
The money that has been injected into politics is obscene and is superseding and eroding our democracy.
We have very clear proof of Russians fucking with our elections - including the upcoming one - and still Trump does jack shit but instead goes off like an uber guilty airhead as he spouts “there’s no collusion!!!” over and over and over...then Fox news plays it over and over and over.
None of the Congressionally approved sanctions to punish them have been implemented because Trump doesn’t want to...and hey, Putin said he didn’t do it.
I believe in innocence until proven guilty - like I’ve stated many times, I am fully willing to wait and see the evidence before I make up my mind of what crimes have or have not been committed.
If Trump is exonerated - so be it...I still dislike the guy for many, many other reasons, but I won’t be chanting “lock him up” (as some seem to enjoy doing) without due process.
As for your ability to sift through the crap and get to the crap-core...nothing in this thread suggests that you have such an ability when it comes to politics...so far I’ve seen you have to redact more than is actually confirmed when
@Stu inevitably posts up the facts.
Anyhow...good luck...I won’t be blocking you...just ignoring what you say....so have at it.
Cold as fuck this morning outside right?