ok so sure the very must fundamental idea of there theories are the same. If your saying that supports the rest of Icke's claims, then that is just blatently ridiculous. Do you really think Michio Kaku would agree with half of what Icke says?
I don't think kaku will deviate from the NWO script publically no
What is said behind closed doors particularly within the inner order is another matter
Aleister Crowley wrote a piece describing how reality works...annoyingly i can't remember where i read it or i'd quote it here..but that gives an occult insight into it. When you consider that many powerful people are occultists then it gives insight into how some of them percevie our reality
And science is a method that objectively proved it....you know, a way to be confident in our assessment of the world around us further than just, "oh this sounds cool, lets go with that"
if you watch that documentary then you will learn that science is constantly saying 'ok thats cool let's go with that' and then later changing their mind or tweaking things
It's a stretch to say they have 'proven' the nature of our reality...they have theories
But here's a thought....if as Icke says we are all one consciousness then those explorations of reality by scientists and others might actually be consciousness creating reality as it goes along lol
This I made a typo. When I edited that sentence, I accidently took out the main point of it. I meant to say that The earliest mention (that I've heard) of the idea that reality is not what it seems is in Plato's Allegory of the Cave. I was not meaning to attribute the idea to Plato, rather just that was my first time hearing the idea.
And please reread my sentence. I specifically said "reality is not what it seems" which is exactly what the cave was about. I wasn't so much talking about the idea of alternate realities, but rather the more fundamental concept that reality is not what it seems.
I believe so, yes.
Well if he is saying it is all one thing, then he is objectively wrong. Science can easily prove that as with the sound waves/light waves example. They physically are not the same thing
He's not saying they are all exactly the same thing in every manifestation
It's a bit like the hindu gods....they are all incarnations of the same underlying thing
The idea of a divine creator to regulate the system is to say that a third party aware of all of the everything can regulate when/how/where the resonances are altered so as not to cause the person to just fall apart. We cannot be the divine creator in this case because we are not aware on that level.
Well that's where a level of amnesia enters into it
If we are the divine creator (or manifestations thereof) and want to have experiences then we have to have that amnesia
What all the spiritual teachers are saying though is that we can connect to a greater reality through various peak experiences. What icke is saying is that the control system wants to stop you and everyone else from having those transcendent experiences which is why they pull you down into the 5 sense world
It appears that Francis Bacon was both an alchemist and natural philosopher. I would have said we where both right until you threw in your weird conspiracy theory. However, this is irrelevant and I know you will never yield so you can believe whatever you want to believe. Also, there where several people who contributed to the idea of modern empiricism, including Galileo and Locke.
Well i'm not going to yeild when i'm right no....science was born out of the occult full stop
look into the 'invisible college' for more insight into that and also the role of the 'hermetic sciences'
Ok, so sure if you want to admit that Icke is saying that reality is subjective in the most extreme sense, then that means that no one but me exists. Your all illusions in my head. But you are all reality because that which is in my head is reality....you know, assuming i'm not hooked up to a matrix thing.
I'll post more about his theory as i delve deeper into it
But it's more a case of you and me are actually the same consciousness but that we are different points of attention
It's really quite a beautiful concept because if the people of the world all believed this they would no longer wage war on each other. the control system therefore MUST combat this kind of thinking to maintain its war economy
So for example Alan watts did a good talk on how the bible was mistranslated. Jesus did not say he was 'the' son of God he said he was 'a' son of God the implication being that we are all the children of God (manifestations of it)
The Roman el-ite had to change that though because they needed people to believe that the divine order was a monarchy NOT a democracy lol
So they changed it to make God a king sitting on his heavenly throne and Jesus as his prince on earth (replaced by the Pope). This justified them then having monarchies on earth (centralised power) because they claimed they were simply reflecting the divine order of the heavens on earth and through this they claimed a 'divine right to rule'
a seemingly small typo with MASSIVE consequences for how our societies were structured
So obviously the concept that we are all expressions of infinate consciousness is extremely revolutionary because it challenges the idea that we should all be subservaint to the ruling class....it says they are no more important than us and then the meek can inherit the earth
I don't need to. However it is true that when a poet calls creativity magic, they are simply meaning it is truly wondrous.
No they aren't. I've read a lot of the romantic poets and they are saying that their inspiration comes from a transcendent place...a divine source. Keats called this a 'spark'. Blake spoke about 'cleansing the doors of perception'....the romantics were DEEPLY spiritual
One of their favourite motifs is the eolian harp which is a kind of instrument that you put outside your house. As the wind blows through the strings it creates its own music. This is used by them as a metaphor for us being animated by consciousness
But if you think reality is subjective like Icke seems to think, then there are no more patterns than what you impose on the world.
Well this is something i am still digging into and i can't give a satisfactory answer to it at the moment
Obviously as someone who is interested in activism and changing the world i am interested in methods to do that
Socialists talk about creating the right 'consciousness' for change eg 'revolutionary consciousness'
For example with the economic problems we are seeing around the world we are seeing more and more people protesting and agitating as their mood changes.....the political environment is becoming more fertile in terms of change because consciousness is shifting
So does reality change like the 100th monkey idea of if enough people shift then reality changes or is it more subtle than that?
I think we could both agree that how we think and feel about things affects how we behave and how we behave then affects the shape of our world. So it makes sense that there is a 'war over consciousness' as people try to win over peoples hearts and minds to their visions for the world
A subjective reality would be more accurate to say in your own reality because you can't really conclude that we are all experiencing the same reality. Therefore saying this reality is using tools that an objectivist uses and applying it in a subjective reality. That is the error I pointed out earlier popping up again.
Well what magicians are saying is that how you perceive reality is dependent on YOUR programming/conditioning
For example a muslim from Indonesia might not view the world the same way that an atheist from New York might
Part of the spiritual process is recogninging the layers of conditioning that have been placed on us and how they influence us
So lets say that you were in control of a tribe of people and wanted to be strong. You could create a flag for that tribe and a set of customs and a religion. You would give your God a certain name and you could claim that your people were Gods chosen people. Now this is fine as long as your tribe don't meet any other tribes lol
But as soon as you do you will find people with different clothes, music, Gods, laguage etc and this can create tensions because you can't have 2 groups of people both being Gods chosen people!
So writers like George Frazer and Joseph Campbell have looked at these cultural differences that seperate groups of humans but they also bring positive messages that underlying these surface differences we are all the same. Indeed Jung speaks about humanity sharing a collective unconscious...it's just a case of poeple meeting on that common ground instead of focusing on the surface differences (unformtunately many people cling often violently to those surface differences which then keeps humanity divided and often in conflict)
So spirituality imo is about recognising that common humanity and that all the layers of conditioning eg nationality, culture, language, religion and so on are really just forms of software that are programmed into people. Once you know this you can become more tolerant of people and accept why they are the way they are and even go to their country and enjoy the flavour of their culture for example going to japan and enjoying their tea and customs and sushi and music and theatre etc
The problem comes when the software makes the people antagonistic towards other groups of people. A prime example would be software programmes that tell people that they are superior to others and have a right to rule them for example that they are Gods chosen people and have a right to rule over all of creation....that's going to cause problems
Ok, sure. Whatever you want to believe. Because whatever you believe is the case and is true.....in your reality.
You mean in my perception of reality
What you would call 'objective reality' Icke is saying is a frequency that you and me as manifestations of the same consciousness are tuned into to experience
Just as the qabalistic magicians talk about a realm of infinate possibility so to does Icke and so too does Kaku
Concerning tuning into other frequencies and realities i'll post more as i go