
I don't think that it is not seriously condoning racism. It is definetly provocative. It makes you think. I feel that it is being absurd on purpose. It is a parody
I don't think that it is not seriously condoning racism. It is definetly provocative. It makes you think. I feel that it is being absurd on purpose. It is a parody

I think it's trying to make a point, definitely. People are being too sensitive on race, and everyone is a little bit racist sometimes.
It oversimplifies racism. While I agree that people can take race too seriously at times, people can also forget that everyday there are still people who are being hurt or even killed simply because of their race. There are also real disparities that occur as a result of race. If you are a black man in this country, then the studies have demonstrated you are at a considerable disadvantage at getting a decent job and considerably more likely to end up in prison.
I dont think so at all. I think race should be taken very seriously.There was a thing on the today show about how people all over the world are using skin whitening cream. Matt Lauer and the woman each said. I dont understand that as all. They were white, successfful with the world at their feet. I dont know what it is like to walk through the world as a different race. But I have seen how children in school are treated differently.. Blonde haired blue eyed children have a diffenerent experience of the world than someone who has brown skin and brown eyes. Unless you know what it is like first hand I think that we should take race seriously.

People have come to this country as slaves and lived their whole lives as slaves. They have died as slaves.

History is repeated when it is forgotten. We mustn't forget.

We must not forget.
You know I was thinking about this further. When I go into most Dunkin Donuts I see mostly people behind the counter that are minorities. When I go into wealthy communities I see mostly white people. When I go into a poor community I see a large proportion of minorites. People in poverty have less opportunity. How can we not take racism seriously when it is surrounds us. It results in serious inequity.
I think that song highlights the various forms of racism rather tactfully.
Though I have noticed the biggest problem when it comes to racism is the the insistance people place on seperating the races that allows for racism to occur in the first place.
If you choose not to see the differences you tend to see how much you have in common rather than alienating one race over another.
I can't view the video so I can't comment on it.
I will however say that I do not give a shit about race issues. Now I'm sure someone will call me racist for that, however I stopped giving a damn about minorities being bashed when I was told that the racism I experienced as a white kid in a minority area didn't count because "you're white, white people can't be discriminated against"

I can't view the video so I can't comment on it.
I will however say that I do not give a shit about race issues. Now I'm sure someone will call me racist for that, however I stopped giving a damn about minorities being bashed when I was told that the racism I experienced as a white kid in a minority area didn't count because "you're white, white people can't be discriminated against"

So let me get this straight. One person (wrongly IMO, given the information presented) invalidates your feelings of discrimination so other people
I think that song highlights the various forms of racism rather tactfully.
Though I have noticed the biggest problem when it comes to racism is the the insistance people place on seperating the races that allows for racism to occur in the first place.
If you choose not to see the differences you tend to see how much you have in common rather than alienating one race over another.

The problem with trying to be colorblind is there are differences between races. Different races have different histories and cultural influences. Pretending they don't exist doesn't make them go away. I can pretend there is no difference between me and a black man, but it doesn't change the fact that it is significantly easier for me to get a job than it would be for him.
If you want to see how strong racism still is these days, come to where I live. :P
It oversimplifies racism. While I agree that people can take race too seriously at times, people can also forget that everyday there are still people who are being hurt or even killed simply because of their race. There are also real disparities that occur as a result of race. If you are a black man in this country, then the studies have demonstrated you are at a considerable disadvantage at getting a decent job and considerably more likely to end up in prison.

Satya, I just had to say that I LOVE your signature...

(sorry bout being off topic here)... ahem, pls continue...
So let me get this straight. One person (wrongly IMO, given the information presented) invalidates your feelings of discrimination so other people
Where did I say one person? Actually this has been the same sentiment from majority of people I have spoken to.
Does it matter how many? They are clearly the ignorant ones. Racism is racism.

I understand majority of people are morons who like to decide one thing applies to one group but not another, and that assuming the worst of things is better then looking at things objectively.
This part actually made me laugh out loud. You're guilty of the very thing you're complaining about, and you appear to be completely oblivious of that fact.

You have consistently assumed the worst of people (that the majority of people are morons), and tarred them with the same brush, instead of treating people on an individual, objective basic.

You're a blind hypocrite, darling.

Of course I'm self absorbed, people are pricks so why should I bother giving a damn anymore?
Because not everyone is that way? But at least you're *aware* of your self absorption...

Nice subtle attempt at discrediting my character though.
Bored Now didn't need to discredit your character. You did a perfectly good job of that yourself when you decided to proclaim that you judge humanity at large based solely on the ignorance of a very vocal minority.


For the record, the assumption that all people are "a little bit racist" is absolutely ridiculous. I'm not even going to try to explain why, it's such an absurd leap of logic to make.
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"Does it matter how many? They are clearly the ignorant ones. Racism is racism."
It does when, until now, not one person has agreed that it is in fact racism.

"This part actually made me laugh out loud. You're guilty of the very thing you're complaining about, and you appear to be completely oblivious of that fact.

You have consistently assumed the worst of people (that the majority of people are morons), and tarred them with the same brush, instead of treating people on an individual, objective basic.

You're a blind hypocrite, darling."

Oblivious? I'm aware of my flaws thank you. I will continue thinking that the majority of people are wankers until the majority of people stop acting that way. I'm aware that there are some good, intelligent people in the mix and that is why I say majority and not all. You sure have gotten touchy over me saying I just don't care.

Again, not blind. All people have their moments of hypocrisy.

"Because not everyone is that way? But at least you're *aware* of your self absorption..."
Oh yeah, I'm sure everyone is. I sure am a horribly self absorbed person because I just don't have the energy to care about every little thing out there anymore.

"Nickey didn't need to discredit your character. You did a perfectly good job of that yourself when you decided to proclaim that you judge humanity at large based solely on the ignorance of a very vocal minority."
The majority of people I have come across have been the same way, so I am not judging based on a minority here. And so what if I dislike humanity as a whole, that's my prerogative. Or are you going to claim that a large percentage of people don't do a lot of stupid crap on a regular basis?


"For the record, the assumption that all people are "a little bit racist" is absolutely ridiculous. I'm not even going to try to explain why, it's such an absurd leap of logic to make."
Where the hell did I make this claim?

In any case, this whole argument is bollocks. You two jumped on me for a post I made in the heat of the moment because I am annoyed about the situations I've had to live my whole life. If you had to live the crap that I had to put up with and not ever even have it acknowledged, I am willing to wager that you'd be irrational when it comes to such topics too. Try being cast aside and told the crap you've dealt with was either deserved (due to your heritage) or that it's wrong to mention because you take away from the real issue of racism against minorities.
Yeah, I'm aware that I've become pretty jaded, and I probably do bear a bit of a grudge against minorities for the fact that they can at least get acknowledged for the shit they get while I'm ignored, but it's not them that I have the real issue with. but in the end I don't see why I should have to care about anyone else and their issues anymore.
We criticised your opinion for the hypocritical, baseless assumptions they were.

Bored Now, in her defence, at least tried to be polite about it. Not that you cared - everyone is cut from the same cloth and is an ignorant moron, right?

What a joke. I've known 12 years with more maturity, common sense and basic human respect than you. You have a shitty attitude, and contrary to what you want to believe, that's not because other people suck. It's you.

Where the hell did I make this claim?
I never said you did. I was referring to previous comments on the idea that everyone is a little bit racist. Why do you think I use that line to separate the discussion?

You seem convinced that you're the centre of the universe. Newsflash: You're not.
I'm rascist against red text.
Because I said I don't care about race issues? :dizzy:

If you want to call thinly veiled taunts polite, then sure.
Yeah, sure, interpret everything I say however you please.

Thank you sir, may I have another! Everyone sucks including me, there's no denying.

And of course I'm the centre of the universe, my mother told me so
Yeah, I'm aware that I've become pretty jaded, and I probably do bear a bit of a grudge against minorities for the fact that they can at least get acknowledged for the shit they get while I'm ignored, but it's not them that I have the real issue with. but in the end I don't see why I should have to care about anyone else and their issues anymore.

Of course you don't have to care about anyone. You don't have to *like* anyone. I don't think anyone is forcing you to play nice with people you don't want to be around.

But help me to understand: What things do you think minorities get acknowledgment for that you don't? What special treatment? Is it housing that they couldn't get before but now they can, or is it job related, where they couldn't get the jobs they wanted in the past, but now they can? Or is it something else?