Community Member
Yes and don't forget Philosophy. My god some of the language that is used is so asininely convoluted and awkward. I know philosophy Epically questions of Meta Physics and Epistemology are extremely abstract and thus difficult to explain but don't make it worse. Overstated something or worse repeating the same thing over again only to point out anther conclusion all together.
In ethics we haven't read many primary sources but in 101 we read primary sources pretty exclusively thank god we had a good teacher because have time I wasn't sure where they where their conclusion was headed.
Being verbose for its own sake is sad. If a world is appropriate use it but don't pack in useless words.
I sort of agree. I study philosophy at a university and what really irritates me is that we are advised to use difficult words in our writing just for the sake of using them, of showing that we can use them. :/ I used to think that writing essays on philosophy would be fun, but using difficult words as an end in itself takes away much of the fun.