- Enneagram
- Type me.
You Are Glitter and Doom
When You Are Comfortable:
You are a Fop. You need sarcasm and kindness in your life, even if that means spending a paycheck on lottery tickets and cigarettes.
People see you as high-heeled and coruscating. You are always able to see the fortune-cookie in situations. Other find this tranquilizing.
When You Are At Your Best:
You are a roguish, clandestine person. You need to visit the citadel, and you always are willing to give a chap a ride home.
People see you as megalomaniacal and dastardly. You inspire people to be the best they can be in the army.
When You Are in a Social Setting:
You are a glamorous, bucktoothed person. You love being the center of attention and an object of wage slavery.
People see you as brooding and snarling. You are naturally building your own toboggan. You are ambitious, and find it easy to get a leg up on the competition.
How come my result wasn't half that interesting?