NeverAmI Satisclassifaction Retired Staff MBTI INFP Enneagram 5w4 Jul 29, 2010 #21 Will is nothing but perspective and how you choose to focus your attention.
Trifoilum find wisdom, build hope. MBTI INFJ Enneagram 6w5 Jul 29, 2010 #22 I suppose saying "I can do it but I don't want to" is a weakness in the heart, and saying "I want to do it but I can't" is a weakness in the head. Sorry, harsh quotes my head have sprouted.
I suppose saying "I can do it but I don't want to" is a weakness in the heart, and saying "I want to do it but I can't" is a weakness in the head. Sorry, harsh quotes my head have sprouted.
Solongo Well-known member MBTI INFJ all day Jul 29, 2010 #23 "When you're not busy learning, you're busy dying."