Revenge and MBTI


What a lovely way to burn...
How does each type go about getting revenge?

And feel free to share your revenge stories, if you'd like.

This is a no judgement zone/thread.
I'm not too sure about my MBTI type, but I've done a few vengeful things that I'm not too proud of.

Won't go in too deep, but there was a person in the past who was extremely rude and vile to my friends and I. I guess you could say I manipulated them into becoming vengeful towards this person. I even created a master plan to destroy this one person and to make them go through the pain and suffering they caused for my friends and I. It was successful, and to be honest, it seemed to have actually benefitted that person as well. Not saying what I did was right.

I also used to be very aggressive and confrontational if someone were to ever bad mouth me.

I've changed a lot now, I'm not as vengeful and vicious as I once was.
I'm not going to retell any stories of revenge.

I personally, dont know if this is related to type, long haul my revenge, I do it for a bunch of reasons but I like to live long enough to make it clear to whoever has caused the original injury to see that they havent had their desired impact, its not been a real set back or obsticle for me and also there is always the chance when you long haul revenge of seeing the same people suffer by their bad actions and choices, their bad character, because most of the people who deserve to be subjects of revenge are assholes of one description or another.

Sometimes the natural consequences of being an asshole are something to behold all by themselves. Also long hauling your revenge makes it easier too, peoples guards are down, maybe they have more to lose and lose it they will etc.

There's a quote from Sun Tzu that if you wait by the river long enough you will see the body of your enemy floating by, there's a lot to that, you have to have patience, you need to resist escalations, you need to be not merely reacting and also that if you're enemy is your enemy that has to be for some reason, they will be others enemies too, probably even a secret enemy for their allies or their own people.
The greatest revenge tale ever told isnt Kill Bill, that's action hero stuff, its The Count of Monte Cristo, he long hauls his revenge in the greatest way possible, uses proxies in his struggle, exploits the time lapse perfectly to the purpose of revenge.
I'm not too sure about my MBTI type, but I've done a few vengeful things that I'm not too proud of.

Won't go in too deep, but there was a person in the past who was extremely rude and vile to my friends and I. I guess you could say I manipulated them into becoming vengeful towards this person. I even created a master plan to destroy this one person and to make them go through the pain and suffering they caused for my friends and I. It was successful, and to be honest, it seemed to have actually benefitted that person as well. Not saying what I did was right.

I also used to be very aggressive and confrontational if someone were to ever bad mouth me.

I've changed a lot now, I'm not as vengeful and vicious as I once was.

But what's right and what's wrong? I like how you stood up for yourself and your friends. You saw a person who needed to be taught a lesson and you took action. Good for you. Thumbs up.
I'm not going to retell any stories of revenge.

I personally, dont know if this is related to type, long haul my revenge, I do it for a bunch of reasons but I like to live long enough to make it clear to whoever has caused the original injury to see that they havent had their desired impact, its not been a real set back or obsticle for me and also there is always the chance when you long haul revenge of seeing the same people suffer by their bad actions and choices, their bad character, because most of the people who deserve to be subjects of revenge are assholes of one description or another.

Sometimes the natural consequences of being an asshole are something to behold all by themselves. Also long hauling your revenge makes it easier too, peoples guards are down, maybe they have more to lose and lose it they will etc.

There's a quote from Sun Tzu that if you wait by the river long enough you will see the body of your enemy floating by, there's a lot to that, you have to have patience, you need to resist escalations, you need to be not merely reacting and also that if you're enemy is your enemy that has to be for some reason, they will be others enemies too, probably even a secret enemy for their allies or their own people.

You like smart revenge.

And that is one of my favorite quotes.
But what's right and what's wrong? I like how you stood up for yourself and your friends. You saw a person who needed to be taught a lesson and you took action. Good for you. Thumbs up.

Thank you. :)

I'm sure the social experiment I conducted on this person created a lot of emotional trauma for them, but it seemed to have affected them so much that they completely changed. I do feel bad about how harsh I was, and how I used my friends to execute the plan.

Another incident that comes back to mind is a group project I've had in the past. I tend be somewhat domineering when it comes to those, and "unofficially" appoint myself as team leader (Need to work on that). This is somewhat diverging off the topic of revenge, but if someone were to produce crap quality work (even if they did a lot of it), I'd manipulate team members around me to kick this person out of the group.

There's a lot of remorse and guilt in hurting others feelings, but for certain things, the ends justifies the means. *shrug*
I found these descriptions on another forum. Let me know what you think:

ESTP - with their fists, brutal and uncalculated
ISTP - meditate, then execute, with honed fists
ESFP - with a quick, reactive and truculent remark
ISFP - mediate, and at least remain calm

ENTP - with their tongue, make them taste humiliation
INTP - inside their mind, take no immediate action
INTJ - inside their mind, execute said plan
ENTJ - with superiority and suave

ENFJ - Sweet talk them, then backstab them
INFJ - Passive aggressive behaviour and a tirade of abuse
ENFP - A quick wit with a sharp tongue, words are now weapons
INFP - Hope the world will deal them their just desserts soon enough

ESTJ - Ordering others to destroy the perpetrator
ISTJ - take on the lifelong duty of taking sweet, sweet revenge
ESFJ - become good friends, then talk shit behind their backs
ISFJ - administer poison as "treatment" (ie. overdosing on a recommended dosage? ie. taking 500mg aspirin instead of 50mg etc)
I think revenge is generally an INTJ thing (and ENTJ); they also think its a dish best served cold (they will act in cold blood)

I've heard INTJ's on this forum joking about seeking revenge! :eek:

I even saw one post a clip about conan the barbarian speaking about crushing his enemies as an example of his INTJ mindset!

INFJ's aren't that vindictive....we can be harsh but generally its in the heat of the moment when the blood's up but afterwards we often feel bad about it

I'm not sure NTJ's feel bad afterwards....they probably smile wryly to themselves and then at random times in the future they'll remember and reminisce about their little victory and allow themselves another wry smile and maybe even a little snort out of the nostrils
I found these descriptions on another forum. Let me know what you think:

ESTP - with their fists, brutal and uncalculated
ISTP - meditate, then execute, with honed fists
ESFP - with a quick, reactive and truculent remark
ISFP - mediate, and at least remain calm

ENTP - with their tongue, make them taste humiliation
INTP - inside their mind, take no immediate action
INTJ - inside their mind, execute said plan
ENTJ - with superiority and suave

ENFJ - Sweet talk them, then backstab them
INFJ - Passive aggressive behaviour and a tirade of abuse
ENFP - A quick wit with a sharp tongue, words are now weapons
INFP - Hope the world will deal them their just desserts soon enough

ESTJ - Ordering others to destroy the perpetrator
ISTJ - take on the lifelong duty of taking sweet, sweet revenge
ESFJ - become good friends, then talk shit behind their backs
ISFJ - administer poison as "treatment" (ie. overdosing on a recommended dosage? ie. taking 500mg aspirin instead of 50mg etc)

And I most definitely relate to INTJ and INTP. I will execute plan depending on the offense committed.
From the stories I've told, my revenge sounds most like ESTJ, ISFJ, and ENFJ
I think revenge is generally an INTJ thing (and ENTJ); they also think its a dish best served cold (they will act in cold blood)

I've heard INTJ's on this forum joking about seeking revenge! :eek:

I even saw one post a clip about conan the barbarian speaking about crushing his enemies as an example of his INTJ mindset!

INFJ's aren't that vindictive....we can be harsh but generally its in the heat of the moment when the blood's up but afterwards we often feel bad about it

I'm not sure NTJ's feel bad afterwards....they probably smile wryly to themselves and then at random times in the future they'll remember and reminisce about their little victory and allow themselves another wry smile and maybe even a little snort out of the nostrils

To be fair, I would never seek revenge against someone unless they really deserved it. :m179: But you're right on one thing; I never feel bad afterwards. No reason to.
To be fair, I would never seek revenge against someone unless they really deserved it. :m179: But you're right on one thing; I never feel bad afterwards. No reason to.

Only right on one thing?

That list is not quite accurate, in my experience.

As an INFJ, it depends on how close you are to me. I am not revenge oriented at all but feel injustice deeply and will always remember it and will not ever trust that person again. My best revenge has always been success. There was a girl I went to school with who was constantly saying negative things to me. I would have called her a bully except I didn't feel bullied; she was more like a gnat I had to brush away. She criticized everything about me on an almost daily basis until the day of the prom when in the first 20 minutes her date dropped her like a hot potato and crossed an empty dance floor and asked me to dance (hell no I am here with someone else!) and I was going to my first choice school and she was rejected from everywhere because she only applied to two reach schools and had no backup plan. I did enjoy a moment of hmpf! I would not call that revenge, though.

My SO is ENTP and reacts with cutting insults based in truth but then will patiently wait, years sometimes, until an opportunity arises to exact actual revenge. It is a little scary.

My sister was an ESTP a long time ago. I think she still is. She acts much more like the revenge description of the INFJ - passive aggressive and a tirade of abuse but you will never hear any of it because she always says it to someone else.
You like smart revenge.

And that is one of my favorite quotes.

The Sun Tzu quote?

I'm not sure smart and revenge go together, forgiveness is smart but only God forgives, God is smart and God is good. God is always good.
'before setting out on revenge, first dig two graves' - old chinese saying
The Sun Tzu quote?

I'm not sure smart and revenge go together, forgiveness is smart but only God forgives, God is smart and God is good. God is always good.

Forgiveness is optional but a choice for all of us. What or who is God? We are all God. But we are all not good. And who decides what is good or bad? Depends on how you interpret it.
I have a friend who's an ESFJ and I've never seen anybody so bent on revenge at all costs, then again some of the people really deserve it, but her thirst for it makes me feel uncomfortable. I don't do revenge at all.
Forgiveness is optional but a choice for all of us. What or who is God? We are all God. But we are all not good. And who decides what is good or bad? Depends on how you interpret it.

Nawh, I think there's objective right and wrong, there's disagreement about it but that is not the same as validating complete relativism and subjectivity instead.
Not into revenge. The only worthwhile response is happiness and not revenge in my mind. I am really strict with myself about this and get put off if I see vengeance in others. It is illogical and hence counter productive x