Rehabilitation and crime

just me

Well-known member
"About 68 percent of 405,000 prisoners released in 30 states in 2005 were arrested for a new crime within three years of their release from prison, and 77 percent were arrested within five years, according to a report by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) released Tuesday.

The report, entitled Recidivism of State Prisoners Released in 2005, is based on a BJS data collection which tracked a sample of former prison inmates from 30 states for five years following their release in 2005."

from "Once A Criminal, Always A Criminal?" by Stephanie Slifer, CBS News, 2014

"A BJS news release says its latest findings on recidivism cannot be directly compared to the bureau's previous study on prisoners released in 1994 in 15 states, because of changes in the demographic characteristics and criminal histories of the U.S. prison population, an increase in the number of states in the study, and improvements made to the quality and completeness of the nation's criminal history records since the mid-1990s."

I feel sure these figures are always changing and subject to opinion. Does a man change?

Let me share a story. There was a man arrested and convicted for felony DUI.....twice. He spent time.....twice.
He was released....twice. Rehabilitated or time bomb?

Who can afford caring for a person like this? Should he not repay what he actually cost everyone? Let's say he was a time bomb. He was driving drunk again and killed a person. Sound bad? Let's say he drove away and left the person to die. Who can pay for that? Impossible.

Our prisons and jails see them come and go. Some people drain society and do not care. Don't drink and drive.
Simple, right? I guess that is just too much to ask from some people.

A vehicle driven by a drunk is a weapon, and a very dangerous one. Watch the other guy.

" The United States leads the world in both the total number of incarcerated convicts and the percentage of national population in prison. Nearly 2.4 million people wake up in a prison each morning, 25 percent of the world’s prisoners. This staggering number only gets more serious when it leads to the financial statistics associated with it." from "How Much Does It Cost To Incarcerate A Convict?" from Criminal Justice Degree Hub

"The average annual cost to incarcerate one inmate is $31,307, but this can vary widely from state to state. In New York for instance, it costs between $50,000 and $60,000. A shocking total of $63.4 billion in U.S. taxpayer dollars goes to the imprisonment of its criminals, but why is the price so high?" It all adds up from the cost of prisons, healthcare, security, food, and so much more. Criminals are sucking society.

Let's say little Joey and his friends are violently attacked by someone from a different neighborhood. Two of them suffer gunshot wounds. Average costs to try and keep them alive is over $50,000 a man. They were selling their drugs in the wrong place.

Now, we have another LEO shot while sitting in his cruiser. We are so screwed. It is virtually impossible to make people responsible for their own crimes. They say they are victims. Victims of what, exactly?
The still-photo is deceiving. The video is well worth the watch. Imagine the world being run by them, the survival of the fittest if you will, et voila, you have Earth. I have 145 scars on my body from them. Witnessing the attempted murder of my father at elementary/middle-school age, the emotional trauma of that and those 145 scars, and many more hours of psychic torture. I know what they do to people's lives very well, and I am most certainly not talking along ethnic or religious lines, but along the genetic lines of psychopathy, and the history of Earth is written with the blood they sowed here. Once you have that totally quantifiable amount of suffering under your belt, we will talk about mercy and forgiveness... forgiveness is given to those who are sorry, not those who are literally physically incapable of real remorse.

Buddy and Princess are mine to deal with, period, and whoever else they have hurt that I feel like inviting -- or who make themselves known after being shown themselves -- before the Lake of Fire. All of the other free energy and benefits which are truly possible are for the entire world to reap the benefits of... some ARE truly planet busting technology. Most people on Earth are totally capable of living in that world peaceably with each other. You all will decide how it is given to those of the next Earth, but Buddy and Princess are mine. Buddy, maybe our sword fight will add some more serrations... don't worry I haven't totally worked out the machining of the metals or how to make the thermo-part of it for the grand finale, far away from the people of this planet, you have some time to sweat it out yet. Maybe, I'll even let you cauterize yourself with a hot blade with the worst one, as you kindly did for me. You would beg to be skinned alive, or boiled alive, or crucified (the most merciful of the options), but there are many more hours of the things you did to me to go. Verify for yourself, and not in my head, but be gentle about verification if you feel beneficent.
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The United States prison system is racist and evil. Solitary confinement is a form of torture that should be banned.

The whole system needs to be drastically reformed. Sure, some people end up committing crimes again because they are terrible people, but in general, they do it because they either cannot cope or are trying to survive, especially when it comes to selling drugs. The system does not rehabilitate people- it actually makes them worse off in many ways.
The percentages continue to climb. @Dragon Are you admitting there is evil in the world? I expected the race card to show itself pretty soon, too. Believe it or not, I'm just noting that. Not here to argue race. Not here to argue good and evil.

We all have certain inalienable rights in this country, but those rights stop when we choose to take away from the rights of others for our own benefit. Poor, poor, pitiful me? What are you going to do about it? Let them kill your child or parent while trying to cope, not mine. It is not the prison system needs reformation, it is the populace. People want to take away guns to control criminals. These people are arrested and slapped on the hand, and I will have a way to protect myself from the masses of them on our streets.

Attitudes need to change. It takes as much work to steal as it does to flip a burger. Do you need your receipt?
Um .... yeah. It seems like @Dragon understands how the US incarceration system is a joke when it comes to rehabilitation and is essentially just for punishment. Add in how it can be next to impossible for certain populations to avoid recidivism ... yeah its a bit insane.

@just me ... you are correct that attitudes need to change, and you might want to start with yours.

If it was honestly as easy as getting a job at a fast food restaurant don't you think people be doing that already. I couldn't even get hired by any fast food or big box store type place in the 6 month I spent job searching after returning to the US...and I'm not a felon.
What exactly is my attitude? Tired of paying for others that don't care about others and take what they want with force? This place has become insane. We lost one of our own the other night to a drunk driver that had been through the system twice already. Fled the scene, but someone saw him. Tell his children I have a bad attitude.

We must agree the system does not work. It is not OK to shoot a man for his wallet. Doest thou well to be angry? What to do about it then? I honestly would give my last apple to a starving child, but not if he just killed a man.
Forgiveness usually comes to those who ask of it, does it not?
@just me Go find someone else to troll.

I see things differently, so call me a troll after being here over a decade. Throw something at me like a skinny dog, when you do not even know me. Political discussions are open to everyone's thoughts, are they not?

Stop derailing the thread, why don't you?

Unfortunately, it takes tax dollars to pay for repeating offenders. When they kill someone, the system is more at fault than anyone else. Age old problem some countries have little of.
Political discussions are open to everyone's thoughts, are they not?

I am not sure anything in this section qualifies as a political discussion.

Oh, are my thoughts derailing? I guess I am just supposed to blindly agree with you then. Fine, lets not let people back out of prison if they repeat offend, throw away the key. Lets allow the use of solitary confinement in every circumstance- and if you are so worried about your tax dollars, lets just leave an already-tied noose in each cell in case the prisoners in question decide to help us out. We are never letting them out anyway.

A small number of states have nursery programs for women who give birth in prison, but those waste tax dollars too. Right? Why don't we just take away all medical care out of prisons? The prisoners are no longer human, are they?

Maybe we should re-institute the use of corporal punishment and capital punishment for everyone like in the good-ol' days. Make America Great Again! Whip people publicly before locking them up. We could even televise executions of the mentally ill and those with mental retardation. Would you enjoy watching?

The definition of inalienable does not matter, does it?

We all have certain inalienable rights in this country

  1. unable to be taken away from or given away by the possessor.
My opinion (fantasy):
I think you Americans should reintroduce slavery: Repeat offend on the same crime once (any crime that normally merits incarceration), and you will be shipped abroad, and sold at the slave markets in Pakistan (irrespective of your race, sex, gender, religion, etc.)

(Before anyone goes on a tirade, my opinion is a reflection on my feelings about repeat-crime, and not a statement of political leaning/morals/ethics/etc.)
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When I was a child...

Are my rights more important than yours? It is right to take away your rights for mine? Shall I trample on your rights because of my rights? Is your right to life not as important as my responsibilities to obey the law?

Shall I destroy the life of a young woman? Shall I rape her to be released for a repeat? Shall I rob a store's cash register at gunpoint, then shoot the man as I leave? Will you let me go? Why bother? People will tire of this. Shall we arrest a man for avenging his daughter's rape by a repeat offender?

The money will matter. It will run out.
When I was a child...

Are my rights more important than yours? It is right to take away your rights for mine? Shall I trample on your rights because of my rights? Is your right to life not as important as my responsibilities to obey the law?

Shall I destroy the life of a young woman? Shall I rape her to be released for a repeat? Shall I rob a store's cash register at gunpoint, then shoot the man as I leave? Will you let me go? Why bother? People will tire of this. Shall we arrest a man for avenging his daughter's rape by a repeat offender?

The money will matter. It will run out.

The money would not be an issue if we did not have so many people in jail for non-violent drug offenses as a result of mandatory minimum sentencing. States contracting with the private prison industry is highly problematic as well.

I think that if someone truly is a threat to society (i.e. many rapists and murderers), they should not be let out. However, a bit over half of all prisoners (in our country with the highest prison population in the world) are in for non-violent drug, financial, and public order offenses. Leaving those people in for so long is ridiculous, and the prison system is not helping the situation. Once they get out, they are second-class citizens. So they turn to crime again as a means to survive, which is usually the reason they were doing it in the first place.

Add in the fact that most are psychologically damaged from solitary confinement, and prisons (and policies surround them) are making society much worse off as a whole. Not to mention how none are being given any skills they can use to market themselves or anything like that. People who were drug addicts have every reason to turn back to them as well because they are completely isolated (whereas social connection protects against relapse).

States, localities, and the federal government could implement laws and programs that change this situation, but instead they are worsening it in many ways. Most people wind up in prison as a result of social circumstance instead of individual will. We need to address the circumstances both within and outside of the prison system if society is going to improve and the crime rate is actually going to go down. This is especially true of the "war on drugs", which has not been effective in stopping the proliferation of drugs in this country.
Social circumstance instead of individual will? Ever looked deeply into social circumstances and laws? It is worth a look. Mind you, we may be branded for life for doing so. Yes, we may be talked about for trying to better ourselves. Yes, we may be avoided for not doing what everyone else seems to be doing. It may be tough; nobody said it would be easy. People have places to walk away from their social circumstances. Some may end up getting beat or killed for choosing church or school over social circumstance.
Not everyone can find a way out, but most people know better and some do not care. Some even like living the life with their friends. People must choose. There is a tug of war going on in society.

I might actually prefer solitary confinement now and then. What prompted this offer for a discussion is our local news. There is a very high probability those arrested have already been arrested. Law-abiding citizens have a right to walk in peace. That is their choice. Those that choose otherwise should be kept away from those walking in peace. Maybe they should have their own city for criminals. Let them prey on each other.
This is a sore subject for me. I guess there will always be helpers....and users.

There are also bystanders. They won't help you, but they won't use you.

Take a bowl of apples. Leave it where people can help themselves. Most people fear the apples. Some will take one and be thankful. One guy may take them all. A giver placed them there.

The playground of society is enjoyed by many and kept by the few. Those trashing others must be picked up behind. Some people do not want to change and do not want to better themselves. I wish there were more givers in the world.
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The money would not be an issue if we did not have so many people in jail for non-violent drug offenses as a result of mandatory minimum sentencing. States contracting with the private prison industry is highly problematic as well.

I think that if someone truly is a threat to society (i.e. many rapists and murderers), they should not be let out. However, a bit over half of all prisoners (in our country with the highest prison population in the world) are in for non-violent drug, financial, and public order offenses. Leaving those people in for so long is ridiculous, and the prison system is not helping the situation. Once they get out, they are second-class citizens. So they turn to crime again as a means to survive, which is usually the reason they were doing it in the first place.

Add in the fact that most are psychologically damaged from solitary confinement, and prisons (and policies surround them) are making society much worse off as a whole. Not to mention how none are being given any skills they can use to market themselves or anything like that. People who were drug addicts have every reason to turn back to them as well because they are completely isolated (whereas social connection protects against relapse).

States, localities, and the federal government could implement laws and programs that change this situation, but instead they are worsening it in many ways. Most people wind up in prison as a result of social circumstance instead of individual will. We need to address the circumstances both within and outside of the prison system if society is going to improve and the crime rate is actually going to go down. This is especially true of the "war on drugs", which has not been effective in stopping the proliferation of drugs in this country.
I imagine that one of the benefits of removing illegal alien workers from the labor market will be more casual and informal work for ex-convicts.