Reaching for the unknown

my sincere apologies ms
pssst whitefire, I think you mean mrs


I apologize:m107:.
I had saw it in a post before but had forgotten.

:m107:i do say sorry again.

Its just when people dont TELLL sumtimes just ASSUME their male!

...dunno why.i mean i have some theories was not done inteninally....HERE-----

WOULD THESE HELP??...:mpoke:

*does the moneky call*

...These are my four most TRUSTED monkeys in ALL my clan!

They will beat up ANYONE in the world or on this thread for you...

or help you in any way possible..

Beat up your little brother...:m065:
Do your garden!:m045:
(Deep Voice)SCARE OFF CROWS!:mlight:
Brush your teeh!:m078:

do your make up:m164:

WATEVERRRR YOU LIKE! just ask little one and the SHALL be there...

all you have to do is the monkey call....:)
:smow: I don't know what you're talking about on the last part of the post. The monkeys were....:laser:*insert monkey smiley here*

Anyhow, I think I've continuely stated my gender is female. It's just that my masculinity is undeniably strong and people would rather imagine me with a penis. I'm completely fine with that.
:smow: I don't know what you're talking about on the last part of the post. The monkeys were....:laser:*insert monkey smiley here*

. that you threating the monkeys????

Cuz i WAS offering you there help....but now...

I dont think they like you very much now....(my monkey clan)>>>:m182::m072::m067::m088:
:gossip: My smilies gossip about the monkeys in their spare time. They say terrible things.
:gossip: My smilies gossip about the monkeys in their spare time. They say terrible things.

My monkeys are on their way to house right now:m159:
They say you should.....:m092:

Maybe if you switched up your avatar, it'd help. I used to get confused for male a LOT more often, but now I have my more cutesy avatar and people tend to do it less :)