Public speaking

i am awful at public speaking. i hate it and try to avoid it at all costs. sometimes i just skip the tutorial, and take the lower grade. (:
I have no problem with it. Maybe because it's more a logical presentation of information, than a feeeeeeelings exercise.
Somehow I always appear cool and collected while public speaking, but I feel like I'm shaking and I have to look at notes that I wrote so that I don't stop speaking (since I can't think of any of the ad-libbing that i wanted to do. I end up reading exactly what I wrote (which doesn't work well since my notes are usually just that, not a speech.) The more judgemental I "think" the audience is/will be, the more nervous I am. If I know and am comfortable with the majority of the people in the audience I'm much more relaxed. I usually don't look at any one person (unless they are a special inspiration for me) but I look at different points in the room. I don't "see" the points I'm looking at, but I move my eyes. I become very robotic and on autopilot until I'm done, then I walk off stage trying not to fall from shaking so badly (which again, is apparently not outwardly visible) and take a seat without looking at anyone. To get better at it, do it more. Good luck!
on one occasion, before presenting, i had this really stupid idea that i would tell my tutorial class that i was quite nervous and not at all good at public speaking. pretty much everyone was very respectful about it, except for this one guy, who sat at the back of the class, slouched in his seat, glaring at me the whole time. at the end, he debated almost every part of my discussion. on purpose i think. couldn't believe it, so mean.