Reveal your INFJ-board crush! Also, your twin soul :P

I think [MENTION=3240]Jill Hives[/MENTION] is my kindred soul. She's just as weird as I am...its fabulous.

It's like I always say, if no one else is going to stroke my ego, I'll just stroke it myself.

It's like I always say, if no one else is going to stroke my ego, I'll just stroke it myself.

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It's like I always say, if no one else is going to stroke my ego, I'll just stroke it myself.

Heartily agree. *while Genuine strokes her own ego and non-existent long hair* :D
Oh crushes - there are some! I love them all in different ways :) But I'd blush, so I skip the names. Many smart, beautiful, thoughtful people here.

As for twin-souls:
[MENTION=5715]Lemonworld[/MENTION] - but it goes beyond the forum talk.

[MENTION=1669]Genuine[/MENTION] seems very alike when I read the blog. There are things that I don't write but then bam and [MENTION=1669]Genuine[/MENTION] has posted it!
[MENTION=5297]Neverwhere[/MENTION] has a way about her that makes me think we'd get along, despite that feelery INFJ stuff.
[MENTION=5297]Neverwhere[/MENTION] has a way about her that makes me think we'd get along, despite that feelery INFJ stuff.

Aw, I'll try not to spew rainbows on you. ;)
Boo...I demand crushes!

I'll crush YOU [MENTION=3765]Vicarious[/MENTION]!


[MENTION=3765]Vicarious[/MENTION] -- you know I'd always be up for taking you on a lady date. ;)
[MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION] is my kindred spirit, I love this guy. A lot of people dismiss him as a "conspiracy theorist" because his posts are occasionally sensationalistic but there actually is a lot of credence to what he says. Despite him and I doing our political research totally independent of one another, we've both come to the same conclusions on a lot of things

I'm so fucking pissed that [MENTION=4717]subwayrider[/MENTION] is taking a break from the forums, I could honestly take like 3/4ths of his blog posts and repost them on my blog

[MENTION=3998]niffer[/MENTION] is my homeslice

[MENTION=6650]SealHammer[/MENTION] is a wiseass, someone a little too smart for his own good. He's made several posts that have made me bust out laughing. We're similar in that we're both young and a lot smarter than our age would suggest.

People I admire from afar...

I don't really know [MENTION=1425]Korg[/MENTION] that well at all, but I really respect the way he carries himself. He carries himself like a real man and I want to carry myself in a similar way when I'm older. [MENTION=2926]Bird[/MENTION] is a class act and I get why she seems so happy with him. Korg, are you an ENTJ by any chance?

I like [MENTION=1939]Stu[/MENTION]. He's definitely an INFJ haha

I think [MENTION=5824]linger[/MENTION] is fascinating, I hang on to every word she writes.

[MENTION=3240]Jill Hives[/MENTION] is weird so she gets a two giant thumbs up in my book. I only ran into her in the TC once but I thoght she was tons of fun.

[MENTION=5297]Neverwhere[/MENTION] is sassy, intelligent, blunt, and is very open about who she is. I love it. I think I was an Irishman in a past life because I'm fascinated with Irish culture. The hard drinking, the accent, the vulgarity (not that these traits are reflective of every Irish person) is pretty fucking sweet.
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[MENTION=3240]Jill Hives[/MENTION] I'm steadily crushing on you :tape: :tape:

I don't know whyyy on Earth didn't I mention [MENTION=5559]Cornerstone[/MENTION] earlier... I might have been delirious lol It should be something self-explanatory long time ago.

[MENTION=4956]charlene[/MENTION] I think you're very very warm :m176:

hey [MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION] I don't care people think you're weird, we make our anarchist utopia together. After all, everything is better when it has a nutty flavour.

I wonder if [MENTION=2873]Serenity[/MENTION] is nearly everybody's crush ;)

soon I'll crush on half a board, I tell you that LOL :pound: it is a dangerous environment here
I suppose my lists here are people I have great admiration for rather than crushes...but yeah
[MENTION=1009]bamf[/MENTION] . There's something special about him. I think we would be good friends in real life. We have been scheduled to go drinking for a while now, I ought to instigate forum drinks on TC (i'd like to see what some of you arel ike drunk :D ) But back to bamf....yes, I have enjoyed reading his posts on Facebook. I really admire his dedication and passion for his students, I think he's the kind of person that could really make a difference.
[MENTION=1360]TheDaringHatTrick[/MENTION] I really adore her, even if just from afar. She's someone I'd like to get to know better. She seems like someone who is deep, caring and with a strong sense of fun. I appreciate her sense of humour.
Korg, are you an ENTJ by any chance?

I get asked that about once a week here.

The answer is: I don't know for certian. The most questionable function is I vs E -- but ENTJ possible.