Public Partial Nudity

Flavus Aquila

Finding My Place in the Sun
I get a little uneasy with people walking around with less than limbs and head/neck exposed. Women in boob-tubes, or bras; shirtless men; no shoes; etc.

It's not because of some sexual dimension, but I get a kind of blah feeling, like I wouldn't like to have them accidentally brush up against me (sweat/skin on my clothes), or think about them stepping on broken glass. Blah. I don't think it is operating like a phobia, but just at the level of yuck.

Needless to say, unless I'm going into the water I don't get around with just shorts on.

I haven't really examined myself why I don't like partial public nudity - I need some insights.

Other views on ppn?
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I guess it's because we are early on taught to see any kind of nudity as a private, and intimate part of ourselves that shouldn't be shared with anyone else. I have a similar discomfort with bikinis. I can't see myself, even if I had a bikini bod (which I have yet to achieve :D ), walking around in a two piece on a beach. It feels like showboating or exhibitionism. Just not comfortable. On the other hand, some people are comfortable with their bodies, and don't really care about showing them off. They don't necessarily do it to get attention. It's just a part of who they are.
If you feel that way I would avoid clothing optional beaches, especially ones where they are playing volleyball.
If you feel that way I would avoid clothing optional beaches, especially ones where they are playing volleyball.
I actually got caught in the middle of a nude picnic once. There's a riverside area near where I grew up that is frequented by nudists of the 1970's ilk. I had no knowledge of this, and I went down to the river and found a quiet spot, had a swim, and then sat in the shade to read. All these people started arriving and setting up a group picnic around me. I was so immersed in my book, that I didn't notice that they were stark naked. When I looked up and realised what was going on I made an uncomfortable retreat, trying not to step on people's picnic blankets.
Once when I was about 18 I saw a very perfect looking man walking near me with his shirt off. He was an absolute freak of nature. I've never seen anything like that again, but I'm willing to put up with the social acceptability of partial public nudity for any possibility that I might.

Sorry, I realise how shallow this is. Partial public nudity kind of annoys me as well. I mean I'm fine with it and everything, but I find it kind of maybe a bit impolite or something. I used to work shirtless in a bar when I was younger, I would never consider doing anything like that again.
I usually feel bad for the person as I know everyone is judging them. If they are breastfeeding then you know some idiot is going start harrassing them.
I usually feel bad for the person as I know everyone is judging them. If they are breastfeeding then you know some idiot is going start harassing them.

I think these are awesome. I wish I would have thought to get something like this.


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Sorry I didn't mention this, I find it totally bizarre that anyone could object to breastfeeding in public. It's like omg get a hobby, develop a life goal, achieve some personal suffering, bang your coworker, I don't know, just do SOMETHING that might give you some perspective on how totally unimportant it is whether or not someone breastfeeds in public. Honestly.
Sorry I didn't mention this, I find it totally bizarre that anyone could object to breastfeeding in public. It's like omg get a hobby, develop a life goal, achieve some personal suffering, bang your coworker, I don't know, just do SOMETHING that might give you some perspective on how totally unimportant it is whether or not someone breastfeeds in public. Honestly.
I nursed while out on nature walks on park trails and in the passenger of the car (while stopped by the roadside) when we were traveling somewhere. No one really seemed to care if they did notice. I wish I was brave enough to do it in restaurants and the mall and crowded places etc. Like some women who dgaf and make it a point to do it. Instead, I always brought a bottle of formula if we were going to be someplace very public because I didn't want to risk being hassled with my son, whose father would have gone off on anyone who did bother us. It is totally bizarre people are still offended by it places.
I am definitely not a prude, but I don't personally care for excessively revealing clothing (for reference, I have no issue with yoga pants and the like). It's more like, I just find it kind of tacky to be wearing pants that are like underpants or whatever. From a feminist perspective, I feel like all these women have worked so hard to be taken seriously, and then all these girls decide that what is really liberating is a "slut walk." It's all personal choice, but all things being equal, I don't really care for super revealing clothing. Though of course, in a club or other like setting, I wouldn't really think twice about it. Public breastfeeding is kind of a different issue IMO. I definitely have no objection to it. It's just a pragmatic thing to feed one's baby. It's different than deciding to wear what amounts to no pants on the subway or whatever. Regarding nude beaches, I've never understood the hoopla. When I was in Germany some years back, women at the spas (these are more like public health centers with extensive swimming/soaking areas), not like spas in the Western sense of a pricey place to get pampered) were frequently topless and no one gave it a second look. Women old and young, perky and saggy, flat and full. It was really nice actually that there was such a healthy attitude towards being human and having a body. Like boobs are this big secret that have to be kept in a bikini top (or burka) because we're too immature to deal with seeing them. But yeah, returning to the original point, I don't feel like looking at acres of flesh at the grocery store on the subway or in class.
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This reminds me... Today i went to the dentist and i didn't noticed i had the zip open. The assistant just stared and stared at my crotch, and i was like, damn girl at least look at my cleavage... Then i noticed... and the dentist did too, and i couldn't move. Both were female. For one moment i thought about moving and go to the bathroom, but the assistant scolded me and kept me lied down, also the dentist. For one second, and completely innocently and since everyone tacitally knew about my vantilation gap, i thought about asking for help to zip my pants again then. Just an impulse. NOOOO, no, man, not cool, don't say that...
So i lied down an hour with my zip open with two young good looking girls fixing my mouth. I thought it was amusing, specially when two other female coworkers and the secretary came in for a chat... Then i was, oh well, whatever.

Well that's all.
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This reminds me... Today i went to the dentist and i didn't noticed i had the zip open. The assistant just stared and stared at my crotch, and i was like, damn girl at least look at my cleavage... Then i noticed... and the dentist did too, and i couldn't move. Both were female. For one moment i thought about moving and go to the bathroom, but the assistant scolded me and kept me lied down, also the dentist. For one second, and completely innocently and since everyone tacitally knew about my vantilation gap, i thought about asking for help to zip my pants again then. Just an impulse. NOOOO, no, man, not cool, don't say that...
So i lied down an hour with my zip open with two young good looking girls fixing my mouth. I thought it was amusing, specially when two other female coworkers and the secretary came in for a chat... Then i was, oh well, whatever.

Well that's all.

We're you going commando or something? What's the big deal? These things happen. The zipper is an imperfect invention.
We're you going commando or something? What's the big deal? These things happen. The zipper is an imperfect invention.

First, i don't go commando with a zipper, i could catch my penis with it while zipping it up,never has happened to me anyway, but... basics.
It's just a story that i thought it was funny, never implied it was a big deal.
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First, i don't go commando with a zipper, i could catch my penis with it while zipping it up, basics....
It's just a story that i thought it was funny, not really a big deal.

I just thought it was weirder that they stared at your crotch than that your fly was down.
I nursed while out on nature walks on park trails and in the passenger of the car (while stopped by the roadside) when we were traveling somewhere. No one really seemed to care if they did notice. I wish I was brave enough to do it in restaurants and the mall and crowded places etc. Like some women who dgaf and make it a point to do it. Instead, I always brought a bottle of formula if we were going to be someplace very public because I didn't want to risk being hassled with my son, whose father would have gone off on anyone who did bother us. It is totally bizarre people are still offended by it places.

I completely support you in your comfort priorities. But also, I guess I'm a bit like your SO, because the idea that anyone would feel so afraid of being hassled about it that they would not do it just makes me wild with anger on their behalf. It's one of those times when I just struggle with my optimism about humanity, to be honest. Like to think that it is culturally acceptable to any extent to bully and harass a nursing mother, whether in person, or through sniping and bitching on social media. The fact that this seems to be getting treated as an actual legitimate discussion that people are having, about whether women should be required to conceal their nursing practices, is something that I find massively disturbing. As they say these days, "I can't even."
I think nothing of walking down the street in just a pair of shorts

I am ripped though. Lol
I just thought it was weirder that they stared at your crotch than that your fly was down.


The ladies should have been more profesional though. I felt objectified, and slightly, but only slightly harassed, i feel like complaining to human resources next time it happens, so i'll keep an eye on em'. I'm sure if i had an erection, they would have filled the complaint against me for sexual harasment. I'm pissed off now, God dammit...

But really... Why is it weird? Are you implying that girls never take a peek? Not that i'm refering to my case anyway.
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