Community Member
No, "nontheism" doesn't claim an all-out atheism. Nontheism is a category that includes the set of beliefs that do not affirm the belief in the supernatural. Sometimes in sociological studies it includes those people that have no religious preference...we often call those "apatheists." Atheism is just a type of nontheism. Agnosticism is a type of nontheism. Nontheism itself is the broader category. An atheist is always a nontheist, but a nontheist is not necessarily an atheist.
Next, I don't care what fundamentalists like to claim about atheists. Nontheism isn't a different name for atheism anyways. This has nothing to do with the term.
And I can't claim I "believe in a deity, or partially believe in a deity, or believe they don't exist." My point of view is that the word "God," as well as definitions for such terms as "omnipotence" and "benevolence" are WAAAAY too vague to correctly form an opinion on. Therefore, the only way to settle the God debate in my mind is to take the individual definitions of God, even with their subtle differences or obvious ones, and make an judgment on each definition.
It's pointless to say, "I believe God doesn't exist" because the term God is just so vague. There are people that think that "God" is just the universe...that they're the same thing. In that case I could be a theist, but such a definition is quite uninteresting, unless you mean to assert that the universe has supernatural properties (and then with that definition I'd claim agnosticism).
So nontheism is just the best term for someone like me. I'm not an atheist because there are some definitions of God that I just don't have enough evidence to make a judgment (and often enough it's impossible to obtain evidence depending on the definition). I'm not an agnostic because there are some definitions that I claim atheism...because the evidence is contrary to the definition or because the definition is inconsistent with itself. So, I claim the broader term: nontheism.
Basically I agree with everything you wrote there. I don't think I have ever met an "all out atheist", and if we marginalize the word to mean only those people it is rendered basically useless. Of course, it is a debtate of it's own if the "atheist community" is needed at all. It is, after all, kind of silly to define oneself after what you are not.
I don't have anything against pantheistic or even deistic ideologies, I just find them unnescessary. More of wordplay and idle pondering than religious thought.
Agnostic to show that I'm open minded.
But lately I've been tempted to just start calling myself a Discordian. I recently discovered the religion and it's brought me a big ball of laughter.
Googled, and that seems like an awesome religion. I better start calling myself a Discordian

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