Reveal your INFJ-board crush! Also, your twin soul :P

I have total crushes on [MENTION=4459]Sensiko[/MENTION] [MENTION=1579]Odyne[/MENTION] :mf:

Hehe, to be serious... I don't really have a crush on anyone romantically.

[MENTION=2710]jimtaylor[/MENTION] Aw, I'm flattered... why me?
[MENTION=3975]Constant_Overstimulation[/MENTION] <---- Just like in the weather, he's the warm front and I'm the cold one....combine them to make the perfect storm; destroy cities, mission accomplished.

My girl crush? Don't they have cooties or something?
I appreciate all of you but am not crushing on any.
I'm still a bit too new to know anyone well enough, but I have about 29 other pages to go through and connect the dots. ^^
Oh yeah, my girl crush has always been [MENTION=1834]sandra_b[/MENTION]. We would already be betrothed by now.
:* :* :*

I think he's such a lovely cheesecake. Needs to post more!

im probably going to get creeper points for this
[MENTION=4843]Uwace[/MENTION] : I'm flattered! I didn't think anyone on here even knew of my existence let alone thought I was a delicious fatty desert :p I appreciate you for saying that. :blushes:
I have total crushes on [MENTION=4459]Sensiko[/MENTION] [MENTION=1579]Odyne[/MENTION] :mf:

Hehe, to be serious... I don't really have a crush on anyone romantically.

[MENTION=2710]jimtaylor[/MENTION] Aw, I'm flattered... why me?

Oh my dear Bionic, it would never work between us :::holding back tears::: Sure it would start out all leather, glitter and cake, but before we know it you'll be peeing on me in the shower and I'll be silently crying in bed. :pout:
this thread needs some music