President Komprematrump

Most of the people I hang out with if and when I do are middle class affluent types. Most I have known for a very long time. All well educated etc.
I have created a contest with them to see whose bug out bag can stand up to scrutiny given different scenarios that may arise. All this in hopes it will allow each to see potential weak points and bolster them so that if and when needed, they have a functioning system that will meet the needs of most unforseen circumstances. Of course I did not tell them this is the reason for the contest. In their mind it's just another competition.

America is absolutely headed toward civil war. Before, after or during that the world economy will likely collapse. Spending a little time speaking to folks in the business of moving money around...we are overdue for a complete collapse of our world economics. It's just the way it is. Saying this does not mean I want this. It only means I recognize this is to be our fate. My intuition says all this will take place within 10 years. I may or may not be around to see it.
I do hope that when all is said and done though whatever that is built from what remains takes into account that some people simply should have no say in what is built and what comes after. None.
America was a great idea. Something I still fully support. However our founding fathers were unbelievably intelligent in recognizing most people don't posses critical thinking skills and this is why the electoral collage was created... a just in case measure.
I fully support the MMVII measure that's gaining steam. Soon it will be in the news and soon people will be going ape shit over it. In the mean time Trump needs to be putting people on trial and throwing their asses in jail for undermining his Presidency there by threatening the security of the United States.
He's undermining his own presidency. The only people that need to be put on trial is Trump and his campaign staff.

I have a theory:

Mike Pence seems like a decent guy. I'm not on board with many of his views but at the end of the day, the guy is smart and I think that he saw this disaster coming from a mile away. And that is why he hung in there. Bannon is running this country at the moment with VP Pence a close second. I don't know if they have sat down and discussed it one on one, but I truly believe that they both think Trump is a f'ing idiot. Easily played by appealing to his narcissistic personality with flattery and fake admiration. He's a puppet. Bannon wants things to stay this way because it gives him full control over Trump (pulling those strings). But I think Pence fully expects/expected Trump to screw up from the beginning. Maybe (probably) even get himself impeached; the moment Pence has been waiting for.

President Pence.
Not sure Bannon would be on board with that one though.
Trump won the electoral college and is the legit pres. He is not going to be impeached by the GOP, He is not going to be successful at implementing his agenda. He is going to be a flawed, incompetent leader and most if not all of his associates will abandon him rather than go be investigated by the FBI.

In the mean time those of us who are not Republicans have to figure out who we are, what we stand for, and what kind of leadership we want.
Trump won the electoral college and is the legit pres. He is not going to be impeached by the GOP, He is not going to be successful at implementing his agenda. He is going to be a flawed, incompetent leader and most if not all of his associates will abandon him rather than go be investigated by the FBI.

In the mean time those of us who are not Republicans have to figure out who we are, what we stand for, and what kind of leadership we want.

I don't know about that. At this point, I could care less whether he is impeached or not. But I'm not taking it off the table. There are many Republicans that would love to see Pence take over. It all depends on what comes out and when/if they decide to draw a line.
I don't know about that. At this point, I could care less whether he is impeached or not. But I'm not taking it off the table. There are many Republicans that would love to see Pence take over. It all depends on what comes out and when/if they decide to draw a line.
I could see him being pushed to resign, but do not see him resigning. To be impeached he would have to be investigated and congress will not do that as long as the GOP holds power.
I could see him being pushed to resign, but do not see him resigning. To be impeached he would have to be investigated and congress will not do that as long as the GOP holds power.

Oh I agree. He definitely will not resign. He would see that as losing. I'm still not taking impeachment off the table. He may even be expecting it. That is why he will be doing his best to make it look like it's everyone else's fault.
Trump won the electoral college and is the legit pres. He is not going to be impeached by the GOP, He is not going to be successful at implementing his agenda. He is going to be a flawed, incompetent leader and most if not all of his associates will abandon him rather than go be investigated by the FBI.

In the mean time those of us who are not Republicans have to figure out who we are, what we stand for, and what kind of leadership we want.
Stu... why exactly are you bringing posts from other threads into your own in an effort to breathe life into it?
That is completely sad. Don't you agree?
Many members do not want to see political shit in the non political threads. @Eventhorizon (so sad, failing member...other ridiculous insults to follow)
Many members do not want to see political shit in the non political threads. @Eventhorizon (so sad, failing member...other ridiculous insults to follow)
Ok that may be so but you simply propagated the post. You did not remove it from its original location. You increased its visibility.
Insult as you like, I can take it.
Trump won the electoral college and is the legit pres. He is not going to be impeached by the GOP, He is not going to be successful at implementing his agenda. He is going to be a flawed, incompetent leader and most if not all of his associates will abandon him rather than go be investigated by the FBI.

In the mean time those of us who are not Republicans have to figure out who we are, what we stand for, and what kind of leadership we want.

@Stu I think that's probably right.

1) I think there seems to be a complex set of circumstances and undercurrents at play in American society. My guess is it's mainly related to income inequality, and the rate of technological and societal change that's been going. I think there is a deeply alarming 'polarization' of views which even Trump acknowledges and accepted (in his last press conference) and existed prior to Obama.

2) Might it not be possible to look at more centrist republican views, rather than omit them ? I suspect there is a significant and growing amount of moderate republicans, who also are concerned about the polarization and want to see things improve. Even if they disagree about how it is achieved.

3) I am not at all sure about what has gone on with Russia. Except that Putin and his regime are atrocious. Internally his supression of the media, any opponent journalist or critic ? It says it all. when I say supression I mean disappearing them and outright murder. To me unfortunately Putin appears to have deeply psycopathic tendencies. Who/whatever Trump is or represents ? I think he may well be exactly what he says he is a 'businessman'. His prime motivation to me seems to be being famous and making money. I think he unfortunately may well believe he can 'make a deal' with Putin.

Putin to my mind would be happy to do so to get sanctions dropped. But he will never keep or stick to any deal. This seems to be have been repeatedly demonstrated in Syria.

Trump repeatedly denied being a 'politician' but acknowledged in his last press conference "I guess I am one now". I think this was initially part of his appeal to voters. Being President is an intensely political job, and in reality he was admitting his lack of qualification for the role.

4) If it was at all possible it might help to set up a (truly) bi-partisan investigation into Russian activity in the election (with or without Trump's connection) and whatever went on with the missing/deleted Clinton emails. However difficult it is, I think trying to restore some level of confidence and faith in the system is perhaps the biggest issue. I think constantly seeing all this in the news, with no resolution/proof is corrosive. Democrats think Clinton was cheated in the election and Republicans think Trump is being maligned by the Democrats and the media.

For all non Trump supporters, or reluctant Trump supporters ? My feeling would be the focus should be just what you have said. To figure out what you want and how to get it. I'd suggest maybe ;

Campaign finance reform/electoral college
Healthcare costs
Work and social justice

The real and most pressing threats to America to my mind ?

The polarization of left/right
income inequality
job security and social injustice
"Two separate sources with links to the intelligence community say that the first arrests in the criminal and counter-intelligence probe will shortly take place, possibly as soon as Thursday, May 11th.

For the sake of clarity, I still cannot report anything further than a probability on the linking of a civil document in the New York case to the indictments that have been obtained in New York under RICO. People familiar with the matter speculate that General Flynn may be among the first people arrested but they do not confirm the news.

Lastly, I can report hilarity at memos distributed throughout the intelligence community warning national security patriots against “leaks”. The confirmed and illegal leaks to the press in the Trump Russia scandal have come from Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Mike Flynn, Mike Pompeo, head of the CIA, who, sources say, is greatly distrusted because he chose to leak to the press at the behest of Sean Spicer, along with Senator Burr, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, and Devin Nunes, the former chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

None of Trump, Pompeo, Pence, Nunes or Burr, each and every one of them a confirmed illegal and political leaker, has faced the slightest legal consequences** for leaking classified information.

**So far."