Putin not afraid of anyone(runs to China for dual port)

After world war 2 the allied powers held a big meeting called the 'Bretton Woods Conference'

At that meeting they agreed to make the dollar the worlds reserve currency. This has given the US economy advantages over the rest of the world ever since for example all oil has been traded in dollars (called 'petrodollars')

The various advantages it gives the US are complex but include the ability to print seemingly endless supplies of dollars. These dollars are then held in foreign reserves around the world

Normally to make wealth a country has to produce things to sell (export) to other countries but the US's reserve currency advantage has allowed the US economy to survive despite the fact the US is largely a consumer not a producer

Without this advantage the US economy would have failed by now. The US has used this advantage to build a giant military which it has used to geo-politically bully other countries into doing what the US wants them to do

Unfortunately this approach has seen millions of people killed around the world which has destroyed the image of the US globally

The international bankers who created the bretton woods arrangement and who have been printing all the dollars want to control the economies of every country in the world.

The russians and the chinese and the iranians however due to their oil wealth have been able to avoid becoming vassel states of the central (international bankers)

The bankers have now ruined the economy of the US (in huge debt) and have upset the world with all their violent wars.

This has lead to many countries now losing faith in the idea of the US being the global policeman so they are now looking to protect their interests

The banker controlled NATO has orchestrated a coup in Ukraine to try and put pressure on Russia and it has imposed sanctions on Iran and attacked its ally syria to put pressure on Iran

But these countries have refused to kow tow to the international bankers and have decided to go their own way

They have set up their own energy markets to trade oil in non dollar currencies. This is going to spell the end of the dollars status as the worlds reserve currency and the end of the petro dollar

China has called to the world to 'de-dollarise' and this is going to see a flood of dollar reserves flooding back into the US causing hyper-inflation; this will destroy the purchasing power of the US dollar

The crafty bankers are using their media to tell the US and british public that the russians and the chinese are the enemy but the truth is it was the bankers who created the failing financial system and the war economy NOT the chinese and the russians

There is one group to blame for the failure of the US: the international central bankers

The bankers know that people are now becoming aware of who they are and their various machinations and they are desperately trying to pick a fight with the russians as a final throw of the dice to try and direct the growing anger of the US public onto a foreign bogeyman

The US has imposed sanctions on russia which has forced russia to diversify its economy. This aggression by the international banker controled NATO has pushed Russia into the arms of the chinese and the two countries have formed a massive and long lasting energy deal

This has all been forced by the aggression of the international bankers who have only their own failed policies and aggression to blame

The world is now looking on to see what kind of tantrum the international banker controlled US is going to have as its economy folds in on itself

Many people are now anticipating some kind of giant false flag attack like 911 as a way to suck all these countries into war. ISIS is already being used as a way to justify western aggression in the middle east again...this could be the trigger for escalation because iran, syria, china and russia have all formed a mutual defence pact. If NATO attacks one of these countries the others must step in to defend them

This is indeed exactly how the previous world wars started

US and European citizens must wake upto what their bankers are upto and realise that they are being led into world war again

It would be far easier for us all and cost us far less deaths to overthrow the bankers in the west then it would be to enter nuclear war with russia and china...will the western public realise this elegant truth or will they allow themselves to be suckered into yet another banker war (this one might well be the last due to the nuclear arsenals of the players involved)
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The proof is in history.

You mean history will judge?

Really? You think that Bush belongs alongside Hitler, Mussolini, Castro and Lenin? That's just the people who I know said that for definite.
Iraq invaded and stole from another country. Bush Sr. led a coalition of forces to beat them back. just for the records

Crimea and Ukraine are appearing as a Cuban missile crisis. The shield Bush Jr kept pushing was to protect and neutralize. Putin does not like this, so he has taken port cities with a stiff upper lip while Obama smiles and looks away. Putin turned to China for multiple reasons, one of which was to jump sanctions against Russian aggression. Putin has already cut gas supplies down to try and show his force to those south of him.
Kennedy and team stood down Russian aggression from placing missiles in Cuba aimed at the US. Russia did the right thing in backing down. Bush was pushing defense systems, which is a far cry from missiles. The defense systems are more to cover Europe from Iran than from Russia. Of course Putin turned to China, but how does China feel about Crimea? Ukraine? They need money and power, but are playing with fire.
Iraq invaded and stole from another country. Bush Sr. led a coalition of forces to beat them back. just for the records

No thats not what happened...i do not know where you get your information from but it is seriously warped

The US gave slant drilling technology to kuweit who then drilled under their neighbour iraq and started stealing the oil from underneath iraqi soil and selling it at low prices. This was threatening to destroy the iraqi economy so the iraqis spoke to the US who had been a partner of the iraqis during the iraq v's iran war and asked if it was ok for them to invade kuweit and stop the slant drilling

The US said it was none of their business and that the iraqis could do what they wanted. Once the iraqis went into kuweit however the US sprung its trap. They then accused Iraq of aggression and they got the daughter of the kuweiti ambassador to the US to speak to congress and to pretend to be a nurse so that she could tell congress lies about atrocities being committed by the Iraqi army that were not occuring at all

The US then got a 'coalition of the willing' tigether ie any countries it could cojole and threaten or bribe and then attacked iraq to steal iraqs oil

Please check into slant drilling by kuweit you will find out information easily (this is obviousy the first iraq conflict i am talking about)

Crimea and Ukraine are appearing as a Cuban missile crisis. The shield Bush Jr kept pushing was to protect and neutralize. Putin does not like this, so he has taken port cities with a stiff upper lip while Obama smiles and looks away.

No Obama has not smiled and looked away

Obama or rather the people who control Obama are behind the conflict in Ukraine

They told the new (unelected) kiev government that if they did not take control of the eastern regions of the country (by extreme force including shelling their own citizens) then Ukraine would not qualify for an IMF loan. This pressured the kiev forces to attack their own people in the east!

Obamas overlords have also funded, armed and trained syrian rebels including al qaeda and ISIS which they are going to use as an excuse to attack Assads forces in syria

So Obama has not 'looked away'...he has been very busy trying to attack russia on multiple fronts

Putin turned to China for multiple reasons, one of which was to jump sanctions against Russian aggression.

No not Russian aggression! Russia is just responding to NATO aggression!

NATO orchestrated a right wing coup in Ukraine and put an unelected government of oligarchs into power in Kiev

This then then threatened Russias military base in the crimea and her oil pipelines running through Ukraine. The people in the east of Ukraine are historically russian and want to remain closer to the russians then the EU. Putin understandably does not like seeing them attacked and shelled in their cities by NATO controlled kiev forces so he respected the democratic vote of the crimean people to join russia

Putin has already cut gas supplies down to try and show his force to those south of him.

No Putin is responding tit for tat to sanctions imposed by NATO against russia

Putin knows that in the war of sanction and counter sanction that the russians can absorb more punishment then NATO controlled western Europe can

The russians have historically sucked up more punishment then most other people on the planet. Suffering to defend their motherland is something the russian understand very well and if NATO think they are going to be the people to break russian spirit they are very much mistaken

Russia like Afghanistan is the rock that armies break against and NATO will be no different (hows your US economy doing now Just me? Any tensions rising in your country?)

For every sanction that NATO place against russia, russia will match it (eg by cutting off gas supplies)

Do you know who will suffer in that? Europeans who are dependent on russian gas and oil; they are being made to suffer because of NATO aggression (less gas as winter approaches)

Kennedy and team stood down Russian aggression from placing missiles in Cuba aimed at the US.

Once again that is totally false

It's the other way around...the russians faced down US aggression...you can check this easily

The US placed missiles in turkey on russias doorstep so the russians countered by putting missiles in cuba on the US doorstep. The US had a tantrum so the russians said: ''ok we will pull our missiles back if you pull yours back'' which the US then did=victory to russia (who managed to defend themselves from US aggression). The US then went on to visit aggression on Cuba with the bay of pigs invasion which failed

Russia did the right thing in backing down.

No the russians stepped up and the US backed down....learn your history...look into the missiles the US put in turkey that caused the cuban crisis

Bush was pushing defense systems, which is a far cry from missiles. The defense systems are more to cover Europe from Iran than from Russia.

That's a lie

The US's missiles are still pointing at Russia NOT iran

Iran does not have nuclear missiles and is not a nuclear threat

The so called 'defence sheild' was not defencive it was offencive. Any warrior trained in systems that use sheilds will tell you that the sheild can be used as an offensive weapon. In my country scotland our targes (sheilds) had spikes on the front which were used to impale the enemy as we charged them

And so it was with the US missile 'sheild'...it's function was to allow the US to be able to launch a first strike nuclear blow to russia with the sheild then catching the missiles russia sent back in retaliation...it was all about aggression not defence and it represented a further escalation in the arms race

Of course Putin turned to China, but how does China feel about Crimea? Ukraine? They need money and power, but are playing with fire.

China understands what Russia is up against because china is being encircled by US missiles as well

Russia has tried working with the US but the US just keeps ramping up the nuclear cold war aginst russia and this has left the chinese and russians with no choice but to make their own preparations to defend themselves
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Iraq invaded and stole from another country. Bush Sr. led a coalition of forces to beat them back. just for the records

Crimea and Ukraine are appearing as a Cuban missile crisis. The shield Bush Jr kept pushing was to protect and neutralize. Putin does not like this, so he has taken port cities with a stiff upper lip while Obama smiles and looks away. Putin turned to China for multiple reasons, one of which was to jump sanctions against Russian aggression. Putin has already cut gas supplies down to try and show his force to those south of him.
Kennedy and team stood down Russian aggression from placing missiles in Cuba aimed at the US. Russia did the right thing in backing down. Bush was pushing defense systems, which is a far cry from missiles. The defense systems are more to cover Europe from Iran than from Russia. Of course Putin turned to China, but how does China feel about Crimea? Ukraine? They need money and power, but are playing with fire.

The hating on Obama meme gets old, there's no way the whole of US foreign policy is determined by a single personality, even if you dont believe in the whole "deep state" or military industrial complex thesis that is just nonsensical.

I dont believe that the Ukrainian situation is the Cuban missile crisis but I do believe that Putin benefits from that kind of analogy, its remarkable, during the Cold War they had to plant agents, for a long time, to undermine confidence in government in the way that domestic forces do entirely unsolicited today.

Its still possible that all this is still the game that international governments play and that the US is assisting Putin in playing the game which he wants or rather needs to play because it goes over well with his domestic population. Embarrassments to western powers dont prove to be that destabilising, in nations like Russia which havent outgrown the attachment to strong men leaders legacy of communism, czarism etc.
The hating on Obama meme gets old, there's no way the whole of US foreign policy is determined by a single personality, even if you dont believe in the whole "deep state" or military industrial complex thesis that is just nonsensical.

I dont believe that the Ukrainian situation is the Cuban missile crisis but I do believe that Putin benefits from that kind of analogy, its remarkable, during the Cold War they had to plant agents, for a long time, to undermine confidence in government in the way that domestic forces do entirely unsolicited today.

Its still possible that all this is still the game that international governments play and that the US is assisting Putin in playing the game which he wants or rather needs to play because it goes over well with his domestic population. Embarrassments to western powers dont prove to be that destabilising, in nations like Russia which havent outgrown the attachment to strong men leaders legacy of communism, czarism etc.


You criticise Just Me here for pandering to the narrative of the Obama cult of the personality (ie the idea that one person is weilding total power) but then you go onto make the same claim about russia (ie that putin is ruling with total power in a cult of personality)!

Are you not consciously aware of your irony here?

There is a group of powerful people behind Obama in the US who control things. Obama is their frontman

There is a group of powerful people in Russia who control things; Putin is their frontman

The only difference between Putin and western leaders is that Putin had a proper job before politics (he worked for the KGB) and therefore he has earned his leadership post whereas western politicans are invariably people with little real world experience who haven't earned their position

This means that Putin is less of a puppet then western leaders but he is still there representing the position of large numbers of powerful people in Russia; if he was not so he would be removed from power
Y'all should read Legend of Koizumi. Got all your favorite peoples in it: Bush jr and sr, Putin, Pol Pot, Kim Jong Il, Pope Benedict, special appearances by Colin Powell, Margaret Thatcher, Hitler himself and a host of other political characters.

I totally disagree with those behind Obama and Obama, but that really had nothing to do with my conclusions. jftr
Does anyone want to discuss who the people behind Obama are?

I'll start us off: NEO-CONS
Maybe with a synopsis?
Putin has basically claimed to be fearless, lest he lose his standing in the world and to himself. He has reached out to take and keep what he wants. NATO almost does not exist. He claims he has no fear, but has done everything he can possibly think of to destroy the shielding of Europe before it can happen. He claims hitting ISIS in Syria, one of his countries run by Bashar Assad, is a violation of rules but what about CRIMEA and East Ukraine?

I'm not scared. He has helped Iran to build nuclear facilities, but now is turning to China for a military port they can build and share. China is falling right in line, not realizing what Putin is doing. I have to agree with Pope Francis a bit, as I see the precursors to WWIII already taking place. Putin is playing with fire and has no idea what he is up against.
Putin is a ISTP, the Se subtype. Kind of a mild and well behaved ESTP, that can actualy think in advance logicaly.
And well, ESTPs and ISTPs like very much to test the limits of things, maybe even push a limit or two.

The word "fearless" is a very used word, kind of like a brand, by ESTPs and ISTPs alike.
The only other guys I've heard bragging loudly that they are fearless are ESTJs...but its not for real. While with Se users it can be real.
This is actualy a vice, as Aristotle argued. The fearless man, the rash man, is on a dangerous extreme.
I synopsis of what that stands for. I do not want to google something like that.
I synopsis of what that stands for. I do not want to google something like that.

The neo-conservatives are a group of ultra-nationalist nutjobs who are always banging the war drums; they were inspired by the work of the philosopher Leo Strauss

I'm sure there's plenty of info online about them

If you don't want to google them then use duckduckgo search engine as your searches are not recorded

from wikipedia:


Neoconservatism is a political movement born in the United States during the 1960s. Many of its adherents rose to political fame during the Republican presidential administrations of the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and 2000s. Neoconservatives peaked in influence during the presidency of George W. Bush, when they played a major role in promoting and planning the invasion of Iraq.[SUP][1][/SUP] Prominent neoconservatives in the Bush administration included Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, and Paul Bremer.
The term "neoconservative" refers to those who made the ideological journey from the anti-Stalinist left to the camp of American conservatism.[SUP][2][/SUP] Neoconservatives frequently advocate the "assertive" promotion of democracy and promotion of "American national interest" in international affairs including by means of military force.[SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP] The movement had its intellectual roots in the Jewish[SUP][5][/SUP] monthly review magazine Commentary.[SUP][6][/SUP][SUP][7][/SUP] C. Bradley Thompson, a professor at Clemson University, claims that most influential neoconservatives refer explicitly to the theoretical ideas in the philosophy of Leo Strauss (1899–1973).[SUP][8][/SUP]
[MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION], I don't see Obama anything like that at all.
The hating on Obama meme gets old, there's no way the whole of US foreign policy is determined by a single personality, even if you dont believe in the whole "deep state" or military industrial complex thesis that is just nonsensical.

I dont believe anyone could possibly be intimidated by Bush, 9/11 happened on his watch for God sake, neither irregular actors nor their state sponsors were worried about the possible retaliation and that was actually what I expected to happen next, that some suspect nation would disappear in a firestorm. It never happened.

If anyone was concerned about Bush it would not have been because he projected might it would have been because he was so reckless and prone to such buffoonery, combine that with real powerful, untold WMD capabilities. Anyone would be concerned about that. Or should be concerned about that.


Its not down to the individual, which I think is the contradiction you're trying to highlight there, but what plausibly can be conducted "on their watch" and attributed to their decision making by the deep state.

Seriously to read the threads it all appears like the elected representatives are the kings and queens of old.
To read some of the threads it seems like certain people harbor unfathomable hatred for the US, hidden in inuendos by other half truths. Inuendo: A clever way to say what you mean, but not necessarily mean what you say, because of underlying hidden intent that must be inferred to be understood.

Bush and Cheney resorted to actions, while Obama is acting like resorting. What Obama did across northern Africa opened a new chapter that was to end in Syria, but he has always favored Iran. America is not the monster some people play it out to be. Placing MB in charge of Egypt was insane. We are still bombing northern Africa, probably even today.

Do you see it, though? There is war where there is nobody that puts their foot down. Vacuums leaving nobody capable of keeping the peace cause problems. Running a democracy in some state where someone like IS or Boko Haram is necessitates a military strong enough to deal with the threat. While everyone was wondering who to place in charge in Iraq, they should have been more concerned about who could protect it. They said Al Sadr was too radical, then placed people into offices that would have worked fine had we stayed there long enough.
I am not fully immersed in the political lingo anymore or all the world affairs but have watched a lot of interviews with Putin. I don't get the feeling he minces words or says anything to placate other people. There is something about him as a person that I really enjoy quite a lot. I think that he is a fucking beast, and I like it. Now, how that kind of personality will play out in the next decade or so as the leader of a nation I am not sure. But I am always interested in hearing what he has to say unlike a lot of leaders who are just trying to appeal to people's feelings.