Proof of a Afterlife God & slit shot test is an program

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Ok. This sounds like something a professional can help with.

Doubt it, at the most a quick spit shine (loaded up on meds like mad) then dumped back out into society for some months to pass until a school or business gets blown up. All the industry really does anyway is extract profit by exploiting broken people and milking government for whatever it is worth.
Doubt it, at the most a quick spit shine (loaded up on meds like mad) then dumped back out into society for some months to pass until a school or business gets blown up. All the industry really does anyway is extract profit by exploiting broken people and milking government for whatever it is worth.

You got the right post there G? I'm seeing proof after proof.

I can do premonitions and I was born and live in the city of churches Adelaide. Do you get that?

I'm a God
Read on.

I am and use must be spiritual now.
Ether way i set it off to stop an 100% takeover from the Jewish in the Afterlife.

People's the brain is an computer and subconscious is but isn't spiritual.. Now look at hipnotised people following commands from soundwaves telling the brain what to do...the receptors.... Just like the Jewish hacked my computer program that can control human's thinking movement, and canmove objects and O believe control weather. The Jewish in the afterlife claim they didn't know about consciousness double slit shot test spiritual "umm call it an " program.
I'm also talking to Psychics and read below.

The last time I was born they wiped out my memory "they now tell me" because they tried wiping me out. Apparently what the psychics telling me from Afterlife Is that i new most things and left them a message this time around because consciously I knew roughly what they try to do to me.... wipe me out. Petrol station is an message...fireball that they will be a in it for an eternity. The petrol station was beyond a miracle because paint on houses across the main road had melted paint running down the walls, but yet People standing meters away didn't get burnt.....A forcefield must have protected them..... Should of been killed instantly let alone burnt.

Subconsciously I have memory but don't.....If I brang it down with me they could of got info out of me....Only what I needed comes to me "like" doing Iraq war strategies watching the news I was thinking made me try turn it around "something's wrong" because I think they planned GFC as I herd it as I call "pop in my head like Psychics hear" say bankrupt your makes sense because of timing of events.
GFC & American drone sabatge.
Iraq war strategies back on late 2006.. Massive turnaround. The psychics in the afterlife say I just sent in the strategies subconsciously how far is watching the news seeing the disaster and wanted to help "but" read up on subconsciously consciously.

So the GFC was dilibretly done. Answer this? How did the debt liquidators buy $5 - $10 trilion dollars of debt to meet banks debts or obligations like 5% pa safe banks interest fund on trillions of dollars and so on? Liquidators couldn't even afford to buy the debts let alone banks afford to pay shareholders? They most surtantly didn't recovery any $2+ trillios of dollars of debt for years before disaster, so why bust in an instant disaster?
How much did they pay them share holders and interest payments in last month or years? Money in bank making interest? New loans where did this money come from? Seems to me that it was impossible or they started printed up fake banknotes? Don't you people have abrain to see proof....Have you asked anyone and questioned about it thinking of replys after they reply? Who am I kidding you haven't even asked one pro how why possible or impossible.
liquidators could not afford to pay or buy 10% of the debt value not even $500 billion dollars of debts that lost mass trillions...busted busted Busted "+" they never recruited there Money?
So bank's meet with / payed interest fund payments and share holders money even when for a year or 2 it was bound to happen?
The bank's lost 75% then 87+% of all income but meet payments? Tripping ask for a reply.
How did the bank's loan money in the last month's? They had none.
Seems to me America is printing up money illegally?

So I won America the Iraqi war in 2007 thinking I just seen the disaster of the war on the news sending in ideas...they the psychics in the after life say they never lined that up but I just sent them letters to turn it around.... subconsciously new or the chances of that is crazy.
So we reached a point where America never planned on winning the Iraq war I said stop using my strategy's? They said ok clearly. 2 weeks after they sabataged my strategy's I said I'll leave Australia if you don't go bankrupt money whys, like I was about to declare bankruptcy...CIA was getting me $8k credit cards why on gov payments.
So the CIA handed the Iraqi terrorist the drone camera codes because my strategy called for troops to only go out on walks for 2 hours having instant air support for 75% of troops+. That means the CIA handed the Iraqi terrorist drone camera codes because all drones have encryption just like all military computers have spyware. So lmao that the CIA called them up and said quick changed the headlines from hacked to unencrypted because it's proof that they had spyware on the drones and that not even Russia could hack them...proof the dumb idiots change the story completely on the page 9 years after story/news post clamined, and only once I used it.
If you check dates you will see it was weeks before GFC. If use take 5 hours out and read all post on my page there is so much proof "like" no shit they did change their story after he used it "and" it does make sense if a deal because 2 weeks after GFC. Your all stating I have the best memory and out this together over 9 years? Wtf are use on it adds up everything does.
After making a page as proof because they broke the deal, the 9 year old page headline changed 9 years on after I used it as proof. It said Iraqi terrorist hacked drones. I stated that it even China or Russia couldn't hack drones, but terrorist in Iraq could it was proof of sabatge. Give me a as soon as I used the link, they the page changed the story to say that 50% of drones cameras where unencrypted? BS and already mass coicedances in coicedances. Let's not forget that if only 50% of drones failed, why didn't they Finnish off that war or Afghanistan? They could win both wars by making my Iraq full proof i'd cards, then using drones to cover 30% of Iraqi troops "because" 3 fly's a day when they can do 12 makes it a 90% chance a encrypted drone is overhead ready to strike have any second order that I given?
Are use stunned at how smart am?
So Afghanistan patrols would use the drones wiping them out. If they have I'd cards and troops go house to house, they could kill them off out of areas lock up everyone not allowed in that area or without an I'd card. They dilibretly left this world in a disaster to try help frame me scumbags. All they had to do was code them drones so story never should if aired....tell me one story they confess that without being Busted?

So I did the Iraq war strategies in 2006 subconsciously knowing I come down to make the world a better place.
Subconsciously I did not know who I was and they did not tell me who I was until I moved into the house next to the petrol station I premonitioned with my sister and mum whenI I was 14 years old. To read about that go to my FB page oblique weapons or FB open profile /ryanscott0123

Double slit shot test means electrons and all are subconscious and think. When they try figure out the pattern and put a camera to read the results, it detects/knows what they are doing and muttles up the pattern.... electrons think. It's one of my last weapons that they are telling everyone about and military ant keeping top secret.... trying to crack it "don't help them" they are so evil and mentally ill. They are trying to over through me the Jewish from what they tell me....they lie and subconsciously I can pick up and know when they are lying to me. I believe they are telling the truth that the Jewish are trying to take over and did unto I made my premonition witch come true and I survived the 6 story building fall.

After I made premonition that they couldn't kill me or freinds or family or hold me in mental/drug hospital or put me in jail for more then a month this happens.
They put me back in there the short stay drug recovery and mentally ill ward/are because bribed dr said so and because I was homless at the time...ex kicked me out. Anyway I stayed in room 6 and they said they would hold me indefinitely the CIA/now only talk to psychic Afterlife people claimed...I said 'something will happen" then my room filled with water. Next they put me in room 11 and said to me they were going to / want to kill me and I said if you do petrol station burn for an eternity and the water come up out of know where. I felt my back get sure and stop as I repeated above.
Anyway a new guy come in for weed. He was telling me that he was someone in the last life and that number 11 had meaning for something or someone if something happened and he didn't know what it meant or something like the end or beging. Anyway I only picked up on it because the people in the afterlife told me that I was in room 11 after being forced to change rooms from water leaking 'Google" 11 number? They said before we were going to kill you but one person picked up on what 11 means? It's spiritual awakening....kill me & if it's not spiritual now it will be after my death that means the end of the universe that my premonition said.......Room 11 "that's been edited" nothing about my premonitison being room 11

We are subconsciousness now but will be spiritual if I die. If they kill me or my friends you all coming to me "or" lock me up for longtime "like jail or bribed putting me in a mental hospital....Bang spiritual awakening time.
Anyway i felt as if something bad was going to happen after that, so I just reminded about the petrol station and water in room and room 11 and all the rest? I got reliced shortly after they moved me again from room 11.

So I'm God or better known as Sole Creator "probebly" because I'm not up myself lol.

Yes I can do premonitions but Psychics told me I'm "wait for it" the Sole on.

Crazy people's but I am the sole creator = God "yes I know what your thinking" wtf is he on? Sadly nothing good.

I can do premonitisons and things since I was a kid, but as a kid it was more impossible things like one time defining gravity on the gravetron ride. I walked up to guy in middle why ride was spinning and touching the non spinning poles around him telling him to stop...I could walk upto him and hold onto Poles why ride moving, not ripping off my arms or gravity stopping me by force as others were stuck up the side of the walls...I'll never forget the look on his face like he seen a ghost.
I guess it was also knowing things and things before they happened. I have been like this since an teenager prems and now adult can still do them..

When kid me and my sister and mum drove past Ampol service station at Brighton Adelaide 1993 "google it' an said to mum "why driving past" that something had blown up at the petrol station. Mum looked back and said no nothing had blown up....Hours after we said that it actually blow up. An petrol tanker blow up filling up the tanks and tanks caught alight somehow not blowing up underground tanks.
The crazy thing is that the houses across the road melted and the paint was dripping down the houses "but yet" people standing meter away and other people meters away didn't get burnt or die.... Miricle? Nope prem and a force field protected people from explosion and heat..... People should have died 100%.
To add to it me and my sister turned back at same time clamming that, and our names are Kelly & Scott and now the fuel tanker that fills up the storage tanks at that petrol station is called K & S energy... energy never dies and us eternal. K & S Kelly & Scott.
The petrol station is now a Caltex petrol station logo of star/sun God.

Apparently I was set up by a powerful company and the Psychics tell me the Jewish. Subconsciously I can tell when people or Psychics talk to's true.

So they hacked my first brain computer program, but once they tried removing some electrons and atom's from my brain "after 6 story fall or first amited to hospital and took 2 tablets that KO me for 14 hours waking Up with numb legs" I believe they tryed to wipe me out. It set off spiritual subconscious that is like an different upload and I can answer people/reply to people before I even hear what the answer or next word is going to be some times. People close to me and trusted it doesn't seem to happen much....them psychics I talk to are also the people trying to wipe me out.

I have backup ideas and checkout what I think my backup spiritual weapon called "google" double slit shot test. Electrons and particles think "yes" think.
Scientist try record the test results with a camera but the electrons think and start going crazy and like split into two like teleporting. I believe it's a coded computer program of mine. We are computers and the Jewish in the afterlife hacked my computer program 100% that can burn your body and as I said above stop you from dying. If you get an diseases it can stop it, but it's more like it can stop diseases from affecting you but if they reverse what I call frontal lobs mind control, you will get the disease and worse as it doesn't stop it aging but symptoms stop why on frontal mind control.
The Jewish didn't discover my real backup spiritual program called double slit shot test unto not to long ago, and there going to get everything they deserve yes deserve.
Don't you find it strange that the military scientist didn't keep this slit shot test top secret once it come about? Yes after Einstein almost ended the world E=MC square they changed there ways.
They the Jewish are desperately trying to crack slit shot test that has electrons and atom's think and know when people are trying to detect how it works. It thinks. They are telling everyone about it trying desperately to crack it to overthrow me and wipe me out.

I know why after I sent Putin messages why he went into Syria for. He knows all about the afterlife "walks out in public anywhere" without a care in the world. The evil scum are trying to get desperate help to crack my slit shot computer program that thinks. They say to me how can we build a faster computer if it thinks thinks before you or anything thinks "predicts". an computer has to think so it's impossible to catch up/bet use all smell something burning? I do.

Anyway I said stop using my strategies if you are not going to win the war properly. They said ok clearly because weeks after that I seen the biggest strategy in history sabataged.
So after they sabataged my strategy to give everyone instant air support over troops heads 24/7, I said I'll leave Australia if you don't go bankrupt money whys, like I was about to declare bankruptcy. The basteds handed the Iraqi terrorist the drone camera codes because my strategy called for troops to only go out on walks for 2+ hours having instant air support for 75% of troops+. That means the CIA handed the Iraqi terrorist drone camera codes to laptops that showed what patrol had instant air support knowing not to attack on 50% of patrols.
Because all drones have encryption just like all military computers have spyware, they claimed the Iraqi terrorist hacked the drone codes unto I come out 9 years after clamming I did them. So lmao that the CIA called them up and said quick changed the headlines from hacked to unencrypted because it's proof that they had spyware on the drones and that not even Russia could hack them...proof then the dumb idiots change the story completely on the page 9 years after story/news post clamined they hacked the codes to unencrypted.
If you check dates you will see it was weeks before GFC that they got drone camera codes, saying I'm telling the truth and things add up. If use take 5 hours out and read all post on my page there is so much proof "like" no shit they did change their story after he used it "and" it does make sense if a deal because 2+ weeks before GFC a deal was reached with proof they couldn't hack them and proof they changed headlines and story 9 years later "after" I used the headlines as proof.
Your all saying I have the best memory and put this together over 9 years? Wtf are use on it adds up everything does.
After making a page as proof because they broke the deal, the 9 year old page headline changed 9 years on after I used it as proof "as proven on link. It said Iraqi terrorist hacked drones. I stated that it even China or Russia couldn't hack drones, but terrorist in Iraq could it was proof of sabatge. Give me a as soon as I used the link, they the page changed the story to say that 50% of drones cameras where unencrypted? BS and already mass coicedances in coicedances. Let's not forget that if only 50% of drones failed, why didn't they Finnish off that war in Afghanistan? They could win both wars by making my Iraq full proof i'd cards, then using drones to cover 30% of Iraqi/Afghan troops "because" 3 fly's day when they can do 12 makes it a 90% chance? Are use stupid...h
How smart am I?
So Afghanistan patrols would use the drones wiping them out? If they have I'd cards and troops go house to house, they could kill them off out of areas lock up everyone not allowed in that area or without an I'd card. They dilibretly left this world in a disaster to try help frame me scumbags. All they had to do was code them so story never should if aired....tell me one story they confess that without being Busted?

So the GFC was dilibretly done. Answer this? How did the debt liquidators buy $5 - $10 trilion dollars of debt to meet banks debts or obligations like 5%pa safe banks interest fund on trillions of dollars and so on? Liquidators couldn't even afford to buy the debts let alone banks afford to pay shareholders? How much did they pay them in last month or years? Money in bank making interest? New loans where did this money come from? Seems to me that it was impossible or they started printed up fake banknotes? Don't you people have abrain to see proof....asked anyone and questioned it by thinking? Who am I kidding you haven't even asked one pro how why possible or's a joke when you have so many things and then a fuel tanker with yours and your sisters name on it filling up the petrol station we premonitioned when teenagers?
liquidators could not afford to pay or buy 10% of the debt value not even $500 billion dollars of debts that lost mass trillions...busted and People can't even reply.

GFC sabatge confirmed. Iraqi war sabatarge confirmed. Afterlife confirmed. Me being sole creator confirmed and confirmed they are trying to take over.

So as you can see no one's has asked anyone anything or even questioned there reply by reading it again and reading up on them things.

Some prems IV done.

Google CEO death after I sent him a message telling him to stop hidding my emails from sender's or stop delivery of my emails "Gmail" and I said he would die. He died in an rare earthquake climbing shortly after.

Next the 1999 American golfer that died. I seen him boarding the plane and said your going to die as I seen him boarding his plane. He did die on that very same flight in mysterious way, so read the Wikipedia info. They all KO from loss of cabin pressure instantly passing out? Impossible. IV see an huge arliner lose 20+% of its roof and knowone passed out instantly or died without mask diving from something like 35,000ft+? They didn't have time to fly down for min/mins to be at oxygent level? And air mask didn't deploy? So oxygent mask didn't deploy and they KO instantly? Not right at all in everyway. You would need a massive huge decompression in a vacuum to even come close to KOing + the plane had no signs of a huge hole in the plane as it also flyed for 1 hour after they KO on auto pilot. No real big hole as it kept on flying and if memory serves me correctly, another plane flyed next to it and the windows where iced up...The Afterlife can move objects make it cold and freeze & stuff. That plane flying next to it proves it had no holes in it "+" original recordings and not a ligit recording played on a tv screen burnt on a new original disk from recording tv screen....Proven couldn't KO for a start and the Jewish on the Afterlife killed them to try have people turn on me saying I'm killing people... please don't tell me he was Jewish?

Hitler was framed and the Jewish killed themselves.... afterlife Jewish. They claim they all new about "the Jewish being killed" unto I asked questions then they ammited all kids and adults didn't no....many Jewish are pissed off in the afterlife... Apparently I find that one hard to believe.
The CIA claim Hitler was shacking before but that's an proven outright lie as there is mass photage of him months and months and years before lies...photage please because they said they never showed that photage "but they clam" was only in the last month's anyway "+" that footage would have shown up by now because the footage of him with his misses showed up along with him acting like a freak dacing for 3 seconds.
Jewish kill themselves? Yes. Look at Adof Hitler weeks before his death. Lobs and we are a computer program they can burn you and make your organs fail it heal. Hitler got 9 years of Parkinson disease in weeks why? Because they new he was going to take cyanide and wouldn't of died if mind control wavelength signal.Afterlife I'd that i new most things and left them a message this time around. Petrol station fireball that they will be a in it for an eternity.

Double slit shot test means electrons and all are subconscious and think. When they try figure out the pattern and put a camera to read the results, it detects/knows they are doing and muttles up the pattern.... electrons think. It's one of my last weapons that they are telling everyone about and military ant keeping top secret.... trying to crack it don't help them they are so evil and mentally ill. They are trying to over through me the Jewish from what they tell me....they lie and subconsciously I can pick up and know when the lying. I believe they are telling the truth that the Jewish are trying to take over.

After I made premonition that they couldn't kill me or freinds or family or hold me in mental/drug

Yes I can do premonitions but Psychics told me I'm "wait for it" that I'm the Sole on.

Crazy people's but I am the sole creator = God "yes I know what your thinking" wtf is he on? Sadly nothing good.

I was in a car crash going 150km/h and we all survived. The girl in the front after I hit the stonby pole at 150km/h hit her head on windscreen bouncing it without getting any head injuries. She and mate in back didn't have seat belts on and she went flying into windscreen at 150km/h to dead stop and didn't get any head injuries at all....Not a miracle something happened. Mate I'n back seat didn't get hurt at all. I had seat belt on and got 6 fractured ribs but was fine and even played on tennis comp grand final game 3 days after crash...we won.

Some prems IV done or things that have happened.

For a start when my grandpa died my watch stopped at 1:13 am and I noticed it stopped and said it happened for a reason to my ex ex girlfriend. About 2 hours after that we got a phone call at 3am and they said grampa had died off a heart attack almost 2 hours ago.
Anyway I was very upset for many hours then out of know where my ex ex girlfriend said "didn't you say your watch stopped for a reason? She is clearly in on it with psychics telling her that "because" my oldest daughter asked her about my watch stooping and she said "I can't remember that far back" sounds beyond suspicious to me....I know she new about it because I remember the way and tone in her voice when she said 3+ hours after "didn't you say your watch stopped for a reason".
My sister was never at mums house awake at 3am. She was there why mum wasn't there let alone up at 3am in the morning. The same thing happened I think with Princess Diana when she died. She was at mums house and awake late rarly happened her being there as she moved out young.

Google CEO death after I sent him a message telling him to stop hidding my emails from sender's or stop delivery of my emails "Gmail" and I said he would die. He died in an rare earthquake claiming shortly after.

Hitler was framed and the Jewish killed themselves.... afterlife Jewish. They claim they all new about "the Jewish being killed" unto I asked questions then they ammited all kids and adults didn't no....many Jewish are pissed off in the afterlife.
The CIA claim Hitler was shacking before but that's an put right proven lie as there is mass photage of him months and months and years before lie...photage please because they said they never showed that photage "but that clam" was only in the last month's anyway "+" that footage would have shown up by now because the footage of him with his misses showed up along with him acting like a freak dacing for 3 seconds.
Jewish kill themselves? Yes. Look at Adof Hitler weeks before his death. Lobs and we are a computer program they can burn you and make your organs fail it heal. Hitler got 9 years of Parkinson disease in weeks why? Because they new he was going to take cyanide and wouldn't of die.

The Jewish come to power in America as planned and American CIA and congressman are Jewish rigged of course.

The Jewish have given up and handed power over... aparrntly Easy once I'm there premonition force but they claim family got put on charge.

I could be here all night showing coincidences like headlines on my strategy of 24/7 air support was sabotage by CIA and then headline change 9 years after I used the headline and come out claiming it was hacked "I proved impossible" 9 years after tagging the story and they changed story and headline to unencrypted which is like saying half of the military computers don't have spyware but they decide to leave a half the drones cameras undecrypted so people can see them .how stupid is that there is over 100 coincidences and 7+ coincidence in them getting the spy drone camera footage.....oblique weapons fb page people mass more proof.
That's only some of the things. Let me know what you think.

Meth is a Hell of a drug...
Meth is a Hell of a drug...

Last time I had "meth" was 20+ years ago and I almost had an heart attack.

To add to the list of endless "coincidences" I couldn't help my self but leave more proof. I can do premonitions & live / was born in the city of churches Adelaide. Do you get that? Jesus Christ was said to be able to do premonitions.

I'm an God.
Hahahaha well we can at least confirm Wilfred is Australian

Yes :tearsofjoy: And in the ending season (US version) it was also confirmed that he was indeed a God. :grin:

Was Wilfred a huge hit in Australia? Australian humor is gold! I don't know if the series was a very big hit in the US, but I (I'm Norwegian) thought it was hilarious and so well made! Another hidden gem, I suppose. :blush:
Yes :tearsofjoy: And in the ending season (US version) it was also confirmed that he was indeed a God. :grin:

Was Wilfred a huge hit in Australia? Australian humor is gold! I don't know if the series was a very big hit in the US, but I (I'm Norwegian) thought it was hilarious and so well made! Another hidden gem, I suppose. :blush:

Big not huge.

I guess the new saying is a gem is a dog's best friend.....Not to sure about that one
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