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- Enneagram
- 594 sp>sx
My freshman year of high school I befriended this other kid who was kind of goofy and extroverted and we were friends for most of that year. I don't even remember how or why looking back on it, but he turned kind of bullyish for the remainder of high school and we sort of drifted apart to separate groups of friends. It was ~30 years ago, and looking back on it I can't even really pinpoint a reason why the drift back then, but it seemed worthy of mention.
When I was in college we kind of reconnected and were really good friends for awhile there. I moved halfway across the country for a couple years (chasing a girl I met online that ultimately didn't work out) and the time/distance never really damaged our friendship. We shared an apartment for awhile after I returned to the state and things were generally good. I met my now-wife and eventually moved out of there, and her and I got a place together and things were still good.
He met his now-wife a short while later and things continued to be all right. The wives were friendly with each other as well. His wife came with kids from a previous relationship so he had to step up and be a father. Around the same time my wife and I were beginning to learn of our struggles with infertility (my wife has thyroid issues which spurn off all manner of other health troubles so this wasn't altogether surprising). If I'm being honest it never mattered to me much whether or not my wife and I had children, but this was very distressing for her.
A number of things kind of happened a few years ago and it's difficult to pin down exactly which triggered problems - probably some combination.
We were out for beers once and catching up and he joked that he had replaced us as best friends with this other couple who had kids. This one sort of soured me, but I get it. His interests after he met his wife had shifted somewhat and he was a lot more focused on Facebook and politics and we just never really saw eye to eye there. They had kids and experiences with sports and school and all that, and we didn't share in that. It's a shitty feeling to hear your best friend say that he replaced you, so I probably started putting some distance between us after this as well.
Some time later, his wife got pregnant and they were very happy, and we were genuinely very happy for them, but they also tend to be very self-centered and kind of oblivious to others' feelings. My wife was asked to throw a baby shower, which was distressing for her but she was also able to put feelings aside and helped ensure that his wife had a good day. I remember her coming home from that in tears.
After his baby was born, he came over with his wife's teenage son to help me out with a house project. When he arrived he said something kind of out of the blue along the lines of "my wife thinks your wife hates her." So I shared with him how upsetting that bridal shower had been for us, and mentioned that my wife had unfollowed or unfriended his wife on FB because the baby photo blasts were kind of ridiculous. After the work was done we had a few beers and I just remember the conversation was bizarre. He was sort of bragging about how he could cheat on his wife if he wanted with someone at work, but this was all in front of the kid, so it was super-awkward. I also don't think he was drunk - he's just kind of that abrupt sometimes. In the week following that we bounced a few emails back and forth and I was able to better-articulate how we felt, but I don't think they ever considered how upsetting that was for us. We invited them both over to discuss but he never responded and they never came. So I kind of wrote that off.
After all that, a few months went by where no communication at all happened before I finally texted one day just to see how things were going and we kind of caught up a bit. We've gotten together once or twice since then, but the last time I recall it was literally about 30-40 minutes of him talking about himself and his job and his kid and everything and me just listening and nodding along and I think he finally realized and was like, "...so how are you?" It was almost insulting. They also have a track record of coming over and gossiping/badmouthing their other friends to us, so I'm sure they've probably done the same about us to their other friends.
Another point of note is that he is racist and his comments at various points throughout our friendship left me feeling awkward - he uses a bad experience that a family member of his once had as a kind of justification for his stance. I never really felt a need to argue this. But our foster-daughter has been with us nearly a year now and she's black. In thinking about her well-being and all, I'm kind of left in a place where I'm not feeling like the friendship is even really in need of repair. It's shallowed down to where we text on holidays and birthdays, and this year he forgot my birthday but apologized for that a couple months later when he texted me about something else. It didn't even really bother me, but I was kind of thinking about it afterwards.
I'm close with my family, and I have a few online friends with whom I keep up with somewhat regularly, and I guess there are coworkers with whom I spend a lot of [online] time. But in "real space" I don't really have any remaining friendships, and I feel kind of sad about that. Maybe that will change as time passes and our kiddo is engaged with activities and school and forms friendships of her own. It's one of those things where I think I need to be kind of proactive, and I'm not really great at that. I'm not even sure this thread is so much looking for advice or anything so much as sharing an experience. Making friends as an adult is hard, so I always felt that I put a lot of care in preserving the few friendships I had already established. For all his flaws I considered this guy my best friend for a long time, but I don't think that has been the case for awhile now. I don't think I really have a best friend right now.
In reflecting on all of this, I think what I'm feeling is a kind of longing for a friendship that worked for us when environmental variables were different from how they are now. While I think his wife is a good person, I think our friendship was a lot more enjoyable before she entered the picture, for whatever that means. I don't remember him being so utterly oblivious/callous before. There was a point where someone else in my family announced a pregnancy on my wife's birthday and I remember walking with him afterwards and I remember him asking if I was okay, and I remember answering no. I miss that version of my friend, but I think he is gone, and perhaps this entire post is just my way of mourning the loss.
I was wondering generally if anyone else here has had similar experiences, or reminisces occasionally about past friendships that may have come unraveled in similar fashion.
When I was in college we kind of reconnected and were really good friends for awhile there. I moved halfway across the country for a couple years (chasing a girl I met online that ultimately didn't work out) and the time/distance never really damaged our friendship. We shared an apartment for awhile after I returned to the state and things were generally good. I met my now-wife and eventually moved out of there, and her and I got a place together and things were still good.
He met his now-wife a short while later and things continued to be all right. The wives were friendly with each other as well. His wife came with kids from a previous relationship so he had to step up and be a father. Around the same time my wife and I were beginning to learn of our struggles with infertility (my wife has thyroid issues which spurn off all manner of other health troubles so this wasn't altogether surprising). If I'm being honest it never mattered to me much whether or not my wife and I had children, but this was very distressing for her.
A number of things kind of happened a few years ago and it's difficult to pin down exactly which triggered problems - probably some combination.
We were out for beers once and catching up and he joked that he had replaced us as best friends with this other couple who had kids. This one sort of soured me, but I get it. His interests after he met his wife had shifted somewhat and he was a lot more focused on Facebook and politics and we just never really saw eye to eye there. They had kids and experiences with sports and school and all that, and we didn't share in that. It's a shitty feeling to hear your best friend say that he replaced you, so I probably started putting some distance between us after this as well.
Some time later, his wife got pregnant and they were very happy, and we were genuinely very happy for them, but they also tend to be very self-centered and kind of oblivious to others' feelings. My wife was asked to throw a baby shower, which was distressing for her but she was also able to put feelings aside and helped ensure that his wife had a good day. I remember her coming home from that in tears.
After his baby was born, he came over with his wife's teenage son to help me out with a house project. When he arrived he said something kind of out of the blue along the lines of "my wife thinks your wife hates her." So I shared with him how upsetting that bridal shower had been for us, and mentioned that my wife had unfollowed or unfriended his wife on FB because the baby photo blasts were kind of ridiculous. After the work was done we had a few beers and I just remember the conversation was bizarre. He was sort of bragging about how he could cheat on his wife if he wanted with someone at work, but this was all in front of the kid, so it was super-awkward. I also don't think he was drunk - he's just kind of that abrupt sometimes. In the week following that we bounced a few emails back and forth and I was able to better-articulate how we felt, but I don't think they ever considered how upsetting that was for us. We invited them both over to discuss but he never responded and they never came. So I kind of wrote that off.
After all that, a few months went by where no communication at all happened before I finally texted one day just to see how things were going and we kind of caught up a bit. We've gotten together once or twice since then, but the last time I recall it was literally about 30-40 minutes of him talking about himself and his job and his kid and everything and me just listening and nodding along and I think he finally realized and was like, "...so how are you?" It was almost insulting. They also have a track record of coming over and gossiping/badmouthing their other friends to us, so I'm sure they've probably done the same about us to their other friends.
Another point of note is that he is racist and his comments at various points throughout our friendship left me feeling awkward - he uses a bad experience that a family member of his once had as a kind of justification for his stance. I never really felt a need to argue this. But our foster-daughter has been with us nearly a year now and she's black. In thinking about her well-being and all, I'm kind of left in a place where I'm not feeling like the friendship is even really in need of repair. It's shallowed down to where we text on holidays and birthdays, and this year he forgot my birthday but apologized for that a couple months later when he texted me about something else. It didn't even really bother me, but I was kind of thinking about it afterwards.
I'm close with my family, and I have a few online friends with whom I keep up with somewhat regularly, and I guess there are coworkers with whom I spend a lot of [online] time. But in "real space" I don't really have any remaining friendships, and I feel kind of sad about that. Maybe that will change as time passes and our kiddo is engaged with activities and school and forms friendships of her own. It's one of those things where I think I need to be kind of proactive, and I'm not really great at that. I'm not even sure this thread is so much looking for advice or anything so much as sharing an experience. Making friends as an adult is hard, so I always felt that I put a lot of care in preserving the few friendships I had already established. For all his flaws I considered this guy my best friend for a long time, but I don't think that has been the case for awhile now. I don't think I really have a best friend right now.
In reflecting on all of this, I think what I'm feeling is a kind of longing for a friendship that worked for us when environmental variables were different from how they are now. While I think his wife is a good person, I think our friendship was a lot more enjoyable before she entered the picture, for whatever that means. I don't remember him being so utterly oblivious/callous before. There was a point where someone else in my family announced a pregnancy on my wife's birthday and I remember walking with him afterwards and I remember him asking if I was okay, and I remember answering no. I miss that version of my friend, but I think he is gone, and perhaps this entire post is just my way of mourning the loss.
I was wondering generally if anyone else here has had similar experiences, or reminisces occasionally about past friendships that may have come unraveled in similar fashion.