I'm getting tired of hearing this argument...
"Why should I even try to make a difference when its not like I could really change anything?"
I'm going to say this once and I hope people take it to heart.
You can't change anything! The only thing you can change is yourself!
But guess what? When you are in your 80's and you are looking at your decrepit self in the mirror, what memories are you going to have? Are you going to remember taking a stand for what you believed in when you were young or idealistic or are you going to wonder why you let your cynicism and apathy win? If you aren't willing to take a stand for yourself and what you believe in, then why would you ever expect anyone else to take a stand for you? '
Politics is opinion. That is all it is and all it ever will be, but if you aren't wiling to stand up for your opinion, then your opinion was worth shit to begin with. And no offense to the type, but INFJs seem to be masters at making shit of their opinion just because they can't conceive of a way to make it reality. All you have to do is speak up and share it, but if you are too damn afraid of ruffling feathers then don't be surprised when you are full of regrets when you are old for never having valued what you believed.
"Why should I even try to make a difference when its not like I could really change anything?"
I'm going to say this once and I hope people take it to heart.
You can't change anything! The only thing you can change is yourself!
But guess what? When you are in your 80's and you are looking at your decrepit self in the mirror, what memories are you going to have? Are you going to remember taking a stand for what you believed in when you were young or idealistic or are you going to wonder why you let your cynicism and apathy win? If you aren't willing to take a stand for yourself and what you believe in, then why would you ever expect anyone else to take a stand for you? '
Politics is opinion. That is all it is and all it ever will be, but if you aren't wiling to stand up for your opinion, then your opinion was worth shit to begin with. And no offense to the type, but INFJs seem to be masters at making shit of their opinion just because they can't conceive of a way to make it reality. All you have to do is speak up and share it, but if you are too damn afraid of ruffling feathers then don't be surprised when you are full of regrets when you are old for never having valued what you believed.