I'll admit that Im feeling a bit envious of everyone else.
I have always looked older. Even when I was a little kid. I have always had old wrinkly looking hands that people sometimes comment on. Starting from when I was a child I was always friends with my friends parents and would look foward to seeing the parent as much as my friends my own age. I developed really early- at 11- and I hated the attention it was so embarrasing. People my age thought it was weird and funny and older people would give me strange looks. Whe I got into highschool i had a hard time fitting in and couldnt really relate to most students. I had an older circle of friends that I spent most of my time with. I use to lie about my age- always claimed I was older- because sometimes older people felt foolish talking to me otherwise. I never had problems buying alcohol, cigarettes, or getting into bars (I made a fake ID as well). I hated high school. I started uni when i was 17 and it was awesome. I finally had freedom, independance and was surrounded by older people. I was the youngest person in my class but i kept this to myself. By this age I was totaly over partying and carying on recklessly (for the most part). I developed a great circle of older friends, with ages between 18- 60.
Interacting on this forum is probably the first time in my life have interacted with younger people, apart from my younger sister. I think this has been very healthy for me and has opened my mind further. I forgot how much maturity and wisdom young people have. I have made more of an effort to speak to younger people around me, and in my classes.
My mum looked very young for her age and people always commented that she looked far too young to have had me. People often think that my dad and his stepwife are my siblings. its not fair they both look so young for their age! When i was 23, my boss thought my 32 year old boyfirend was younger than me. I get these kinds of comments all the time. When I go out with my girlfriends I hardly ever get asked for ID while they cant leave the house without it. People guess my age at anything between 25 and 40!
The strangest thing for me is that I dont think I look that much older (anymore, i definately did when I was younger). My hands do look old, but my skin seems okay, although sometimes I have dark circles under my eyes. I think if anything, I look neutral and my age is hard to pin down. I started worrying about aging when I was 19 but then I just got over it. As long as im healthy and happy I really dont mind anymore- although I have invested in a great face cream. The advantage is that some people listen to me and take me seriously. I sometimes feel like I have fast tracked my life, because Ive been fortunate to have so many different experiences and interact with so many people at a younger age. The worst thing is that I look old, and that people expect a lot from me.