Righteous Celebs

I don't mind the Kardashians. It's not really their fault that society eats up whatever it is that they're talking about. She may not be a humanitarian but she knows who she is and what she's about and lives her life openly and without shame. It just so happens that she tends to make money doing it. I don't necessarily think she's a stupid woman, it's just that she is very good at marketing and profiting off superficial things which a LOT of people love.

It's just a different business model I suppose. Considering she started from nothing in the sense that she worked jobs and was a personal assistant and stylist for many years and was treated like a slave. She ended up making a name for herself. Who knows. I don't really mind it. I'd rather be doing what she's doing than my office job lol.

Quit your job and start your own reality series. Keeping Up With Specialedition. I like it. Is your life filled with drama, partying, celebrities, models, and rappers? If not, make it happen. You can become a socialite party girl like Paris Hilton if you commit. But first you have to lose the glasses and go blonde. And some well placed tattoos wouldn't hurt either. I believe in you. Actually, Paris and Kim both became famous due to sex tapes. Maybe you can convince your mate to support your vision by taking that route. These days, you have to think outside the box and find your own niche/brand/lifestyle. I am obviously joking around, but exploiting your feminine charms can be a great way to get your persona/name/image out there. Milk the sexy librarian/sex advice/love advice/dating advice angle like Dan Savage. If you really want to help people you have to draw them in. I have a feeling you are one crazy idea or risk away from living your dream life. You could be the Canadian Oprah. Go for it. I know I don't know you that well, but you seem intelligent, wise, cool, honest, hard working, generous, attractive, and tough. The world is your oyster. And oysters are tasty. Good luck.
The Kardashians are the next Justin Bieber. They are cool to hate. Wanna be cool? Lets hate someone together, what a great pair of pals we will be!
The Kardashians are the next Justin Bieber. They are cool to hate. Wanna be cool? Lets hate someone together, what a great pair of pals we will be!

I've had sex with all five of the Kardashian/Jenner daughters. At the same time. Perks of living in LA.
Quit your job and start your own reality series. Keeping Up With Specialedition. I like it. Is your life filled with drama, partying, celebrities, models, and rappers? If not, make it happen. You can become a socialite party girl like Paris Hilton if you commit. But first you have to lose the glasses and go blonde. And some well placed tattoos wouldn't hurt either. I believe in you. Actually, Paris and Kim both became famous due to sex tapes. Maybe you can convince your mate to support your vision by taking that route. These days, you have to think outside the box and find your own niche/brand/lifestyle. I am obviously joking around, but exploiting your feminine charms can be a great way to get your persona/name/image out there. Milk the sexy librarian/sex advice/love advice/dating advice angle like Dan Savage. If you really want to help people you have to draw them in. I have a feeling you are one crazy idea or risk away from living your dream life. You could be the Canadian Oprah. Go for it. I know I don't know you that well, but you seem intelligent, wise, cool, honest, hard working, generous, attractive, and tough. The world is your oyster. And oysters are tasty. Good luck.

You are not the first person who has drawn a comparison between me and Oprah lol. Though the other people have said "white Oprah."

I can only sacrifice my integrity so much before wanting to kill myself. I have a feeling I'll be living a different life eventually. I am writing a book and I feel like that's going to be the thing to take off. We'll see.
I've had sex with all five of the Kardashian/Jenner daughters. At the same time. Perks of living in LA.
You had sex with a hobbit?