Righteous Celebs


Resident palindrome
Staff member
[MENTION=14664]dang[/MENTION]'s Depp Thread made me curious. Are there any celebs in entertainment who are talented, haven't sold out, and also live up to our expectations of what a 'good human being' should be?

I think there are, to some degree. I also think human beings are multi-faceted, so we all have traits and life events others would perceive as faults.
(For the record abusing your wife is plainly a fault, so Depp is not off the hook.)

What do all of you think?
What is selling out, being successful?
[MENTION=14664]dang[/MENTION]'s Depp Thread made me curious. Are there any celebs in entertainment who are talented, haven't sold out, and also live up to our expectations of what a 'good human being' should be?

I think there are, to some degree. I also think human beings are multi-faceted, so we all have traits and life events others would perceive as faults.
(For the record abusing your wife is plainly a fault, so Depp is not off the hook.)

What do all of you think?

Good thread. How about Bill Cosby? Just kidding. I really respect Louis CK. He is the real deal.
I have to mention Matt Stone and Trey Parker. This past season of South Park was brilliant and they seem cool as fuck in interviews. They do celebrity the right way. They are talented, subversive, and down to earth. You don't have to become an ass hole when you become rich and famous. Plus I really admire their bond. I love duos. Oh, and add Key and Peele to the list. Same thing. They are guys you have to rout for. Love their show, and would love to hang out with them. They seem very generous and appreciative and passionate. I love righteous celebs. They are great role models for the youth of today. Like Steph Curry and his lovely wife. Don't underestimate athletes either. A lot of kids look up to their favorite sports stars. I could go on, but I want to see who else is mentioned first. Clooney and Amal perhaps? This is fun. David Bowie RIP.
What is selling out, being successful?

Compromising your integrity/authenticity/vision. Or someone cool who becomes really lame. Christian Bale is not a sell out. I think Johnny Depp is. You can become rich without making garbage movies which pollute the minds and souls of young people. Are you a sell out? Do you feel guilty about compromising your principles in order to become rich? Are you really Johnny Depp?
People I like: not a sellout

People I dont like: sell out

Btw hitler is not a sellout.
People I like: not a sellout

People I dont like: sell out

Btw hitler is not a sellout.

There are plenty of people who are not sell outs that I dislike. Hitler was not a sell out and I am not fond of him (that's my controversial hot take for the day). You seem like you don't believe in selling out. If Bernie Sanders were to support Donald Trump, wouldn't that be selling out his supporters? They would be furious.
There are plenty of people who are not sell outs that I dislike. Hitler was not a sell out and I am not fond of him (that's my controversial hot take for the day). You seem like you don't believe in selling out. If Bernie Sanders were to support Donald Trump, wouldn't that be selling out his supporters? They would be furious.
Nah, just politics as usual.
People I like: not a sellout

People I dont like: sell out

Btw hitler is not a sellout.

Is Britney a righteous celeb? I don't think she is a sell out. She has always done bubblegum pop. She is very consistent. Consistently hot too. Except for the shaved head incident. Poor girl. The industry is messed up.
I have a pretty deep respect for Angelina Jolie.
Is Britney a righteous celeb? I don't think she is a sell out. She has always done bubblegum pop. She is very consistent. Consistently hot too. Except for the shaved head incident. Poor girl. The industry is messed up.

Shaved head was a good way to mix it up.
I have a pretty deep respect for Angelina Jolie.

She seems like the opposite of Kim Kard. She uses her celebrity in a humanitarian way. My mother met her once and said she was both beautiful and sincere. My mother feels that Angelina's decision to undergo her surgical procedure was an unbelievable sacrifice for her children. I couldn't imagine Kim doing something like that. It is not easy cutting of your boobs as a movie star. I don't know if I could have made that decision. She does seem like a pretty good role model.
[MENTION=7838]SpecialEdition[/MENTION]: Angelina Jolie is awesome. She puts a lot of time and money toward trying to make the world better via her own foundation and others, and she has always been true to herself.
OK, some people hate her for stealing other women's men, but... well... have these people never seen a photo of Jolie?

I'd add Audrey Hepburn to the list.

J.K. Rowling.

What about Keanu Reeves? (I realize people like to pick on him, but he's a pretty interesting person.)

To me, a sell-out is someone who compromises [their] believes and values to get rich. If you happen to get rich and/or famous for doing work that comes "from your heart" you are not a sell-out. If you are willing to go against who and what you stand for to get rich and famous, you are a sell-out.
If you pretend to be something you are not to get rich or popular, you are fake.
[MENTION=7838]SpecialEdition[/MENTION]: Angelina Jolie is awesome. She puts a lot of time and money toward trying to make the world better via her own foundation and others, and she has always been true to herself.
OK, some people hate her for stealing other women's men, but... well... have these people never seen a photo of Jolie?

I'd add Audrey Hepburn to the list.

J.K. Rowling.

What about Keanu Reeves? (I realize people like to pick on him, but he's a pretty interesting person.)

To me, a sell-out is someone who compromises [their] believes and values to get rich. If you happen to get rich and/or famous for doing work that comes "from your heart" you are not a sell-out. If you are willing to go against who and what you stand for to get rich and famous, you are a sell-out.
If you pretend to be something you are not to get rich or popular, you are fake.

Exactly. Plus Keanu was Neo. He helped to open minds. You have to give him respect. Plus I love John Wick. He does pick cool roles which are subversive and entertaining.
Reeves lives a totally normal life and refuses to act like a movie star. (People see him on the subway and at coffee shops.) He gives money away to people who need it more than he does, takes pay cuts so the "little people" who work in film can be paid more, and other cool stuff.

Matrix, but also "River's Edge" - that movie rules! The king of eccentrics, Crispin Glover, is in it, too.
I admire people (whether celebs or not) who are first and foremost authentic.

Audrey Hepburn - For me, probably one of the most naturally beautiful iconic women in the world. Always liked her and even more after watching a documentary about her life. She was definitely someone who was defined by her own personal struggles and was able to bring some of those experiences into her humanitarian work.

Angelina Jolie - Agree but for me there's always something a little contrived about her. Can't help thinking she tries too hard and is meticulous about projecting the right image as opposed to just being herself.

My nomination:

Adele - has a great sense of humour and I think very authentic.


[MENTION=14664]dang[/MENTION] - Johnny Depp - He doesn't appear to be comfortable in his own skin.
[MENTION=7838]SpecialEdition[/MENTION]: Angelina Jolie is awesome. She puts a lot of time and money toward trying to make the world better via her own foundation and others, and she has always been true to herself.
OK, some people hate her for stealing other women's men, but... well... have these people never seen a photo of Jolie?

I'd add Audrey Hepburn to the list.

J.K. Rowling.

What about Keanu Reeves? (I realize people like to pick on him, but he's a pretty interesting person.)

To me, a sell-out is someone who compromises [their] believes and values to get rich. If you happen to get rich and/or famous for doing work that comes "from your heart" you are not a sell-out. If you are willing to go against who and what you stand for to get rich and famous, you are a sell-out.
If you pretend to be something you are not to get rich or popular, you are fake.

I find the argument that she steals other women's men to be really bizarre... as if she was the only person that had any power or choice in any given situation. I know a lot of women believe she deprived Jennifer Aniston of her one true love but I don't think that's true. I don't think most people leave a happy and fulfilling relationship for nothing. Who knows. It's not my judgement to make.
She seems like the opposite of Kim Kard. She uses her celebrity in a humanitarian way. My mother met her once and said she was both beautiful and sincere. My mother feels that Angelina's decision to undergo her surgical procedure was an unbelievable sacrifice for her children. I couldn't imagine Kim doing something like that. It is not easy cutting of your boobs as a movie star. I don't know if I could have made that decision. She does seem like a pretty good role model.

I don't mind the Kardashians. It's not really their fault that society eats up whatever it is that they're talking about. She may not be a humanitarian but she knows who she is and what she's about and lives her life openly and without shame. It just so happens that she tends to make money doing it. I don't necessarily think she's a stupid woman, it's just that she is very good at marketing and profiting off superficial things which a LOT of people love.

It's just a different business model I suppose. Considering she started from nothing in the sense that she worked jobs and was a personal assistant and stylist for many years and was treated like a slave. She ended up making a name for herself. Who knows. I don't really mind it. I'd rather be doing what she's doing than my office job lol.