I'm beginning to question the term "introversion" - since the connotations especially based on popular misconception are often negative. It suggests a desire not to interact or engage with people or a tendency to withdraw from people and society, to be antisocial, etc. And many introverts, as clearly as this site demonstrates, are rarely many of these things even if they aren't very social irl.
Actually, this describes me fairly accurately
most of the time.
Ignore negative connotations. There is no reason that being introverted should be a bad thing, and no reason to believe that introversion is a bad thing. That only happens because the predominant types don't like it. The masses are EF's, I think, but the world is controlled by IT's. Anyway, most people have very specific "moral codes" which they adhere to and that causes extreme bias against people unlike them. Introverts are perhaps some of the most discriminated against.
(The above paragraph is mostly speculation, but may be true)
You mentioned introversion possibly becoming a "self-fulfilling prophecy." Couldn't this happen with any type, or typology as a whole? Eg. a person takes the test, gets a type, doesn't quite agree with all of it, subconsciously changes their attitudes and behavior to more or less "fit" that type better. Another thing is where the descriptions are sometimes so vague, that they can be interpreted in many different ways, so even if the descriptions doesn't "fit," you can find a way to make it fit (the
Forer Effect). This is why it is recommended to
not merely take the test and read the type, but to study the theory more in-depth. It is necessary to see it as generalizations rather than specifics. The test and descriptions mean nothing.
Maybe all the negative connotation with the word 'introvert' does make one see introverts in a negative light, but I think that some types have a tendency to do that anyway. I think some of the temperaments have a tendency to look at others or themselves more negatively. For example, being unassertive, extremely self-conscious, or having low self-esteem. Most would consider this "bad," but I am not sure I could say I believe that.
Introversion, denotatively, is nothing bad. Look at it that way instead of applying all the biases and interpretations and connotations. It does more harm than good to do so.