The Christian God also doesn't allow this, however he doesn't prevent it from happening. The reason being is because he has given us the power of choice, one of the best gifts that anyone could give to humanity, we are responsible for our actions. However we decided to turn our backs on him, through Adam and Eve's fall.
For him to prevent things like this would mean to take away choice (and who wants to live as a puppet?) In many ways, their actions is a solid reminder of sins influence on the world. The only way to take down groups like this is through Spiritual warfare. This is beyond emotional or psychical warfare and beyond the government's power. It is an extremely complicated and intense subject.
God does punish the wicked, psychical proof of this is death. Even though the price for our actions is death, spiritually It is a different matter. God is not only a stern god, but he is also loving. That's why he sent down Christ to die for our sins and take the price, through him we can truly know God. True Christianity is not a religion, it is a realtionship with God. The West Boro Baptist church fail to preach this message.
Thats why I ask for people not to compare us with them. One of reasons why I stand up and speak of my beliefs is because I love humanity and care for the well being of my fellow human, I don't do it to earn brownie points or because god commanded me to, its because I want to, regardless of any discrimination that may be cast towards me and other Christians. Anger towards groups such as the West Boro Baptist church is a completely normal reaction, I would be deeply concerned if their wasn't any anger toward their actions, I'm angry with them! Imagine how angry God must be with them! (I couldn't imagine).
I do realize that you as well as many other people here on the forums are agnostic.
I am trying my hardest to explain this in a way that doesn't look like that I have gone more insane that Albert Einstein, but I hope that you can see from what I have written that my views are very different to the members of the West Boro Baptist Church and that hopefully its helped shed some light on the subject.
This is pretty much the standard Christian answer and its a good awnser as it separates them from you. But it still doesn't tackle the real issue and doesn't really do anything. People need to be stopped and not allowed to push this kinda of hate mongering as free speech.
So again good luck to all the Christan folks, but this is just another reason I'm agnostic. Again no god I could fathom would allow such depravity.
So this is my last post in this thread. This is to much hate and religion in one thread for one day for this agnostic heathen.lol