Requiem for Billy

How is your life now that Billy left the forum

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great as usual
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Hope to see you again some day, Billy.
In a word?


Baby, you still have me.
Maybe we should get together sometime. You know, just getting a drink together..

Sorry to see you go billy. Even if you drove me nuts most of the time. I'm still going to miss you.
I really liked reading your posts, Billy. Sorry you've left. I'd like to know what happened but it's probably none of my business.
well, good luck? :) May you have a well, good life beyond.
Dude, you are an annoying SOB and can always be counted on to say something borderline stupid but, you are a big part of this little forum(s) and the place will not be the same without you.

I could not have worded this better myself.

Billy and I have had our disagreements, but he's a good person and he'll be missed here.

Best wishes to you and your future, sir.
how magnetic is Irony?

.............. but I will never post here again. Thank you to all who have been my friends here, I will miss you. If you would like to keep in contact message or rep me your info (Whatever is easiest.)

See you in a week, enjoy your friends gushing over your temporary departure.

just wondering
I think it would only be irony had I actually made a poor me I am leaving the forum for good post. As I had said long ago to a few friends, if I was ever to leave the forum I would just go, I wouldn't make a big to do about it, and I didn't.
And I, for one, am glad you stuck around. Who else carries a big spoon to stir stuff up like you do?
it appears that he really is gone.
If I recall, he left because he started hating this place; could be wrong.

Or maybe he did take that final leap, that was the leap home...

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I miss [MENTION=1451]Billy[/MENTION].