You seem to be on a path that looks similar to mine. You keep asking questions and the answers you find guide you to other areas and questions. I think your open mind is an asset in general and I will be interested to see where it leads you.
I find it interesting when you say things like "I still dont believe in a god" It leads me to wonder if you expect to at some point, if you are trying to or any number of things. I identify with being an athiest at this point in my life and I think I always will. Perhaps due in part to never finding a definitive definition as to what a "god" is. I find it humorous these days when some one asks me if I believe in God and I say, which god? They look honestly confused, "You know, the one and only God." So if we define God as any spoken of in religion its easy for me to say no and that I never will. But if we define God or gods only as something that created out existence either knowingly or unknowingly I can say I believe in the possibility. Unbreakable foundations, on or off, black and white is what I seek to break everything down to. But even thats hard becaue is black really black as a color or is it black because it is nothing at all?
Is white really nothing as well because it is everything to include nothing?
I dont even know what my point is right now..
This is how my mind works. A simple sentence overlayed on what I have come to understand about you leads my thoughts down these paths. When I type I can hold onto them for a bit longer as my words take longer to type then my thoughts do to think. Left without typing I suspect I would have somehow related your sentence to the fact that apples do not grow all year around.
Ha ha! Sorry I suspect that will only be funny to me.
I think all religion at its foundation is an attempt to create a foundation with which to build on. Its not good or bad but while some people only build in one direction people like you and I build in all directions.
You seem to be on a path that looks similar to mine. You keep asking questions and the answers you find guide you to other areas and questions. I think your open mind is an asset in general and I will be interested to see where it leads you.
I find it interesting when you say things like "I still dont believe in a god" It leads me to wonder if you expect to at some point, if you are trying to or any number of things. I identify with being an athiest at this point in my life and I think I always will. Perhaps due in part to never finding a definitive definition as to what a "god" is. I find it humorous these days when some one asks me if I believe in God and I say, which god? They look honestly confused, "You know, the one and only God." So if we define God as any spoken of in religion its easy for me to say no and that I never will. But if we define God or gods only as something that created out existence either knowingly or unknowingly I can say I believe in the possibility. Unbreakable foundations, on or off, black and white is what I seek to break everything down to. But even thats hard becaue is black really black as a color or is it black because it is nothing at all?

I dont even know what my point is right now..
This is how my mind works. A simple sentence overlayed on what I have come to understand about you leads my thoughts down these paths. When I type I can hold onto them for a bit longer as my words take longer to type then my thoughts do to think. Left without typing I suspect I would have somehow related your sentence to the fact that apples do not grow all year around.
Ha ha! Sorry I suspect that will only be funny to me.
I think all religion at its foundation is an attempt to create a foundation with which to build on. Its not good or bad but while some people only build in one direction people like you and I build in all directions.
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