That is not at all what I'm arguing for. I'm arguing that your biases and assumptions make much of what your saying unreliable in so far as logical conclusions. It seems like you rely on intuition, then try to justify with logic or proof, which your really bad at. That's different than me since I form an impression from intuition, then I check to see if it is logically reasonable. That's why people who would like a logical reason to reach conclusions would disagree with you. You very well would end up correct some of the time because intuition is an incredible tool. Your problem is you just think its always right.
That's just the natural understanding of our world by living in our world which we explain by physics. This is certainly something different because this is an automatic behavior, not really a cognitive one.
These philosophical musings you refer to aren't about if its possible to predict the future. That's easy to disprove. I'm talking about why taking your "predictions" at face value would be a very very bad idea. Per your ideas, it might seem reasonable to get a gun and go assassinate every rich person. Philosophically that would be highly unethical.
Hey this is a perfect example of what I predicted about you! That's great you just proved me right

You see, that is absolutely not what happened. But you rationalized it in such a way to make yourself think you where right all along. You see, you argued that the MMR vaccine caused autism because of the results of the wakefield studies. Furthermore you tried to say other vaccines can cause autism because of the organomercurials. However, I and others showed you that wakefield was an unethical scientist, and that the organomercurial (the name escapes me now) hasn't been used for a long time in anything but influenza vaccine. That's when you said that the influenza vaccine causes autism which also isn't true because the flu vaccine isn't even given to those at risk, meaning young children. You actually got to the point that you said you where sure that vaccines where a method of poisoning the public because of what bill gates said. Even thought all the science doesn't point in that direction and that wasn't even what bill gates was talking about.
Now the CDC "expert" your referencing did not come out after that discussion. In fact that came out a long while ago, but still does not prove that they are related. They said that more research is needed to be certain that it is not caused. You only saw what you wanted to see. And here you are, saying now that after our debate that the expert came out and confirmed you right. That's simply not what happened. This is your rationalization after the fact, exactly as I predicted. This proves your irrationality, lol.
Studies are published often in either direction. Notice that this is a study, not proof. Its evidence that must be considered, not taken at face value as you seem very willing to do as a way to again rationalize the case so you can say that you where right. In truth I'm really more on the fence on the fluoride debate. I wasn't then, but I do think that better research should be undertaken.
And here you are seeing only what you want to see. I have at no point here said that the police are not militarizing. In fact, I agree that the police are becoming more outfitted with advanced equipment and some of that was from the military. Important to note that not all of it was, but nonetheless true that the police have updated quantity and quality of equipment.
You aren't even seeing my arguments for what they really are. All you see is what you want to see because if your confirmation bias.