So the bottom line is to force others to do what you want because you know better?
I can't force anyone to do anything. I can only persuade and cast my vote. If people don't want to listen to reason and evidence, then they are entitled to be ignorant.
Sounds like an ad hominem to me.
And why is health care such a big issue right now anyway?
Because if nothing is done with health care, the current increase in costs will turn it into a luxury, and we could very well end up in another even worse recession due to the government having to pay for most of the emergency bills when most of America in uninsured or under insured. Virtually nobody is denying that something has to be done. The argument is over what should be done.
I am more worried about having a job here in the next few weeks.
Could that be perhaps because of the recession? How many of those do you want?
It makes sense to me to find a way to get people working again. By doing so you will be raising the value of the dollar and by doing so you will reduce the cost of health care.
Um...a few things wrong with that comment...
1. Increasing employment actually increased inflation, not decreases it. Once the Americans who have been out of work begin to find employment again, you are going to see a big drop in the value of the dollar. That is Economics 101.
2. Inflation has very little to do with the rising health care costs.
Why would anyone try to do this with the worst economy since the great depression is beyond me.
Because we have to so that we don't end up back here again.
We do not have the money to fund health care right now.
Agreed. Which is why one of the biggest parts of this debate has been how we are going to fund it. Much of the money is going to come from reworking the system so as to bring down costs. As I said before, we are paying 3 to 5 times as much for health care as countries with similar quality, universal health care. In the long run, having universal health care may actually save us substantially more money.
People are unemployed and we want to add to them a monthly bill that could mean the difference between eating or not eating?
What the hell are you talking about?
This whole health care debate is not a debate at all to me. It's a total waste of time in my opinion and when people are not working and paying taxes where will the money come from?
Of course, it's not a debate for people who are completely uniformed of the facts. I have one question for you. Do you have any idea what will happen in this country if we don't fix things now?
By 2013, 56 million people will be uninsured. Medicare and Medicaid will be completely unsustainable at those numbers. In other words, nearly a quarter of our total work force will be uninsured, and as those people get sick, they will have to wait until they are in emergency condition, at which point, the government will pick up the bill of their health costs. At that point, we very well could be facing a complete collapse of the health care system, much as we witnessed with the collapse of the real estate industry that lead to our current recession.
The government is funded by tax payers right?
Yes, and they have a responsibility to the tax payers to spend out money wisely, which they are currently not doing and are trying to amend with health care reform.