Random INFJ characteristics...

Originally Posted by Satya
INFJs sometimes...

1. Like to do things their own way even when it might be an inconvenience.
Yeah, that is me.

2. Become overly self conscious and worry compulsively about what others are thinking about them.
Definitely me

3. Are terrified of looking stupid or incompetent.

4. Do things in a tedious way out of fear of making a mistake.
Haha, I am definitely beginning to see a pattern here.

5. Dismiss an idea before getting all the facts.
I'm usually pretty open-minded about ideas. I like ALL the facts

6. Be overly idealistic when they should be realistic and be overly cynical when they should be optimistic.
Well...I am typically extremely cynical period...though I can be idealistic. I am always wishing my life was way better than it is, even though in reality I know I am very blessed.

7. Have an inflated sense of self importance.
As much as I don't want to admit it I think that there is a huge part of me that wants the world to revolve around my wants and needs.

8. Procrastinate
This is actually not true of me. I am the master of time-management.

9. Resist doing something just because others want them to do it
I don't really identify with this one, though there was one instance my grandmother wanted me to make my "debut" and I was adamantly opposed.

10. Obsessively fear being controlled by others
Probably not obsessive, but I have a hard time trusting those in authority,

I can also identify very strongly with apologizing to an annoying degree, to having a temper, and to be clumsy.

I'm not sure if this is an INFJ thing, or if it's just me: I'm weird when it comes to internet debates. I love reading them but I'm reluctant to join in most of the time. I just feel like everyone is smarter than me and I wont contribute much to the thread. But when it's some thing I feel really passionate about (e.g. human rights, or someone is down right demonizing another group of people with half-truths and blatant lies) I throw myself in, even if I know that I can't win because popular opinion is against me. But then I get really exhausted by it, especially if one or more of three things is happening:
1. I'm not making any progression because the counter-arguments bog me down in petty details.
2. I find myself facing off against multiple posters, with very little support from other members.
3. The counter-arguments are strawman arguments.

Do other INFJs feel this way? Or is it just me? Internet debating was something I used to engage in but now I never do it.

I feel this way, this is one of the reasons I don't post very often.

Another reason is that someone probably have already said what I wanted to say or ask. :m131:
1. Like to do things their own way even when it might be an inconvenience.

2. Become overly self conscious and worry compulsively about what others are thinking about them.
Strongly Agree-often times when walking into a crowded room I feel like people are watching me and I often wonder if I look ok, or am acting appropriately.

3. Are terrified of looking stupid or incompetent.

4. Do things in a tedious way out of fear of making a mistake.
No strong feeling on this one either way, sometimes I do this but other times I rush through things too quickly and overlook critical details which result in mistakes being made.

5. Dismiss an idea before getting all the facts.
Strongly Agree-see above.

6. Be overly idealistic when they should be realistic and be overly cynical when they should be optimistic.

7. Have an inflated sense of self importance.
Not Sure-This is a difficult one for me because I can see both sides of the coin. I am usually pretty self centered in my thinking, for instance I'm a hypochondriac so I'm always wondering if I'm sick or not. However, I also disregard my own feelings a lot and give in to the wishes of others.

8. Procrastinate.
Strongly Agree-Especially due to over thinking things and then becoming immobilized.

9. Resist doing something just because others want them to do it.

10. Obsessively fear being controlled by others.
I don't like being controlled but it's not a fear really, more of a strong dislike.

Some have mentioned the whole going overboard on the apology thing. I can relate to this for sure but it usually works out like this for me. When I get into a bad argument with someone I kinda go ballistic and say things that I really regret. The apology comes in here where I tell the person I'm sorry but I go overboard with it and often times end up taking the blame for whatever I was arguing about in the first place. This is quite frustrating to say the least. It has to be a really bad argument for me to hit the wall.

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