Question: INFJ & ESFJ relationship?...

not that bad

My wife is an ESFJ. We've been together 14 years. Aside from a few issues of my own we are delighted with one another and find we complement one another nicely.
My mother is ESFJ. We've been conflicting with each other for over 20 years :(

My boss is ESFJ too - and I don't like the way he treats people.
My mother is ESFJ. We've been conflicting with each other for over 20 years :(

My boss is ESFJ too - and I don't like the way he treats people.

I have the same problem. I don't think things will change though. As we have been like this for a long time now.
My mother is an ENFJ. *c-c-c-combo breaker!*

On-topic: I have an ESFJ friend and we get along great. His ability to keep everyone together and be loyal to friends compliments my need for stability well. Even though we don't always click, we never have any hiccups in our relationship.
My sister (whom is currently my roomate and good friend) is ESFJ, I'll give you the breakdown:

1. Very opinionated, if you can handle this then you are fine. Their major weakness is that they love gossip and tend to pass judgement on others too soon. INFJ's can do this as well, except ESFJ's are pretty bad at it seeing as their intuition is rather non-existant.

2. Love to be around people and have people over. My sister takes great pride in this. She's not a PARTY girl, she's a company girl. It's not about doing something exciting outside, it's about being a good guest or host. She's the kind of type that throws fun casual parties, like having everyone over for a funny movie or video games. She's not the type that likes to randomly do a drinking party.

3. Very vocal about things on their mind, which makes them very headstrong. If you can't handle a headstrong woman, then I'd keep distance.

4. She doesn't understand introversion, but not in a "disreguarding" way. She's very curious and respectful of it instead (well, as much as an ESFJ can be respectful twoards introversion. My sister tends to walk into my room often to tell me something on her mind, which I don't mind too much).

5. They are workaholics and are dedicated to their jobs and relationships. They like having lots of company and friends, but they still value true friendships more than anything.

6. Very respectful towards people and situations, even if it's someone who she thinks is a total douchebag. Oh, you'll hear about how much she hates X person weeks after something happens, but when it's actually happening she's very passive on the opinions and always loves to give other people a good impression of her self.

7. She likes being tidy!

8. Very intelligent, loves science/math but yet is also good at art. Hates the preteniousness behind art though - she doesn't really think deep into meanings. Her depth comes from her depth in knowledge and her personality that allows her to share it with a passion and with confidence to others.

In the end it could work out if you guys really sync up on values while also both acknowledging each other's personality quirks (such as extroversion vs. introversion, preferring to think as a sensor and not into meanings, etc). These things could be turnoffs for an INFJ, but ESFJ's tend to be curious and respectful twoards how people think differently, not rejectful. They ARE opinionated and judgemental, but only on things that people actually do, not their character or the way they think through things. My sister loves her introverted friends just as much as her extroverted ones for example. She might not understand the way I think or how I like being introverted, but it makes her curious and she likes to be surrounded by a diverse group of friends, as long as they are "morally right" in her eyes.