It really sounds like what you are needing now is a friend and not a girlfriend. Do you have any other women friends that can fill that need for you? I mean women that don't want to be romantically involved with you. You have a tough decision to make. It's one of those that doesn't have an easy answer and no matter what you do somebody gets hurt. Rock and a hard place kinda thing.
These are the kinds of decisions nobody can really teach us how to handle cause a lot of it has to do with morals. What's the right thing to do? For you? For them? Finding that is tough in situations like this. "It's not hard to do the right thing. It's hard to know what the right thing is. Once you know, it's hard not to do it". Maybe things don't need to be all or nothing. Maybe there are more options you just can't see right now. I have no idea what they are. But I have found that if I follow my truth and my conscience even when it's freaken hard as crap to do, sometimes things happen that totally surprise me and what I need shows up for me. Maybe not in the way I thought it would or from the person or place I thought it would come from. Be honest with yourself and with them. Let your conscience lead you. Then let the chips fall where they may. It sounds like you already know a lot of this though. You're right this is a soap opera. But then, who's life isn't :becky:
Haha do women on here count? Thanks for the advice though, I think I know what I need to do but it's not going to be fun.