President Donald Trump

SNOOZE. My mind is exceptionally open. I refuse to let heresy and ignorance in though. That must be what you are talking about in this context.
I do agree with on this. Having a mind open to considering other ideas does not mean you have to accept them. This is a stereotypical liberal tactic that I use all the time.
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Really no. The fact is businesses began hiring when they knew he would be President. Obama had nothing at all to do with this. We had years of recession under Obama and then the slowest recovery ever in American history boardering on stagnation even after an increase in spending the likes even God has never seen. All the while blaming Bush for his complete failure.

I would say it is more the stock market and those who benefited the most from the Trump “tax cuts” (not the middle class) creaming their jeans about the substantial amounts of money they will be able to siphon and fleece before they crash the market again (currently being deregulated again) - making shit tons of cash while again leaving the rest of the American public to pay for the fallout and destruction (as has been written into law by Congress after Bush crashed it).
Hedge fund managers couldn’t be happier...meanwhile the measly cuts the rest of the population received (if at all) expire in little over a year at which point they will start to increase for the general public (predicted to be incredibly higher than before) all while industry and the rich enjoy permanent cuts (funded by public tax dollars) at the expense of much used, needed, and underfunded social programs.
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And here we see the truth unfold yet again.

Michael Flynn, is on the brink of financial ruin, selling his Virginia home in order to pay his mounting legal bills. Meanwhile, Andrew McCabe, raised an extraordinary $400,000 online from 10,000 people in one day to pay his lawyers.

The criminal contingent will always protect its own to keep the entire ship of rats from sinking.
I does the ship, analogy work here?
You know I dont know how I feel about Flynn. I dont know what type of person he is. However the reason I made that post was to show why someone might take a lesser plea to something they were not even guilty of if they couldnt afford an ongoing legal scenrio. Not that that happened but it is plausible.
Getting back to MaCabe...who cares about him? Regular people? Doubtful.
surely thousands of people believe McCabe is worthy of defending. Seems like a lot to be dismissive of.
surely thousands of people believe McCabe is worthy of defending. Seems like a lot to be dismissive of.
Ive never seen go fund me used like this before. Donations are practically untraceable. Its not a stretch to think that wealthy donors are not mostly if not soley funding McCabe in hopes of keeping him from spilling the beans when hes indicted.

Trump legal fund recipients unclear; Flynn says no thanks
Former National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn will not accept support from a new legal fund called the “Patriot Legal Expense Fund” established with President Donald Trump’s campaign funds to help his White House and campaign aides shoulder legal expenses related to the special counsel’s probe, a source close to Flynn told ABC News.

“General Flynn early on made a decision not to accept funds from President Trump, the Trump Organization, or the campaign, and has not accepted any funds from them,” the source said. “And he does not expect to accept any funds from the new entity.”

His legal defense fund will not accept contributions from foreign nationals, anonymous sources, the Trump campaign or the Trump Organization, according to a source close to Flynn.
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Funny. Politicians benefiting where so many other needy people on gofund me hqve floundered. 400k in a day with 10,000 donations all to support a liar. The world becomes darker and sadder place everyday.
Cant wait for this loser to get thrown behind bars where he belongs.
Hopefully the legal battle takes all of his money. All of it.
Ive never seen go fund me used like this before. Donations are practically untraceable. Its not a stretch to think that wealthy donors are not mostly if not soley funding McCabe in hopes of keeping him from spilling the beans when hes indicted.

Stephen Gillers, an ethics expert who holds the Elihu Root Chair at New York University School of Law, says defending a felony prosecution can cost as much as $10 million, and he is adamant about a defendant’s right to raise money to offset those expenses.

“It is none of the government’s business about how a defendant funds his case,” Gillers told ABC News. “The only time the government has an interest is if the money is tainted money, the fruits of your crime, [but] I do not think there is an issue of tainted money in the Flynn prosecution.”
Not defending anyone's actions...just saying...
Its not a stretch to think that wealthy donors are not mostly if not soley funding McCabe in hopes of keeping him from spilling the beans when hes indicted.
that's an average of $42.40 per, not that that proves anything one way or another, and it is in one day.....makes a guy wonder...
All those elitist liberal assholes. Spending $40 to advance a cause they believe in.
