- IxTP
- Enneagram
- human
38% Extraversion, 88% Intuition, 50% Thinking and 63% Judging!

**test paused for editing
Last edited:
38% Extraversion, 88% Intuition, 50% Thinking and 63% Judging!
FAILi need to fix things... ugh
**test paused for editing
INFP 0% Extraversion, 100% Intuition, 44% Thinking and 0% Judging!
Looks like it works pretty well, I usually test INFx
A few slight grammatical errors:
#25: should be "with yourself", the "to" doesn't fit with the structure of the question.
#26: The perspective changed from "you" to "I". Could be changed to "you are seen as more..." to match the rest of the test. Numbers 34 and 36 have the same thing.
Your result for MBTI type test [BETA] ...
0% Extraversion, 89% Intuition, 44% Thinking and 78% Judging!
Click here to edit your new question. Ok?
Answer 1 - click to change
Answer 2 - click to change
Your result for MBTI type test [BETA] ...
11% Extraversion, 100% Intuition, 89% Thinking and 33% Judging!
Based off your responses, you appear to be an ESTJ! You can find descriptions of this personality here:
I'm not sure ow to respond to this first question:
Your result for MBTI type test [BETA] ...
11% Extraversion, 100% Intuition, 89% Thinking and 33% Judging
I tend to think it would be more useful if there was a test that primarily set each function against its opposite attitude, so there is more distinguishing between Ti and Te rather than simply an I/E, N/S, T/F, and P/J scale.