Read the energy of the person above you!

that's about the most accurate description of me i've ever read on this site. damn if you aren't original, Apostelytizer!

QP: for some reason I'm seeing trampoline. lol. strong values and very devoted family member and friend, but at the core a fun loving, jovial person :)

Yep, that's a fair description April. I do serious and funny equally. Balance is the key to life.

For you I will say low key energy (red/orange) with a steady flow of ideas and hopes. Your energy is steady and controlled--with an underlying confidence in what it can do. It's too busy being, to seriously ebb.
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A tired, sad energy, although the colour I'm picking up on is a bright yellow; there seems to be a hesitance about something. You might be asked to summon a bit of courage soon.
I see a bluish/green laser-like beam in focus ready to strike. Not only that, but I wouldn't be surprised to see it bounce off the walls a couple times before it hits the target, because it is powerful.

I think the blue mixes from deep down, perhaps a bit of red too.
I see a little brown and green, but i think you're headed towards blue - calmer waters; seems like you're becoming more fulfilled.
I see orange mixed with dark green. I feel as if you've gone under some major internal changes or revelations recently, and you're slowly starting to feel at ease with something, maybe even your understanding of yourself. That's not to say that you aren't striving for change, but perhaps becoming more content with things you can't change.
a car rapidly accelerating towards a brightly lit tunnel. something about your life has changed; you've increased the tempo in some way, and it's going to turn out great, exactly as you'd hoped for.
Hopeful, scared.
I keep coming back to a warm orangish to brighter yellow color.. maybe like this.

I also sense a lot of hesitancy and a desire to continually push through regardless of obstacles, particularly internal obstacles. Hope for life mingled with a fear for it as well.
A sense of quiet, thoughtfulness, careful, maybe thinking over things more carefully, not wanting to rush into anything uncertain - bluish-purple. Moving towards confidence and more control, and greater peace.

I see a rush of green, blue, and purple, soft colors, like what you would see if you were in a train rushing by a field at sunset, with the occasional spark of bright yellow and orange
I see deep blues and occasional bright yellows. The energy is light, breezy, and transferable (in a good way).
To be completely honest, I need more than that to be accurate. XD BUT LETS TRY!

I imagine cloudly muddled colors, with the energy that while kept in storage, has the potential to jump out and electrify those around. (IN A GOOD WAY!) I see that you have the ability to be both serious, but also light hearted. I'm seeing some dark blue, white, and maroon. And no, it's not from your avatar. XD
understanding, not necessarily in an empathetic way, just a knowing about you. which could translate into a hazel, with dark gold undertones amidst the blue green. i picture a path beneath autumn trees with a nip in the air and steady breeze.
Whimsical, light, and energetic, yet solid as a rock in silent benevolence as swiftly as it takes one hold down and press b.

that is from Super Mario 3

with that being said, no vibe or anything like that. But I do seem to think of ducks when I see your posts.

Full of passion and energy. Barnabas has an open heart, and looks to be the best he can be. There is intensity surrounding him, as well as a thirst for universal love. A real "go big or go home" mentality. Life is serious and is lived in such a way.
Grey - not depressed grey, but mechanical grey... with some bright colours on the outer edge. Kind of like a smoke-filled soap-bubble.

I think of MF as bright and colorful when the sun shines on him, but grey and listless when it doesn't.