Ok I question the idea of "respect." for those that choose prostitution. It has nothing to do with someones right to choose what they do with their body, nothing to do with laws etc... It has to do with the why. Is someone choosing it because its an easy or easier way to make money? In the process exposing themselves to potentially life threatening situations? Here on this earth, mind and body are linked. Most of the time its about money. If so, would you respect someones choices to be an assassin? Here we also have a person who "just wants to make a living" and has found a way to do it.
I would respect a person choice to be an assasin, yes, although i do not ever want to murder someone and dont like murder. I also respect a person's choice to eat macdonalds or drink coca cola, although i would never do those things and would teach my child about why i think its 'wrong'. I respect a person's choice to drive a petrol car, although i would never do so myself and am always encouraging others to seek an alternative. I respect the right for someone to own a gun, although i would never do so and i am would do much to prevent widespread gun ownership in my blessed nation. I respect people because i love them and i value them. I may not agree with them and i may despise their beliefs but i accept that this is a part of the human experience. I think these things largely because of my personal spiritual beliefs and the high value i place on personal choice and free will. We are all accountable for our behaviour and we live the fruit of our thoughts and beliefs, whether they are healthy or unhealthy choices. Its not my place to judge, just to take responsibility for my own choices and actions and generally try to contribute to creating a happier society in the ways in which i can and am empowered to do so.
There are probably many different reasons why an individual may practice prostitution. Some people choose, some people are coerced, some people feel it is their only option as they feel that their choices are limited.
In regards to as an easy way to make money, that is a very personal choice. It may be easy for some, based on their values, skill set, lifestyle and work preferences. If they do it for the money, who am i to judge? Its their right to support themselves in a way that they choose. I do not personally think that prostitution is an easy way to make money and i would not be prepared to prostitute myself for money.
I think that it can be a very dangerous profession for some, and i would like to see more regulation of the industry and more respect afforded to prostitues so that do not get hurt, ill, abused, robbed etc. Much of the travesty that occurs in this world regarding prostitution- human sex trafficking, forced prostitution, child prostitution, prostitution borne out of desperation or drug addiction is a very sad thing and comes down to the value/or lack therof we place on human life, consumerism, our lack of support systems for vulnerable people, and our attitudes regarding sex.
I much prefer the idea of 'courtesans', people that are trained in the arts of sex that share this skill and experience with others. Sex is something i revere, it is a creative gift that we are afforded through the human condition. In that sense i find 'courtesans' beautiful. In regards to the way that prostitition is currently practiced in the mainstream, i think that sex can be seen as very ireverant. I think this reflects our larger societal beliefs and attitudes regarding sex, relationships between masculine and feminine energies, and the human body. But i truly respect and value people who 'voluntarily', willingly of their own accord and desire choose to become prostitutes. Sex and sexuality can be a form of expression for some people and they genuinely enjoy those aspects of that experience. They provide a valuable service to people who may not be able to have sex in more conventional ways, or people that want to explore certain sides of their sexuality. Sex is a perfectly natural and beautiful thing. I think repression of sex can be very dangerous and destructive, and is linked to much of the chaos in certain cultures and nations.
What i found truly disturbing is how sex is used to market products and beliefs, and how sex is used to manipulate and 'control' the population. I would like to see an overhaul in our general mainstream attitudes and beliefs regarding sex and its relation to our society and every day life