Sad Melancholy Thread

When we plunge to new depths, it might feel like we're in darkness, deep under the earth and the light, but what we're actually doing is digging. Digging our wells deeper. Just remember that once you get through this, you'll have that depth forever, and you'll be able to draw upon it at any time and in any place. Nothing is wasted; everything is useful.

Stay strong, brother.
Hello everyone!

From what I've noticed and observed, introverted types (some at least) have a deep attraction towards things that are quite hauntingly sad, nostalgic, bittersweet, and dark---especially myself who I find darkness beautiful and calming, similarly to a moth to a flame.

I've noticed a pattern within myself on this forum that I have the tendency on posting some songs that are either sad or nostalgic---or pictures that are rainy, dark, and quite somber---especially autumn-like scenery. It's not that I am a sad person, quite the opposite really; it is just that I find the whole concept of darkness extremely calming and therapeutic; which sounds really odd, but it's true! I don't know how to really explain or conceptualize it.

There is something about sadness that has that enriching sense of "realness" that is incredibly intriguing and very human. Is it because us introverted types are so familiar with being alone and isolated that the feeling of melancholy and sadness is our familiar companion?

Or is it because INFJs like the connections of the unknown and unseen?

Do also share your perspectives if you'd like! I am very curious to what all of you think regarding this topic. :relaxed:

Anyways, this thread is for us folks that love anything dark, haunting, nostalgic, and sad. May it be songs, art, pictures, poetry, movie scenes, etc! Anything! :)

I will go first.


I love this thread! Such a hidden gem. I think the reason we tend to love the sad melancholy stuff is because we can relate well. We care so much, we empathize so much, and we love so much, that a person's sadness makes us feel closer to them. I think it is because it is an indication of or a deeper look into what kind of person the individual is maybe? And as far as the whole darkness thing, I think we are drawn to it because we want to help, and to understand it fully. To tell someone, "hey, it's okay." and really mean it. To love someone even through these moods. We have been there, and we know the sadness, and we want to comfort. I don't think that this is the only explanation though. Because even when this mood/feeling isn't attached to a person, I am still drawn to it. Like music and art, as many have pointed out here. I can't explain that either, that pull. It is indeed comforting, and very helpful to those with anxiety.

FYI... I play heavy rain sounds nearly all the time. The ten hour videos on YouTube! It really helps with my anxiety. The actual sound of the rain drowns out little sudden noises that kids make. Someone walks down the hall, and if my rain is not on, I get anxiety at their footprints. Because what if they are coming to say something to me? What if I did something to make them upset, or maybe they are upset that I was yelling at the kids for something... lol. Its what comes from living with people I guess. But yeah the rain helps so much.

Anyway, thank you, for this thread. I have said it before, and I will say it again, there is beauty in sadness. Love you JenJen!
I think it is inherent in the soul to seek sadness at times. To escape the never ending search for joy and gladness, and to recognize that there is the opposite emotion that we live in. Our culture tries to dilute sadness as though it is to be avoided at all costs. But it is a fact if life and it is better to embrace it and see it's beauty for it surrounds us.