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No, that is not the same. People do not apply Pride and Prejudice as a way to live, or as real life, unless they are absolutely insane. Now, the bible does have historical context to it, as do the stories, but there is no proof to many people that it is inspired by God. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, just that something as intangible as God, to many skeptics, just cannot be proven. You can't prove that God did in fact inspire the bible, you can say that people said they were inspired by God, which for all we know they could or couldn't have been, but that is not proof.
So we are going to special plead our way out of a bad argument to simply not admit an argument is bad? That's pretty funny to see really, it is also funny to see you say at one moment, that it is wrong to view Pride and Prejudice as a way to live and at the very next, hear that liturature has no right or wrong ways to view it. Yet you say that I contradict myself? That's pretty entertaining to hear.
You contradict yourself.
You have to show it first, not assert it.
Also, I've never had a class that told me there is a wrong way to view literature. You can claim what ever you want, and you could be right, because unless the author clearly states their intentions, it will never be known. However, you are expected to back up your interpretations on things from the time-period, and the novel its self. Much the same can be done to the bible, but again, we cannot know for sure.
So you do not think it's wrong to view Pride and Prejudice as a true story instead of a fictional story? So what is it, is there a right and wrong way to view liturature?
No, I never said that, and you know I was joking. You can take what the writers say as fact, but to many people word of mouth to explain something as important as science or God, is not enough. The views and assertions that it is inspired by God are just as provable as the assertions and views that it wasn't inspired by God. Point being, neither can be proven, and just because you quote some scholars does not mean you've dismissed anything. Being an expert in a subject does not make someone right, unless they can back it up with facts beyond a doubt.
And if it is an historical truth that Jesus died and rose again... what would that say about the truth of Christianity? That it is true or will you debate that and say that you can't know that for a fact? I have done plenty to prove my argument and show plenty of support that everything that was said, isn't true of Christianity. Isn't it funny how that works? What have you presented... that you can't know that for sure?
Also, there are plenty of Christians out there who say the Bible is the word of God. Just because you don't view it that way doesn't mean other people don't, that they're any less "Christian", or that anybody is right or wrong.
There is a difference between 'the word of God' and 'being written by God'.
The way I see it is Religion and Science are two separate things, that in the end cannot prove the other. I don't find it possible to judge religion completely on the scientific method, but I also don't try to prove science by using religion. They are different things.
Please quote me where I said that science and religion at the same thing because I said nothing of the sort. I said that there is no conflict between science and religion and this so called 'conflict', is the invention of a few people, pushing their agenda.
And let me make it clear, I am not trying to prove your beliefs right or wrong, nor am I agreeing or disagree with your beliefs, I'm just refuting some arguments you have made.
What I have seen thus far, isn't a refution at all. Basically, it was just a list of assertions and 'you can't know this for sure'. Can you know for sure that other universes exist? Nope. So why is this view pressed as being 'scientific' when there is no scientific evidence to back it up? If anything, my argument has continued to hold water because there is no connection between being written by man = no correct interpretation, is there?