- infj
- Enneagram
- ....
1. is there a certain amount of time that should elapse before you 'have a bad day' in someone's presence?
I try to never have a bad day around people, but I would say that the bad days come as they will, I personally dont shy away from things like that because if they cant handle me on a bad day what makes them entitled to the good ones?
After you have sex the 1st time. If that will be the 1st time you have sex, then, well when you decide to have sex, thats when.2. when is it ok to start inviting them to spend the night when they come over?
When they start sleeping over, unless you want to deal with morning breath.3. how far along in the relationship should you be before leaving toiletries (toothbrush etc) at your bf/gf's apartment?
When you feel it/ mean it.4. how long before you tell someone you love them?