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Taken word for word from:
I've read a lot and haven't seen it put this clearly before.
Introverted Intuition (Ni):
Ni Dominant Types: INTJ, INFJ
Secondary Ni Users: ENTJ, ENFJ
How to spot them:
Fi Dominant Types: INFP, ISFP
Secondary Fi Users: ENFP, ESFP
How to spot them:
I've read a lot and haven't seen it put this clearly before.
Introverted Intuition (Ni):
Ni Dominant Types: INTJ, INFJ
Secondary Ni Users: ENTJ, ENFJ
How to spot them:
- Everything an Ni dominant type does is deliberate. You will likely get the sense that they have carefully (but covertly) planned out their actions and words.
- They may ask many questions in conversation, but questions tend to be open-ended. I.e. “Can you tell me more about that,” As opposed to, “When did that happen?”
- They prefer sticking to one topic of conversation but may feel the need to ‘explain around’ the topic if they are unable to convey the essence of it concisely.
- Ni dominant types usually pause to fully take in and consider what you have said in conversation before replying.
- They may also return to a topic of conversation weeks after you’ve had it, having processed and analyzed what you’ve said more fully.
- They enjoy talking about future possibilities in a linear fashion.
- These types have a lot of ‘epiphanies’ or ‘realizations.’
- Ni dominant types often give off a stoic or “Zen” vibe.
- These types usually advocate for thinking through your options carefully, optimizing your experiences and keeping your long-term objectives in mind at all times.
Fi Dominant Types: INFP, ISFP
Secondary Fi Users: ENFP, ESFP
How to spot them:
- Fi users tend to use emotion-laden vocabulary (I.e. Preferring the phrase, “I feel like…” over “I think that…”).
- Fi dominant types tend to ‘zone out’ or daydream more than any other type – they may even do this in the middle of a conversation.
- They are incredibly patient listeners who are happy to let you talk for as long as you need to, without jumping in to offer solutions.
- These types connect and show empathy by exposing their own experiences and struggles as a means of letting you know you’re not alone.
- Fi users are the easiest types to offend, particularly if you question an aspect of their identity or betray one of their morals.
- They will almost always argue from a subjective or emotional standpoint – often using the way they feel as an argument in and of itself.
- These types make other people feel comfortable by exhibiting an inclusive, non-judgmental attitude toward them.
- These types usually advocate for staying true to oneself, following your heart and doing what you know to be right.