Relationship vs Religion

@Love_Conquers_All , gereally any interaction, belief, or relationship with God is inherently religious. It's just what the word means.

As far as your comment about definitions not having anything to do... etc etc ... , you can refuse to acknowledge facts but it's not going to get us anywhere.

I think you guys are arguing over organized religion versus private spirituality. They are both religious and spiritual in a sense, but they are clearly two different things.
I like how you keep from addressing what I say. If you were willing to look at the context of James and then go back to the Greek with a strongs concordance where it says religion you would find it is a more contextual translation as worship. There is already another place in scripture where that same Greek word is translated as worship.
My relationship with Christ is not religious no matter what you say. I have a living interactive relationship with Him through the Holy Spirit.
You seem to love religion since you defend it so vehemently. Seriously what good has it done at all in this world?
Look at the fruits of religion in Christianity. It has caused over 40,000 denominations who all claim they have it right and everyone else is wrong. So tell me which one is right? Oh wait, I already know the answer. None of them are right because they are not following the Holy Spirit. It is self evidenced by their fruit and division amongst one another. If we follow the Holy Spirit there is no division. We all need our minds renewed. Our thoughts and ways fall short of the Glory of God.
We need the Mind of Christ so that we can overcome the world. We are to be perfect as He is and Holy as He is. We can not do that in our flesh. We have to be in the Spirit taught directly by the Holy Spirit. Let no man be called your teacher for you have a teacher and that is the Holy Spirit. Great Grace, Joy, and Peace to you in the Love of Christ.
I like how you keep from addressing what I say. If you were willing to look at the context of James and then go back to the Greek with a strongs concordance where it says religion you would find it is a more contextual translation as worship. There is already another place in scripture where that same Greek word is translated as worship.
My relationship with Christ is not religious no matter what you say. I have a living interactive relationship with Him through the Holy Spirit.
You seem to love religion since you defend it so vehemently. Seriously what good has it done at all in this world?
Look at the fruits of religion in Christianity. It has caused over 40,000 denominations who all claim they have it right and everyone else is wrong. So tell me which one is right? Oh wait, I already know the answer. None of them are right because they are not following the Holy Spirit. It is self evidenced by their fruit and division amongst one another. If we follow the Holy Spirit there is no division. We all need our minds renewed. Our thoughts and ways fall short of the Glory of God.
We need the Mind of Christ so that we can overcome the world. We are to be perfect as He is and Holy as He is. We can not do that in our flesh. We have to be in the Spirit taught directly by the Holy Spirit. Let no man be called your teacher for you have a teacher and that is the Holy Spirit. Great Grace, Joy, and Peace to you in the Love of Christ.

Another case of "they translated it wrong" or "it doesn't agree with my feelings so it should really say something else!". Sorry not buying it.

Your relationship with God is religious simply because it involves you and God. I don't believe you have the knowledge to speak on what 40,000 groups of people have to say or the intricacies of their religious practice. Amazing that you are the one who is right but everyone else is wrong.
I think you guys are arguing over organized religion versus private spirituality. They are both religious and spiritual in a sense, but they are clearly two different things.

Nope. Spirituality is part of religion.
I hope you find the path to a relationship with the Holy Spirit, I will be praying for you.
Great Grace, Peace, and Joy to you in the Love of Christ brother.:grinning:
Not meant that way at all. I mean it with sincerity. I hope the best for you and hope to see you in a perfected state with Christ. I am hoping the same for myself and all who are trying to find Christ. We as a body need more of the Holy Spirit in our lives and less of us. Great Grace, Peace, and Joy to you in the Love of Christ brother. :blush:
You seem to be on your way to truth, Great Grace, Joy, and Peace to you in the Love of Christ.
You seem to be on your way to truth, Great Grace, Joy, and Peace to you in the Love of Christ.

Nice try.

Getting beyond your cognitive dissonance is the first step to enlightenment. The second is making a conscious effort to challenge deeply held beliefs. Best of luck.
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What do you mean by nice try?
I do not have any cognitive dissonance that I am aware of. I have been challenging all of my beliefs by surrendering to our Creator and letting His truth overcome all the lies I have believed throughout my life. The Love and Joy I am experiencing throughout the day is proof enough for me, it is unlike anything of this world.
What do you mean by nice try?
I do not have any cognitive dissonance that I am aware of. I have been challenging all of my beliefs by surrendering to our Creator and letting His truth overcome all the lies I have believed throughout my life. The Love and Joy I am experiencing throughout the day is proof enough for me, it is unlike anything of this world.

All prophecy is born of the individual's enlightenment, however attained.

Following scripture and convincing oneself that all truth comes from written history is about as far from enlightenment as imaginable. However, I recognize that you are confident of your path, and stand firm with it. I wouldn't expect you to bend your convictions.
All prophecy is born of the individual's enlightenment, however attained.

Following scripture and convincing oneself that all truth comes from written history is about as far from enlightenment as imaginable. However, I recognize that you are confident of your path, and stand firm with it. I wouldn't expect you to bend your convictions.
I never claimed that all truth comes from written history. Where did you draw that conclusion from?
I am engaging and communing with the Holy Spirit throughout the day.
John 15:5 kjv
I am the vine, you are the branches: He that stays in me, and I in him, the same brings forth much fruit: for without me you can do nothing.
Words are being spoken, but they need listeners. There was a parable of a woman:
Luke 21:1-4King James Version (KJV)
21 And he looked up, and saw the rich men casting their gifts into the treasury.

2 And he saw also a certain poor widow casting in thither two mites.

3 And he said, Of a truth I say unto you, that this poor widow hath cast in more than they all:

4 For all these have of their abundance cast in unto the offerings of God: but she of her penury hath cast in all the living that she had.

You don't have a lot to contribute here? You are here, are you not?
What if you are wrong?

Then it really doesn't matter. He will be put in the ground and won't know any different.

Honestly, though, I've felt this way for a long time. Modern "Christians" are bearing more resemblance to the Pharisees than they bear to Christ. They are some of the most judgemental, exclusive, and hypocritical I know of. That's not the way it's supposed to be!

I've come to the same conclusion as you. It's because we are claiming the title "Christian" for the sake of a religion, but we neglecting the relationship. I mean, how else would we end up with hundreds (if not thousands) of different denominations? That right there is proof that we screwed up somewhere.
"We" is a very questionable word. Please speak for yourself, and whomever else doesn't mind. I do not fit into your group.
It's because we are claiming the title "Christian" for the sake of a religion
This is the first error. Christianity is not a religion. It is a faith. No works necessary, only that we know that we "All fall short of the glory of God", so that we cannot boast ourselves above others, which leads us to Mercy and forgiveness, and ultimately Love.

No other system can achieve this. There is no other choice, yet people still think they can do it better another way.