Ron Paul

Maybe his speceh writers are infjs then. He'll only vote for things that are explicit in the constitution, doesn't seem very intuitive to me. ESTJ.

Agreed. I personally LOVE RP and will vote for him any time he is on a ballot, but he is no INFJ, I would definitely say he is an STJ of some type. Sound, practical, rational.
Have you actually listened to Ron Paul, or is this a simple case of projecting your lack of agreement with him being a Republican?

The man has bucked the system for 30 years by telling people that their interpretation of the Constitution is wrong. How is that inside the box?

lol that doesn't even make sense... he is bucking a system that is out of whack from what it was designed to be, if thats not an ST railing against the changes of the present in favor for his love of the traditional constitutional style he loves I dont know what is.
How can you take something literal and be thinking outside the box. By definition, he thinks inside the box. Not only that, he implies he doesn't even want to see what's outside the box.

The man's been in politics for 30 years tying to do the least he can for the people, not very Fe. Not to mention, you can't have feelings if you're in politics for that long.

I'm interested in [MENTION=708]VH[/MENTION] 's rebuttal to the thread so far.
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