You're quite amusing.
I already lost the person, so what the hell.
I'm kind of a let's lose big or go home kind of girl at times.
Also, I read that for my attachment style playing it safe by holding back what you feel like saying for fear of losing someone or not getting them back is no bueno.
It's a people pleasing behavior that keeps me from knowing myself. So, for me it is about finding the courage to say what I need to say even if I am afraid of losing the person by being honest.
It's also an exercise in vulnerability for me and getting in touch with raw, unedited emotions.
I wuv u dohI'm a fearful avoidant, but so's the object of my affections. We're working on it, and I'd like to think we're becoming more secure as we go.
I'm going to do this when I finally have some free time. This week has been hard.
That is very moving. I absolutely agree with what you said about friendship. I'm not sure love can exist apart from that.I think I’ll just write something since I’m grieving my friend’s/father of my children’s death.
I know it isn’t fully the same, I genuinely believe that friendship leads to deep rooted love for one another and it’s not something to classify as an attachment issue as we’re all born imperfect and into imperfect families.
Dear you,
Every day that you’re away has been nothing but denial that you were ever going to leave this world. You were the best person there was for doing the exact opposite of this for me and others that you loved. I have to confront this dark side of myself that I expected more from you than I’ve ever could’ve given at that time in my life, just like there were things you never could’ve given me then either. I miss you more than anything in the world as I take steps away from this relationship that you witnessed in your childhood and even in my own with love hope and absolute adoration for everything you are and were.
Adores vivos \w/ my love.
You’re worth living for.
Hugs. Sending love.That is very moving. I absolutely agree with what you said about friendship. I'm not sure love can exist apart from that.
Thank you.
I think you are awesome, by the way.Hugs. Sending love.
Thank you. I relate to this more than you know.Dear Ozzy Boy,
You’re the most beautiful man I’ve ever laid eyes on and your self consciousness prevents you from seeing your greatness. Something drew me to you that first day at work.. I had to talk to you, and I talk to no one. You were soft spoken, gentle, interesting, caring, aloof, and so much more. I could see your insecurity with building a relationship with someone. The intimacy we shared was hard and fast. I relish those feelings, and you felt utterly terrified. Maybe you felt I expected more of you than I did. All I ever wanted was to shower you with eternal love because as a hard working man you deserved it. I fed you. I held you. I shared your first psychedelics with you. Yet somehow we have gotten to the point where I had to door slam you. Your self righteousness is preventing you from seeing the conflict in your emotions and accepting them and moving on from them… I would’ve been patient with you. Given you every moment to yourself you needed. You slammed the door on me first. You went from being a pivotal person in my life to suddenly telling me you just needed to be friends. It wasn’t the proclamation but more so the incredible distance it plowed between us. You didn’t see me anymore. You would tell me to stop asking to see you and to let you choose the time and place. I felt like you were my best friend. I’m not in love with you but I have a love for you that reverberates through my spirit. And we have now slammed the door on each other. You will always be the most beautiful, special, sweet, gentle man I have met in my life. There will never be another. The sadness in it all is.. very few can understand my kind of love as a “rational” one. We may not have been together for a great amount of time, but I felt so incredibly connected to you spiritually and physically that I’ve never felt for anyone in my life. Few can understand how someone can get to that point.. I guess that’s why I’m on this forum. So that maybe I won’t feel so insane for feeling such a deep and profound loss for the man who left an everlasting mark on my soul.
and now the this chapter in my life can finally be closed. thank you for listening
Thank you. I relate to this more than you know.
We will cry together.that moment I was supposed to make you cry and I made myself cry