So there was this girl I liked, who was an INFJ, (I'm an INTJ), and we sent over 3900 messages online, some of it sexual, and I got to be extremely emotionally attached with her. We talked about personal things, I talked to her about my past and the turmoil, and we became good friends. She was feminine, and I masculine (not to brag but I took a test online and scored in the 100th percentile in "masculinity" out of the 30,000 testers it was based on). I knew her in middleschool, I moved, and then my senior year I moved back to her area. I was having problems in foster-homes. We'd flirt and be friendly in school, occasionally, but we were very quiet, so didn't talk. So nothing developed. We both liked each other though. I wanted to join the army, and needed three recommendations, and she wouldnt sign it. I asked her, "why?", several times, she was hiestant, and then she said she'd think about it. It hurt my feelings a lot. (I can be quite sensitive) So I told her "f u" and called her the b word, and told her not to talk to me. Felt betrayed and dispassioned. She said nothing back. Deleted her from facebook, then rekindled it a small bit a couple months later with her. Highschool ended, and I tried sending her a few messages on facebook, and a couple friend requests saying lets just be friends. Wont listen though, or answer. So, after a few tries, I sent a very bad message, telling her I hated her with everything I had, that I hoped she died, that she was a horrible person, a bad friend, called her the C and B word, and then she blocked. A couple days later her friend told me she called the police on me, (No charges pressed or police that have talked to me, and this was months ago).
So obviously that relationship is done. Any INFJs give me a clue as to what she was feeling? How she feels now? What I did wrong?