I was 16 when I converted I'm 17 now and when I go to a university I'm going to start wearing a hijab.

I was 16 when I converted I'm 17 now and when I go to a university I'm going to start wearing a hijab.
I don't believe in any deities so I am an atheist, plain and simple. I kind of dislike this trend of atheists calling themselves nontheists and humanists and brights and whatever. It seems deceptive and unnescessary.
I don't believe in any deities so I am an atheist, plain and simple. I kind of dislike this trend of atheists calling themselves nontheists and humanists and brights and whatever. It seems deceptive and unnescessary.
My religion....hmm, I'd have to say liberal Christianity. My view is that our ancestors have screwed up all knoweledge resources (king james, catholics, anyone?) that we'll probably never get a strait truth of these things. Its been proven that catholics have....changed certain aspects of the Bible (among other holy script) to better fit their views. Adam and Eve, for example. It's sad, but true. I guess I'll just have to run on blind faith, and try to listen to my internal barometer of good and evil instead of following what others (who are no better than I) want me to do.
My religion....hmm, I'd have to say liberal Christianity. My view is that our ancestors have screwed up all knoweledge resources (king james, catholics, anyone?) that we'll probably never get a strait truth of these things. Its been proven that catholics have....changed certain aspects of the Bible (among other holy script) to better fit their views. Adam and Eve, for example. It's sad, but true. I guess I'll just have to run on blind faith, and try to listen to my internal barometer of good and evil instead of following what others (who are no better than I) want me to do.
I have you agree with you, Chaotic Lion. Especially once I found out that everything Jesus did was to affirm a relationship with God and simultaneously attack the established religion. Our ancestors went and made a religion out of the guy who came to end religion! Makes no sense... :rant:
I can give a reason why the label "nontheist" is quite relevant and not "deceptive," as the labels "atheist" and "agnostic" are, for reasons I can give if asked, useless and irrelevant. Nontheism fits because it designates that the individual in question does not worship any deity or follow any religious tradition, but doesn't claim an all out atheism or agnosticism.
Nontheism doesn't claim an all out atheism? So you do believe in deities? Or you partly believe in them? You know, you can agree that there is a possibility of something existing and still not believe in it. You can't escape the stigma fundamentalists like to put on atheists by changing the name of it.
But really, this is a tired semantic argument that is not going anywhere, so let's just drop it and say we are not religious.