Rachel Maddow versus Richard Cohen


C'est la vie
Retired Staff
Oh, sooooooooooo good.


"Come out straight" is probably something that many people will want to do. And even more people need to "come out human". Meaning, not being divided to gay, straight, bisexual, asexual etc, but just human.
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She is sexy as all get-out..
That is all I have to contribute..
mMMMM ::girlcrush::
I know I'm digging up a super old thread, but I just listened to an archived interview with Richard Cohen on the radio this morning...I...am...speechless.

I'm in love with Rachel Maddow! So great!
Aaah @enfpcanbeshy....he used to say a lot of very sensible stuff. i hope he's well where ever he is
I know I'm digging up a super old thread, but I just listened to an archived interview with Richard Cohen on the radio this morning...I...am...speechless.

I'm in love with Rachel Maddow! So great!

She is great...Richard Cohen isn’t strait...he is a Gay man, married to a woman with kids...that doesn’t define your sexuality.
He does have blood on his hands...anyone who promotes such a thing, saying that being Gay makes you a child molester or anything of the sort, is just flat out wrong, and evil.
She is great...Richard Cohen isn’t strait...he is a Gay man, married to a woman with kids...that doesn’t define your sexuality.
He does have blood on his hands...anyone who promotes such a thing, saying that being Gay makes you a child molester or anything of the sort, is just flat out wrong, and evil.

I'm embarrassed to admit this, but I actually heard his interview this morning on Howard Stern...and, while it's not a very legit platform, he stressed the idea that sexuality isn't a disease that can be cured, or a behaviour that can be unlearned. I believe the interview was tapped before his link with Uganda's anti-gay bill (as they mentioned that stores are refusing to carry his book). I'm glad to see that a new institution pick this up and torn him a new one.

I read that he's still practising but without a license, and that there's actually a movement he's involved with, that's trying to sue the ACA for being biased and siding with 'gay-affirmation' (Wikipedia taught me this). I honestly can't see how anyone or business would hire him!

I've studied forensic psychology and the development of paedophilia, and there is a theory that suggests children who are molested develop a behaviour (much like how fetishes are developed- we experience and orgasm and, if we're exposed to a particular stimuli (e.g., a shoe), we have a sexual attraction to that (e.g., shoe fetishes)), thus, victims of paedophilia often gravitate to that relationship dynamic because of this. But it's not the gender of the other individual, as it is the power dynamic. I see how he's trying to use this theory to prove his point...but to suggest that homosexuality can be unlearned, and that it's been used for such monumental political movements is insane...considering there's only anecdotal evidence.
Just growing up with my brother..I can say that we had a very stable and loving childhood...he wasn’t molested...no divorce...he had friends who were male and female.
My Mother told me looking back she always knew he was, and thus, it wasn’t a big deal when he came out to her and my Father.
They chose him over our religion actually....how many can say that?
I’ve known a lot of people who have been shunned and kicked out by their parents never to speak again.
It’s sad that people think that something needs to be changed...
Just growing up with my brother..I can say that we had a very stable and loving childhood...he wasn’t molested...no divorce...he had friends who were male and female.
My Mother told me looking back she always knew he was, and thus, it wasn’t a big deal when he came out to her and my Father.
They chose him over our religion actually....how many can say that?
I’ve known a lot of people who have been shunned and kicked out by their parents never to speak again.
It’s sad that people think that something needs to be changed...

Your family sounds very loving and united! You're right when you say that not everyone can say that their family accepts them- it's true.

I have several close friends who are gay and bisexual, and they've always known who they were- it's society that tells them who they aren't.


I like to read about psychology and evolutionary theories, but I think when it comes to sexuality, the human mind, capacity to love, and being are so complex that I don't think you can simply understand why someone is the way they are.
This is insane....god, I love Rachel. I haven't watched her in awhile but I need to go back. I've bombarded my mind with crap tv. Anyway... this guy needs fucking help. I personally believe that homosexuality, bisexuality, or heterosexuality is up to the individual. Maybe they were born into the sexuality or chose it, who knows, its just who they are. It is innate and to try to shame someone to change it is asinine.
I watch Maddow every night that I can. She's not perfect by any means, and sometimes I don't agree with her stances/methods (I start to check out when she gets going on guns). However, she's a fairly close political match to me, and one of the few prominent ones. Aside from her pet issues (every political anchor has them) that clouds her judgement, I value her teams effort to finding their sources and keeping things as factual as they can. She's also the first to break some pretty big deal political stories and I like that a lot. I just wish she could ditch some of the snark, it goes overboard 1/2 the time (though I will admit it makes me laugh).