Courage doesn't always roar.
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- 4w5
Spoken like a typical 20 year old that's been fed and brainwashed all the BS they've heard in college and other adults who have lead a fairly privileged life. A typical family with actual bills to pay and people to support needs to spend over $1100 a month for the bare necessities in miserable living conditions. A minimum wage employee earns $1160 a month for full-time work. You can either visit one of the "Projects" in New York or a trailer park in Florida to see what conditions are really like for these people.
In short, you have no clue how these people are trying to live and what they've living like. The ONLY reason their poverty levels aren't down to the third world standards you mention are because we DO have these safety nets.
The problem with Capitalism is that you'll always get what you pay for. You ever been to a free clinic? Ever eaten government-issued food? You know how much a Welfare check is? Know how much a retirement home costs? Without those things or support for those things, anyone making less than $XX.00 an hour will just simply die. Makes it hard to get reelected when all the gullible fools that voted a Libertarian into office are buied in pauper's graves around the country after losing their jobs.
For a 20 year old, @bickelz seems less brainwashed by the education system than many his age. He clearly is breaking ranks and thinking for himself.
I sit back and see a trend were younger people are embracing Socialism as some kind of Godsend that will fix all the injustices. It's really quite troubling that they are willing to give up so much of their power and decision making to the State.
Ok, onto the safety net.
Allow me to bore you with the details of my experience with the so called safety net from a 50 year old that needed some help once when I was in my 20's.
In 1986, both myself and my Wife at the time found ourselves out of work due to no fault of our own.
We needed a way to pay for the rent on our 1 bedroom apartment located in a not so nice neighborhood of South Mpls. Along with food assistance. We didn't want to approach our parents for money.
Ok, let's go get rental assistance for a month or two, because this is only a temporary set back.
We spend an entire day down at the crowded Social Security office filling out forms and waiting in lines.
Once we finally got to sit down with someone, they looked at us with a suspicious eye because we didn't have kids. We also each owned a car. Beaters, not new cars. Those are assets no matter how rusty they are and count against you.
I tried to explain that we just want assistance for a month or two while we search for jobs. That's what it's here for right?
Sorry, you have to get an eviction notice from your landlord first in order to qualify for rental assistance.
Are you fucking kidding me? An eviction notice? By then it's too late!
Walked out of there thoroughly pissed off and drove back to the apartment. All the while passing professional Welfare Queens sitting on the porches of their section 8 houses, with their 8 kids from 8 Fathers, who probably also had a drug dealing boyfriend living with them and leeching off the system second hand. All the while driving the Cadillac parked out front. Having no intention of ever becoming self supporting, and fully planning to milk the system for the rest of their lives. Have another baby and get a raise.
Meanwhile we can't get a lick of help. Some safety net. We ended up borrowing money from our folks in the end, and just as planned we each were gainfully employed again inside of 6 weeks.
Look, we will never change each others minds on the subject of Capitalism and Socialism. Where is common ground on the subject?
Good night all.